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KSI Apblis Mentor Award

KSI Iron Lord Meta 7

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Name- KSI Apblis19

Link- http://www.ksiforums.org/profile/35643-ksi-apblis19/

Award- mentor 

Reason- Apblis,  her members call her mom they see her as a mentor so much she has maybe her whole squad and perhaps  even other squads in the division of  LS  that looks up to her as a mentor, every time I join a party with her or a game lobby it's always  full she has so many followers :)

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I have only known @KSI ApBlis19 for a short time but in the time I have known her she has been EXTREMELY polite and always honest, she works very hard for her squad and does everything she possibly can to make sure everything is running smooth and doing well. She also always makes sure that each and everyone of the members of Paragon are happy and doing well. Many of us members of Paragon as well as others even call her ( Mom ) because she is so polite and enthusiastic about everyone being happy and having fun she goes above and beyond her expectations in any way she can. She is also very active among Paragon and many other squads no matter what she has going on away from xbox. I personally look up to her as a mentor and many others do as well she has helped me more than i could ever imagine so I believe she is the perfect candidate for this award. 

Edited by KSI mostdeadly
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I've known KSI ApBlis19 since I first joined, before the TROCITY split to PARAGON. She was always fun to be around and would pick me up when I felt down. She was one of the officers and the one who took me under her wing. I would cuss sometimes and she'd yell, "Language" and I decided to say, "Okay, Mom" and the Mom thing stuck, all the way until now. She has been my motivation to reach First Lieutenant, she's shown me what officers can do and I want to push to be as great and amazing as she is. She is a great Gen, and she makes sure no one is alone (Unless they want to be).I believe she deserves this reward because she has pushed and motivated me, and I've seen her push and motivate others and teach them what they need to know.

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ApBlis recruited me to KSI in July, and with her guidance and advice I quickly reached the rank of LT as well as joined News and Marketing departments. She has helped push me to be the best I can be, and still does. It is no surprise to me that she has been nominated for this award, and I will gladly vouch that she has been behind so many great members of KSI as a mentor and a friend. She and I are really close and I consider her like a sister to me for all that she has done for me, both KSI related and not. Our squad calls her mom, and it fits. She is so supportive and makes sure everyone has a great time and reaches their full potential. So I hope she get's this award, because she sure as hell deserves it! She is definitely my mentor!

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