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KSISnipDaWabbit Productions Team Application

KSI Mr. Wabbit 7

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Name: Corbin Tibble


Gamertag: KSISnipDaWabbit


Age: 16


E-mail: ctibble269@gmail.com


Skype: SnipeDatWabbit


Recording device (if any): none


Please list your strengths: just starting out


Programs you are familiar with (if any): VideoPad by NCH software


What can you do for KSI Productions? : I can Help edit videos, and sort things out on the forums and put things together if needed


A Sample video (if any): none


Additional comments: hoping I can help you guys and learn a lot

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Hey Wabbit, 

Can you post a sample video, if you need clips I can give it to you. We currently dont have a mentor ship program in productions at the moment. But if you are able to provide a sample video of your editing skills that would be great. Let me know if you need clips ect. 

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I don't have any clips but if you could provide me with a few that would be great ^.^

Edited by Wabbit
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Ok, there are a few ways we can do this. You can either provide me with an email to send the clips too, or you can go to this website and download some. 

1. Go to http://xboxdvr.com/
2. Search any gamertag you know has clips (you can use your name, or mine, i have a lot of halo 5 clips)
3. Click video game clips
4. Click any clips
5. Underneath the video click Download 
6. Edit downloaded clip :) 

I use xbox dvr for all of my clips even though i have a cap card, its so easy to use. 


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Haha nice. Thanks for the mini montage lol. The video's not that bad :). I can see you have the basic equipment and editing skills for productions and are intrested / wanting to expand and evolve your editing skills. Member is accepted into productions and will be put in the group chat. 

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