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Halo 5 Machinima Movie

Deez Killz

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Alright so I've had this idea to do a Halo machinima movie or series since Halo 5 came out roughly 2 years ago. It doesnt have to be just halo 5 it could also be on Halo Master Chief Collection. My idea is that a group of people are trying to regain control of a city that has fallen into enemy hands. Kind of like Iraq trying to take back control of a city captured by ISIS. and the only way to do it is by sending in a squad of spartans or spec ops into the city to regain control, but it takes a quick turn for the worse. and thats what i have so far. i will have a story soon. 

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This sounds good and has alot of potential !! I'm sure there would be a few people who would like to help out! If we get some interest we can get the ball rolling!!!

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awesome, if we get the ball rolling could we post a topic in the productions forum about acting?

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