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KSI Ruby Member Assistance

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Name:KSI Ruby

Link to Forums Account: @KSI_Ruby
Award-/-Achievement: Member Assistance
Reason-/-Evidence: Ruby in her KSI Career has gone through quite a few trial and tribulations through out any trail and tribulation one gains knowledge and experience Ruby has done that and more as the supporting pillar her squad as many of her squad mates look up to her the seek her out with any issues questions or concerns they may have always going above and beyond for her squad.  

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Dropping my vote to witness, 


I have personally witness this person do workshops discussing forums and general areas on that as well as answering the duties of SSGT and LT to prospective sgt looking to move up. 

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She’s is a wonderful captain! She has taught me well in the ways of KSI. I learned a lot and hope to keep watching ruby grow! I had asked how The rankings worked. She explained in depth what each position did. She was very insightful in the aspects of KSI. Present my vote to witness !

Edited by KSI BeijingBear
Forgot witness thing
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KSI Ruby has done nothing but help out this divison and her squad I may not be able to witness first hand for what she has done in her squad as I am not in her squad but have seen the knowledge she has brought there but first hand in my first week in EO ruby opened up her arms and knowledge to me, Ruby was willing to go out of her way and teach me the little things in the divison that were different from what I was previously taught from another divison. ex: Recruiting, what we put in our EO section.

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