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KSI MFLSwagg 7 - Outstanding Service Lvl 1

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KSI MFLSwagg 7


Award: Outstanding service level 1

Reasoning/evidence: This member has been here fi for three years and in that time I've known him he has been one of the strongest leaders always  putting time in when his job in the army is stressful and has weird hours but no he never stops finding ways to give his all. Also this member solved more issues than can count when fi needs him he goes out of his way to help.he also is just so motivated when members are feeling down he goes in there parties to cheer them up ,it truly feels like a family and thats after he does his daily motivational messages on Xbox. I can keep going on and on about this member he truly represents what we look for in ksi and I couldn't be more happy he's our div leader. Swagg my friend you have earned this award and I hope you get it.

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  • Lafayette 7 changed the title to KSI MFLSwagg 7 - Outstanding Service Lvl 1

-Dropping my vote-

KSI MFLSwagg 7 has done so much for FI and for KSI it's going to be hard to fit it all here. My first reason for swagg deserving this award is his constant dedication to his members. He sends out motivational messages that have made people's days and even weeks. He never lets a failure or mess up get him down, even when the odds seem stacked against him. He always finds the time out of his busy schedule to personally help myself, Firebird and my members, like he does with every squad he's over. He manages to do all of these things while also being in the United States Army and protecting our country. He always seems to find a solution to any problem and always keeps a calm head when under pressure. He is an inspiration to myself and my peers, and we all strive to help him in any way we can.

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Swagg deserves this award because of his dedication to ksi and fi in general, he has split 2 squads during his tenure and one of those squads also split after that, he was my right hand man when i was div leader of fi and if things needed done he helped make sure they were achieved, he was with me weathering the storms that showed up in our division, he hit the ground running when he became a 7 he would spend as much time that was needed to address an issue. Seag is a fine leader who cares about his members.

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Swagg has been working his butt off to make sure everyone knows their role and he's always here for us when we need him! He's been working so hard at getting Firebird's to happen and it's finally happening. He's always making sure everyone is happy and having fun.

he has personally helped spider and I and vortex with our leadership responsibilities and I feel be greatly deserves this award.

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Alright ladies and Gentlemen, This is a nomination for KSI MFLSwagg 7. I want to Hear what this division leader has done in his time to be outstanding! Give me some fact, give me some examples! Lets go!

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Swagg deserves this award because he is always giving it his all in FI and is always there for everyone in this division. He is a busy guy but always makes time for us and he is just an amazing person. If he is falling asleep and you have a problem and you kinda jump in his party or invite him he will be there for you and won't just tell us to go away.

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I've known swag since I first joined back in 2013 when he was just a 4LT. And even at a pretty low rank he was always active and always doing things for his squad and making sure his members were happy and knew their stuff. He was always hosting gamenights and chilling in parties with people from his squad and other squads. He eventually became 1CPT in the squad split his squad had (which he helped tremendously with). He had to take an loa due to him being in the military and the division wasn't as fun and popping when he was gone. Once he came back he was placed in ignite (a dying squad with lots of fluff) and he worked his butt off to get that squad to not one. Not two. But three squad splits! I've never seen a general work so hard for his squad in my life. He made the general position feel like more than just a rank. Everyone wanted to be like swag. I remember when things were low and gloomy he always lifted our spirits with motivational speeches and messages. And if that didn't work he'd always crack a joke and make everyone laugh and everyone would know how good of a guy swag is. Now he's division leader of his division and it's a position which he takes upmost pride in. Always improving. Always giving advice. Always checking on you and making sure your KSI experience is the best. This dude is not only a div leader. And not only a 7. But he's a brother to us all. We're all proud to call swag our division leader and we'd follow him into battle any day of the week. if there was such a thing as a KSI draft. Rest assured swag would be my #1 draft pick. That's ones for you swag. You big basketball nut ;) 

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Swagg has always tried his best to make sure that FI is in good standing when he is and isn't around and always expresses the concern to get and stay involved in KSI. Tough swagg is in the military and has a lot on his plate, he still welcomes new members, comes to game nights, hosts a few game nights, hosts the gens meeting when he can, and always keeps every one motivated by his motivation messages that he sends out over XBL. Swagg deserves this award because he never hesitates to help whoever he can when ever he can. 


He stays true to KSI and has shown an outstanding service while doing so.

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Agreed. Mention this at meetings and message one of us to be a guest to help explain how to be descriptive so these outstanding members can get the recognition they deserve. Be sure to give advanced notice. 

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