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KSI AuraLucario's Application


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Name: Adam Costa


Gamertag: KSI AuraLucario


Age: 15


E-mail: dmcosta16@gmail.com


Skype: ksiaurariolu


Recording device (if any): Elgato Game Capture HD60 Pro


Please list your strengths: My strength is in editing


Programs you are familiar with (if any): Sony Vegas Pro


What can you do for KSI Productions? : Whatever is needed or I am asked


A Sample video (if any): Don't currently have any but I edit my buddies youtube vidz when he is busy .


Additional comments: Currently Have an  xbox 360 and not going to get an x1

Edited by KSIxLucario
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Hey Lucario,

What games do you have for the 360 that are KSI related (like Cod, Halo, Destiny, GTA, Minecraft, ect) ? Also can you please provide a sample clip of you editing skills, that is actually needed in the application, especially for editors. Thank you :) !  


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Currently, I have Cod Ghosts, Bo3, Bo2, And aw.

And would my yt channel be enough for a sample? 

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If there are video edits on there that reflect your editing style / skills, then yes. However if the content on there is over 6 - 12 months old, I would like to see a more recent edited video. :) 

But sent me the link to your channel and i will take a look at it :).

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