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Ascend 7 Die Hard Award

KSI xKing 7DS

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Name: KSI Ascend 7
Link to forums:http://www.ksiforums.org/profile/26961-ascendinator-siete/
Award: Die Hard
Reason: There has been many times that Ascend has been out in a spot that usually any other KSI member would just give up and leave. For Example, 2 squads in LW were hit hard by poachers and we almost lost both squads, We have had multiple situations where ascend gives up time with his family to get on and be disrespected or time wasted by nonsense personally i would have left if i gave up time with my family to be treated like crap but Ascend being the kinda person he is, pushed through the hell and stood on top. he is Faithful and Loyal to this community and i cant see ascend leaving, hes a lifer like me ;) lol. 

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Ascend definitely deserves this award for numerous reasons. The first is that he has overcome countless obstacles along his way in KSI. When Achilles split he became the Gen of the new squad, Hypnos. The split didn't go very smoothly so he was left with fluff and had a lot of work to do to get his squad on track. At the time barely anyone in the squad was recruiting and he had to step up and do almost all of it. as a gen he had plenty of other responsibilities to take care of. After lots of hard work he brought the squad back and it continued to grow. After Ascend became a co-founder his workload increased. He held multiple squad tags and was acting gen over at least 3 different squads and brought them back in numbers, he was running meetings for the squads and also for the division. In all of these situations he was stretched out super thin since he didn't have officers to help him out. In addition he was active duty in the military and was working like 4am to 5 pm, and then would get on xbox after work until at least midnight. Eventually Ascend became a founder and gained the responsibility of the recruit tag, and at times had a squad tag on top of that. Even when I could tell he was stressed and needed a break he pushed through it and kept working towards improving LW. In his time as a Co-div and Div leader he has had multiple squads hit by poaching, lost countless officers and a few generals. As someone who has gone through a lot of these situations I can tell you that there are times when all the bs makes you want to give up and Ascend is no different. He has pushed through it all and has become a great leader and valuable asset in KSI. 

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Ascend deserves this award because of how much time and effort he puts in every day to make sure the largest div in KSI is running the best it can. He constantly gives up time that he could be spending with his family to help not only his division, but the community in any way possible. It also doesn't matter what time of day wether it's 7 am or midnight he's always there. He's also constantly coming up with new ideas to build activity within the division. Funny true story his wife got mad at him one night and threw his Xbox off the shelf but he was able to diving one hand grab catch it before it hit the ground!! Also be on the lookout for the ascendinator productions running man challenge!!

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