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EO Resurrection Nomination


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Name:  KSI Ronin 77
Link to Forums Account: @Mr. Conversation Era @KSI GrimShot 77 @KSI ECKO 77 @KSIxPapi77 @That Guyy You Hate @KSI Skarzx 77
Award-/-Achievement: Resurrection
Reason-/-Evidence: A month and a half before Spirit Week EO was in the conversation of closing at around 117 members. During Spirit Week we had 215 and over the course of the following months we had grown to over 300 during October. 

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I can attest to the statements above as factual, i was the Director over EO after spirit week and saw first hand the growth of the division from the smallest in KSI, to one of the largest.

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Just for clarification, because this came up, Leadership defined in the description of the award means 7's staff; but (and I may have misinterpreted it) is it anyone who was a 7's staff member during the 6 months? Was the intention that only 7's staff members that were in the ranks when the award becomes applicable qualify? 

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The award is for 7s staff that contributed significantly to the achievement (within 5 months). Typically the easy way of telling is to look at who was part of the staff when the requirements were fulfilled.  With that being said,  we won't turn down nominees that were active 7s for most of this period either.  

Really, we just need a witness verification not only that the members and time is correct, but also that nominees are eligible through rank at the time of achievement.  :)

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They were all senior members od the division with in the time frames, and EO did go from the smallest (number wise not heart :)) To one of the biggest and most active divisions within the time. 

As their previous division leader (current director) stated and their former director did as well

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