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Cleaned up Rules

I am FuzzyMeep™

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First of all you need to know what the awards are, and where to find them. Please see below link for this;
This lists all the awards that have ever existed and what is required to be eligible for them

Next you need to post your nomination,
So go to the AAP Section of the forums and create a thread. You will then use this format (If you do not use this format the nomination will be closed) to submit a nomination;

(Please Refrain from posting more than 3 award nominations at once.)

Link to Forums Account: 

Fill the above template in and now you wait.

An AAP staff member will come in and ask for evidence, and thats when your evidence bearers come in!
They will come and witness that the nominated party has fufilled the award requirement, but then will aslo give factual evidence on how they have done this.
Please note: For some awards Divisional leadership / Senior Leadership may be required to witness. 
They will come and witness that the nominated party has fufilled the award requirement, but then will aslo give factual evidence on how they have done this.
Please note: For some awards Divisional leadership / Senior Leadership may be required to witness. 

Congrats! One of your buddies, squad mates, or Division member has been nominated for an Outstanding Service LVL 1 award! You dash off to the AAP and put in your testimony. You franticly type:
"KSI John Doe is an amazing leader. He always takes time to play with his squad and is very helpful. He is very knowledgeable about KSI and is always willing to help others. I cant think of anyone that deserves this award. "
You press "post" and scamper off feeling accomplished.
NOW....I want you to take a critically thinking point of view of this testimony from an AAP Staff perspective. Lets break down your witness testimony.

Witness Statement                                                                                            AAP Perspective 

KSI John Doe is an amazing leader.                                                                < Witness Opinion
He always takes time to play with his squad                                          < This is expected of Leaders
and is very helpful                                                                                < Again, expected of all Leaders
He is very knowledgeable about KSI                                            < Leaders are expected to be knowledgeable
always willing to help others                                                 < Leaders must be dedicated to helping their members
I cant think of anyone that deserves this award.                                             < Witness Opinion

Now, imagine the same member, but instead of your original testimony, put this instead....
"KSI John Doe is an outstanding example of what a leader in KSI should be. He is constantly setting up extra game nights to keep his members active and having fun. This member has not only helped recruit members into KSI, but has facilitated a squad split within a couple of months from the conception of the squad, and has singlehandedly trained the entire officer staff for the squad''.

The difference between these two post is facts. Legitimate, measurable, facts.
When you are witnessing for a nomination, you need to think of the AAP staff as recluses, that live in a dark, damp basement, and the only thing we do is sit at a computer screen looking at your nominations and witness statements. We don't know ANYTHING about this member that you are witnessing for, and it is YOUR job to provide us insight as to why they deserve whatever award that they are being nominated for.

I think they deserve this award
They are an amazing leader
They are very Dedicated to KSI

Statements such as these do not tell the AAP staff anything about who the member is or what the member has done to deserve this award.

As the witness YOU have all of the power when it comes to a member receiving an award or not. YOU are the ones that see them in action every day. And as such YOU are the ones with the responsibility to provide an accurate and DESCRIPTIVEtestimony to the AAP so that we can get members the awards that they truly deserve.

Thank you for your time


Rules of the AAP - Written by KSI Luci Lux 7

Do Not argue with members of the AAP or in peoples Nominations.
Rank does not play a factor in if you get the award, the evidence and witness statements do. *(unless its of the month awards)
No Self Nominations for Specific awards *see editation below*
The vote of the AAP is final unless the Head and-/-or Co-head of the AAP feels the decision should be changed or New Evidence that was not presented before the denial of an award.
Awards will be given out at the Discretion of the co head and Head in a timely manner Based on the Information Presented to the staff of the AAP (unless complications arise that prevent such action.)
Any and All blacklisted or banned members will have all awards removed Subject to a Vote from the AAP.
AAP does not answer to your clan Ops Rank-/-Board rank unless hereby listed as the Primary Board member over the project.** (-Laymens terms, throw your rank around here to Force a result and it gets you nothing, Evidence and Testimonial statements Alone justifies if you get your award-)
If a nomination is stagnant for 7 days or more, meaning that there are no viable witnesses posting on the topic, then the nomination will be subject to closing within a 24 - 48 hour period at the discretion of the AAP Department Head/Co-Head.
*Reactivated No Self nomination rules: 15th October 2012

Self nomination the following Awards is no longer tolerated, Any and all self nomimations on these awards will be closed and denied everytime.
- Of the Month awards (all)
- Outstanding Service
- Outstanding Service Silver
- Outstanding Service Gold
- Most Outstanding
- Member Assistance
- Trainer
- KSI Mentor
- Education 101
- Education 201
- Mad Max
- Die Hard
- Drama Queen
- Master Recruiter
- Anything prior to 15th October 2012 that is a self nomination for these awards will be left open and evaluated, and either awarded or denied based on evidence.

- Anything made after the 15th October 2012 that is a Self nomination for any of these awards will result in it being closed and denied.

When utilizing the AAP, make sure that your profile privacy settings let me view your profile if you are not my friend on the website. If I can't get to your profile, YOU WILL NOT RECEIVE YOUR AWARD. 



In addition to the recent post directly before this one there is another Public mandate from the aap

AAP is a optional program in KSI.
No rank in KSI is Required by their rank to actualy take part in AAP (meaning it is not a requirment held by ANY rank in KSI)
No Division or Squad can punish members for not taking part in Nominations or OTY or OTM. *punishments can be given when individual people cause issues in the department on the forums and their conduct dictates it.
Attention all members of KSI: Regretfully there seems to be some misunderstanding in and around KSI on how the AAP and awards actually function for the "Of The Months" "Of The Years"

We in the AAP have been trying for quite sometime to make the process's of the AAP understandable and have stated on numerous occasions what we look for in nominations for awards. Yet despite these efforts there still seems to be some confusion on what it means to nominate somebody for awards and what exactly we are looking for.

We have multiple topics up explaining the selection process of winners of awards in the AAP forums section with the hopes that these topics will teach people how to nominate to the best of their capacity. 

Also rather more regretfully the AAP staff are constantly hearing complaints about Favoritism and Popularity vote wins in everything to do with awards.

This is a issue that seems to be magnifying as of late because somewhere along the line people have gotten into the mind set that AAP awards should be given for "Quantity of nominations" rather than "Quality of nominations" being the deciding factor in a win which is wrong.

So with the Hopes of settling this theory of "Quantity" over "Quality" we will be doing a public split of the winning members, one based on nomination testimony and evidence and the other based purely on how many times somebody was nominated to highlight the major misconception that has led to this.

Remember, the AAP picks its award winners based on the statements and testimonies and evidence the MEMBERS of KSI provide.


How to claim old .com awards;
This pertains to old members who have awards tied up on the .com site.
The process for this is as follows;

1. Take a screenshot of your awards.
2. PM Them to the current Dept Head of AAP.
3. If any of these are service related you must recount exactly what you did to earn these awards.
4. All awards reissued are at the discretion of the Current AAP Head.










obviously formatting is low, but this is a clear list from the guidelines, i removed the double and triple posts in the section, this is the most updated version of what was written, i would like to use this topic as suggestions to change what we have here as needed. 



first suggestions 

Remove Nominator not being able to witness (not for self noms obviously unless fact driven like gamerscore Poop) Double verification is understandable for some items if rank or experience cant validate 

*this rule is not actually posted in the rules of AAP, but unwritten still needs to change IMO


Applying Quality over quantity in OS1/2/3 and Most outstanding noms, allowing emotion based noms....if only factual based noms are allowed only one nomination would really need to be posted with objective evidence


Replying to people who incorrectly post witness statements, tagging said member and not leaving them in the dark

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