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KSI Spring Break/Div Cup Town Hall


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What are you guys looking forward to most in the divisional cup?

future can sometimes be dark and mysterious, how do the leaders of KSI plan to make it bright and wonderful?

Question:When was the first Spring Break held and who thought of the idea?

What are you guys looking forward to most in the divisional cup?

How do you decide the schedules for major events like Spring Break or Spirit Week?

other than game nights work shops and the occasional hanging and tournies what else can I expect from KSI

Why is there so much CoD this year? 

there any plans to add more major events to the yearly schedule? If so, what kind of events can we expect to see in the future?

Will there be more events that bring people together like the Valentines and Christmas one or the July 4th event?

many divisions and squads do we have in total?

chance in the future you would let members vote on what games could be played in the spring break tournament

Can you tell us Why you've stayed within this after so many hardships?

When did KSI meaning change to Knowledge Strength Integrity?

there was one thing you can bring back to KSI that was here back in the day, what would it be?

Since we have a spring break tournament, is a fall break tournament coming in the future for KSI?

Can any of you fine people give an example of when your KSI leadership skills came into action in real life ??

what keeps you guys driven and dedicated to bringing these type of events year after year and how do you avoid it get stale?

What are some of the deciding factors in wins the the divisional cup?

Will Riita ever man up amd 1v1 me in Yugioh?

where do you see KSI being in 5 years time

When you guys first joined KSI did you ever think you would come as far as you did?

ever there Be a return of 7s v viewers and why did it stop in the first place

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