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Official Spirit Week Divisional Tally 2017

I am FuzzyMeep™

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This will be updated Nightly, Day 0 represents Minecraft Build off: *1 Point for Participation, 1 Additional Point if Division creates a short video (5 minutes or less) And posts it prior to Spirit Week end date

Day 0-Minecraft  Day 1-Poker/Forums Challenge Day 2-Destiny/Halo Reach 
Day 3-Karaoke/Rocket League Day 4-Blops 2/Blops 2/Halo 5 Day 5-Social Media/Montage 

Last Strike  Day 0-2 Point Day 1-6 Point Day 2-5 Points Day 3-5 Points Day 4-6 Points Day 5-5 Points Total- 29 Points

Demonic Mayhem Day 0-2 Point Day 1-4 Points Day 2-4 Points Day 3-2 Points Day 4-3 Points Day 5-1 Points Total- 16 Points

Dark Legions  Day 0-1 Point Day 1-5 Points Day 2-3 Points Day 3-2 Points Day 4-3 Points Day 5-1 Point Total- 15 Points

Divine Reign  Day 0- Day 1-2 Point Day 2-4 Points Day 3-4 Points Day 4-8 Points Day 5-1 Point Total- 19 Point

Wicked Destruction  Day 0-1 Point Day 1-2 Point Day 2-5 Points Day 3-3 Points Day 4-4 Points Day 5-3 Points Total- 18 Points

Forced Induction  Day 0-2 Point Day 1-6 Points Day 2-3 Points Day 3-3 Points Day 4-6 Points Day 5-3 Points Total- 23 Points

Explosive Outlaws  Day 0-2 Point Day 1-4 Point Day 2-2 Points Day 3-5 Points Day 4-5 Points Day 5-3 Points Total- 21 Points

Eternal Souls  Day 0-1 Point Day 1-2 Point Day 2-2 Points Day 3-2 Points Day 4-3 Points Day 5-1 Point Total- 11 Points

Legendary Warriors  Day 0-2 Point Day 1-2 Point Day 2-2 Points Day 3-4 Points Day 4-7 Points Day 5-2 Points Total- 19 Points

Board of Directors/ Webops Day 0- Day 1-1 Point Day 2-2 Points Day 3-2 Points Day 4-1 Point Day 5-1 Point Total- 7 Point


Day 0-
Minecraft Participation LS, DL, DM, LW, ES, EO, WD, FI

Day 1-
Poker WInner DL, 2nd DM, 3rd FI, Participation LS, DR, EO, WD, ES, LW, FI, DM, DL, BoD
Forums Challenge Winner LS, 2nd FI 3rd EO Participation LS, DR, EO, ES, WD, LW, DL, DM, FI

Day 2-
Destiny WInner LS 2nd DR, 3rd FI Participation LS, DR, EO, ES, WD, LW, DL, DM, FI, BoD
Halo Reach WInner WD, 2nd DM, 3rd DL, Participation LS, DR, EO, ES, WD, LW, DL, DM, FI, BoD

Day 3-
Karaoke Winner EO (Ronin), 2nd LW (Salamander9
, 3rd FI(Dragonball/xBabyGirl)  , Participation LS, ES, DR, EO, WD, LW, DL, DM, FI, BOD
Rocket League Winner LS, 2nd DR, 3rd WD, Participation LS, ES, DR, EO, WD, LW, DL, DM, FI, BOD

Day 4-2
Blops 2 WInner DR, 2nd LW, 3rd WD, Participation ES, LS, DR, EO, WD, LW, DL, DM, FI,
Blops 2 7's WInner FI, 2nd LW, 3rd EO, Participation ES, LS, DR, EO, WD, LW, DL, DM, FI, BoD
Halo 5 WInner LS, 2nd DR, 3rd EO, Participation ES, LS, DR, EO, WD, LW, DL, DM, FI,

Day 5-
Social Media Winner LS, 2nd WD, 3rd FI Participation ES, LS, DR, EO, WD, LS, DL, DM,  FI, BoD 
Montague Competition Winner EO, Participation LS, FI, LW
Directors Cup Champion KSI Bearded 7 (EO, LS Totaling 50 Points)
Hall of Fame Induction's KSI Illusions 7, KSI Paratroop 7
King KSI Garyetta 7
Queen KSI HHooters 7

1st place Division Last Strike
2nd place Division Forced Induction
3rd place Division Explosive Outlaws

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Points, How they work

Forums Challenge
All Participating Divisions will Receive 1 point
1st place: 5 points in total
2nd place: 4 points in total
3rd place: 3 points in total 

Halo 5, Destiny, Cod Blops 2 (TDM), Karaoke, Halo Reach, Rocket League 
All participating Divisions will Receive 1 Point
1st place: 3 Additional points
2nd place: 2 Additional points
3rd place: 1 Additional Point

7's Poker Game/Cod Blops 2 7's party Game
All Participating Divisions will receive 1 point *Blops 2 Party Game will require all leaders eliminated to Sing 30 seconds of a song to earn participation point
1st place: 3 Additional Points
2nd place: 2 Additional Points
3rd place: 1 Additional Point

Social Media 
All Participating Divisions will receive 1 point for social media interaction
1 Place 3 Additional Points
2nd place: 2 Additional Points
3rd place: 1 Additional Point

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Current Standings 


Day 2


First Place  LS with 12 points

Second Place FI with 10 ponts 

Thrid Place DL/DM with 9 points

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Day 3


First Place  LS with 17 points

Second Place FI with 13 ponts 

Thrid Place EO with 12 points

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Day 4


First Place  LS with 23 points

Second Place FI with 19 points 

Thrid Place EO and DR with 17 points

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