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KSI Warrior Ace - Multiple Nominations

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Name: KSI Warrior Ace
Link to Forums: http://www.ksiforums.org/profile/32596-ksi-warrior-ace/
Award-/-Achievement: Helping Hand, Member Assistance, Die Hard
Reason-/-Evidence: No matter what has been thrown his way this member has always led by example. He has striven to be the best he can be at whatever rank he held at the time, no matter what was going on he always stopped what he was doing in order to help his fellow members. He had big shoes to fill and is leaving even bigger shoes for his successor to fill. He is a prime example to other members of how they should be and how they should lead. He has been through so rough, hard trials, in his personal and KSI life but no matter the cause, he has and is always determined to get through it. Everything he does is for the betterment of his squad, and then therefor the betterment of our gaming community, if anyone needs guidance, understanding, a cool calm head, someone with patience and a heart set on helping others before himself, this member, this leader is the one to look up to, and look to.

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Helping Hand- Requires witnesses who have either been helped by nominee or have seen nominee help them

Member Assistance- Requires 3 credible witnesses

Dia hard- Requires many detailed and factual witnesses.

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dont close this yet please. I am at work but will witness for him in here tonight. Sorry for the delay. Thank you.

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Die Hard:  What can I say but this, WarriorAce is and always will be an inspiration to me and hopefully all those that know him in KSI.  Since I first met him and he joined my squad he has always been one that never looked back, asked what if, or made excuses for his actions just accepted the recourse.  This is a guy that works 5 and 6 days a week for a logging company. He would get up at 3am just to make it to work on time, why, because he walked both to and from work everyday. Not a big deal? It was a bit over 5 miles one way. lift 300lb+ logs all day onto a truck, then walk home. That takes dedication and spirit.  He used money he had saved to buy his mother a car instead of himself so she would have means of transportation, not used for him to get to work.. Talk about family, That's warrior alright. on top of all that he would help his mother and any family member with dinner, cleaning, just whatever needed to be done....AND still found time to be in KSI and be active and work his way up to now the Gen of Octane.  Now lets get to the inspirational part, incase I havent inspired you yet....It was at work he had a major accident. A larger than life log fell, crushing warriors legs and pinning him to the ground.  After EMS arrived and they finally got him free and rushed to the ER, it was there he was told that he would never walk again. Can you imagine, walking was this kids life. Anybody's for that matter. He was devastated. I remember when he sent me a pm request I had no clue yet of his accident. Hey bud I said How the heck are ya? But instead of his usual voice and response I got Not good....I could already tell something bad and I mean bad had to have happened, so i prepped for the worst. Warrior? You ok? Everyone there ok? I cant walk. I dont know what I am gonna do.....At this point he told me about what happened and I did what any friend should do....I didnt let him give up or quit. I talked to him everyday I could. He didnt quit, and man did he ever never give up....Its powerful what happened next. 3 weeks go by, for warrior that meant physical therapy 5 days a week 5 or 6 hours a day and countless hours of pain. I get on and hes in a party so I jump in to ask how hes doing. I get a good real good. I walked today. Yea thats right I walked......He fought on and 2 weeks later I get a message telling me to check out a video he sent me on kik.....I cried and still get emotional when I think about it...I opened the video and there was warrior, huffing and puffin, looking at his phone he said that miracles happen all over the world to all types of people, well today was his miracle, he was running....I cried...along with this was a personal message to me and a thank you....This kid went from you will never walk again with legs that were mangled to the bone to running in 5 weeks. It takes an unreal amount of dedication, determination, and heart to overcome these things along with his everyday problems, and of course to stay active in KSI. All the time helping others with their problems, answering members questions, recruiting and training.  He would give help and inspiration to all that asked. For me, this kid has had his share of problems and hasn't even batted and eyelash when overcoming them. For me Warrior you are and always will be an inspiration as to what we can accomplish as people in our own daily lives if we would just put our minds to it and not let give up or quit ever be apart of the equation. You have and always will hold a place in our hearts, and hope that one day you will know what it is we feel when we say we are proud of you and proud to have been there for you when you needed us. Award or not Ace, you are a Die Hard...Here's to you bud.

I hope this enough to show why he deserves this award and possibly member assistance. Thank you for your time and if you must I still have the video...lol

KSI FithAce 7


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DIE HARD: Ace is an awsome person... when I was newly gen he would give me advice when I needed it most... I was thrown into gen with no training only training as capt have I held this sqaud up high... thru aces wisdome I have florished... he is an awsome man and has held many game nights for all to come... sometimes holding two separate lobbies just so all can join... not only is he a man of rules but also makes the game enjoyable for the game is the main reason y ksi is here... and like me he was thrown into being gen with minimal training... and for this he is DIE HARD

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I would like to see some movement on these awards. These are prestigious awards and if this member deserves them we need to see more factual statements that would qualify this member for them. 


Helping Hand- Requires witnesses who have either been helped by nominee or have seen nominee help them - 0

Member Assistance- Requires 3 credible witnesses - 0

Die hard- Requires many detailed and factual witnesses. More witnesses to describe this members ability to remain when others have left.

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  • Lafayette 7 changed the title to KSI Warrior Ace - Multiple Nominations

KSI Warrior Ace is a great person, I want to nominate him for the outstanding service award and the helping hand award,  a month ago I was helping Diesel run strong when our gen was on a LOA,  I really didn't know what I was doing but thanks to all KSI Warrior Ace advice and caring for a different squad,  I now know how to run a squad and how to deal with everyday problems when they arise. Warrior ace,  you are more to me then a friend I consider you part of my family.  Every one should be like KSI Warrior Ace. He is a inspiration to everyone he talks to,  if it's a simple invite to a game night or just joining a party to talk.  This is why KSI is strong as its now.  With great power comes great responsibly,  and KSI Warrior Ace is doing a awesome job keep up the great work boss man. 

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40 minutes ago, KSI_MATRIX1978 said:

KSI Warrior Ace is a great person, I want to nominate him for the outstanding service award and the helping hand award,  a month ago I was helping Diesel run strong when our gen was on a LOA,  I really didn't know what I was doing but thanks to all KSI Warrior Ace advice and caring for a different squad,  I now know how to run a squad and how to deal with everyday problems when they arise. Warrior ace,  you are more to me then a friend I consider you part of my family.  Every one should be like KSI Warrior Ace. He is a inspiration to everyone he talks to,  if it's a simple invite to a game night or just joining a party to talk.  This is why KSI is strong as its now.  With great power comes great responsibly,  and KSI Warrior Ace is doing a awesome job keep up the great work boss man. 

If you want to nominate this member for awards not mentioned in the original post, please make a new topic. If you want to witness any of the awards processed in this topic (helping hand, member assistance or die hard), please clarify that in your witness statement, thanks. 

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