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KSIxShadowNinja- Mentor award

Loyalty Paradox

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KSIxShadowNinja has been a mentor to me throughout my entire time here within KSI he was the one who recuited me and helped me rise up through the ranks and learn what KSI truly is and what it means to be a member of it. If it weren't for him I would not be at the captain rank I am today within impulse and I feel he is more than deserving to receive the mentor award

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Gamertag: KSIxShadowNinja


I claim KSIxShadowNinja as my mentor.  He is a great leader and mentor.  He continually leads by example and emulates the best in KSI standards.  Without KSIxShadowNinja's mentoring I would not be where I am now.

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KSIxShadowNinja. while I was a young 4lt in a different squad I was admired by KSIxShadowNinja he has help me out to deal with the problems that I couldn't handle even when he wasn't part of my squad he was a great advisor as well as a great leader within KSI. He shows dedication, motivation and ambition even when he has alot goin on in his life therefore I still consider this general (KSIxShadowNinja)  of my mentors of mine and other memebers in this community 

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I Claim KSIxShadowNinja is my Mentor he has recruited me showed me KSI as great gaming community. He has taught me rules and regulations all things KSI related. From recruit to my now 2lt position I was mentored by him.  KSIxShadowNinja deserves this Award by the work he has done in Mentoring me and to our Squad. 

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I claim KSIxShadowNinja as my mentor because ever since I've joined impulse back in early December he's taught me everything I know just about when it comes to KSI and he's been a great gen overall. I am currently 3rd Cpt and i am confident when the day comes I'll be a gen I'll do great because of his guidance. He always makes sure our squad is good and everyone is happy with how things are. 

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I claim KSIxShadowNinja as my mentor. Shadow has taught me everything from the recruiting and training processes, to the duties of each officer and of every rank. He's supported me with my decisions and corrected me when I was wrong. During those moments when he was correcting me, he didn't just tell me the right way to go about things. He explained the solution possibilities in detail and asked questions about if I understood the possibilities. Shadow understands that there are multiple solutions to any issue and he understands the responsibilities of each rank of an officer. All of his knowledge is being taught to not only me, but other officers as well. He's my mentor because he knows what it takes to advance and to communicate with other members. He's my mentor because he explains situations and duties that need to be carried out. He's my mentor because the moment I joined KSI, he has been there to help me through every rough patch, he has guided me and taught me each step to take and the meaning of each rank to get to where I am now, and he will continue to be one of my mentors throughout my experience in KSI. 

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