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KSI RiiOT 7/KSI Luci Lux 7 Division Creator


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Name: KSI RiiOT 7/KSI Luci Lux 7
Link to Forums Account: @KSI RiiOT 7 @go away
Award-/-Achievement: Division Creator 
Reason-/-Evidence: Luci and myself created LB (which is now WD)

LB was founded on 23rd Jan 2012 - with 5 members (Page 1 lists the members at the time of founding)

 On the 5th Month of LB we sat at 264 - We have a link to the div meeting where it has us listed as have 264 members as of June 27th 2012 - Can provide a screenshot if needed the topic has since been archived.

The award states that the div starting from a split (200-300) members needs to hit 450 members, so a growth of 150-250 members and we started at 5 so we achieved that growth.

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I can vouch for this, Luci and Riot ran the insane asylum quite efficiently. LB nor its leaders got the credit they deserved for not only running a "re-education" division but also simply running a very successful division overall, i dont know the specific numbers but if there is pic proof, then rock on. i know they grew rather large from humble beginnings 

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i can provide the links to various meeting notes from the leaders notes section in the open door area.

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