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KSI May/Spirit Week 2018 Town Hall Q&A Thread

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Good morning!

This is the thread for questions, ideas, suggestions, etc. for our May KSI Spirit Week Town Hall!

All questions, ideas, suggestions, etc. should focus on either KSI Spirit Week (or other KSI events) or the Divisional Cup that launched at Spring Break.

The Show will be on Friday, May 25th at 8 pm EST on KSILive!

Have fun posting questions, and please use he following template.





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KSI Blood 7

Demonic Mayhem

KSI has been doing spring break, turkey bowl, spirit week for awhile now. Why is it we seperate the 7 staff from playing in matches with there fellow people from there respected Divs? Why do we have 7 specific games? Why are we seperating our leadership with members in our Divs? Can we change this? I believe lead by example is huge in KSI, as well as be the change you wanna see. Maybe its time for change.

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KSI Kratos18

Cruelty DM


I am also questioning why the separation of 7 staff and squads during events like spring break, spirit week, etc.. I feel like it promotes a segregation of the members within the community because 7 staff or not we are all equal members as well as a family. I believe it is time for a change that way there is equality for all members of KSI to be able to have a team of whoever they please versus what it is now.

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Gamertag: KSI PHIL0S0PHY7

Division: DW

Comment: Who was the initial person who thought of spirit week? When did spirit week start? 

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KSI BooyahMonk 

Explosive Outlaws 

When it comes down to figuring out what games to bring to spirit Week and the splitting of the 7s from the rest of the members, why is that and why not just do larger game modes that allows the 7s to play with their members during these great events? 

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How come there's no SMITE or R6 Siege events in Spirit Week despite obvious and outspoken desire to play them?

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KSI True 77


Compared to how KSI was last year at this time, KSI has not visibly grown, members wise. Although this may be the case, KSI has grown in other ways. Which way do you feel we have had the most substantial growth? Department Operations, general knowledge, activity, outstanding leadership, or something else?

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Have you seen any major benefits of starting the Divisional Cup?

So far, do you consider the Divisional Cup successful?

If you do consider it successful, and it remains successful, are there any more ideas that you want to implement?

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Gamertag: KSI Havoc 7

Division: DW

Comment: Was there any particular spirit week member from previous years that sticks out to you? what is it?

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Gamertag: KSI Cherry 7

Division: WD 

Question: What is the history of spirit week? Why was it founded and how do you decide how spirit week is going to be run to meet the new audience of members each year? 

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The forums are a great tool but they seem to be backwards. When you post something you have to scroll though many to see the last one to read the newest stuff.  Is there a way to get the newest post on top ?

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