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KSI TOMTWIN Productions Join Application


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Name - Thomas Marsh

Gamertag - KSI TOMTWIN

Age - 18

Email - tomtwin04061997@gmail.com

skype - tomtwinm4061997.live

recording device - Xbox One via Twitch app

strengths - I have a lot of spare time and feel that i can use this to my advantage to help the department

i also love working with new people and new environments

i also love to be challenged

Programs - im not familiar with any programs

what can i do? -i I believe i can help the department with streaming gamesnights and other fun events ^_^

Sample video - I have no sample video

Additional -no comments

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Hey Tom,

Is there anyway you can show us an example of your steaming? My best suggestion would be to stream via twitch and then archive the video. That way we can take  a look at the stream and the quality. 

Also, are you planning on getting a cap card at any time? What KSI related games do you have (exp: COD, Halo, Minecraft, Destiny, ect) 

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2 hours ago, KSI Jupiter 7 said:

Hey Tom,

Is there anyway you can show us an example of your steaming? My best suggestion would be to stream via twitch and then archive the video. That way we can take  a look at the stream and the quality. 

Also, are you planning on getting a cap card at any time? What KSI related games do you have (exp: COD, Halo, Minecraft, Destiny, ect) 

yeah i streamed layers of fear for fun a few days ago however im unsure as to how i stop the stream and then archive that specific video via my laptop?


and i doubt i will get a cap card but twitch seems fairly reliable from my end and my friends who watched said it was perfect (well as clsoe to it for a stream haha) 

In terms of games related to KSI, i play GTA V, Halo 5, Destiny, Minecraft, and Star wars Battlefront (not sure if that is one but meh... ) 

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Sorry for the late replay the forums have been down for me this past week.  I see your channel but dont see any past broadcasts, sometimes they only last a few weeks. but here is how to get that set up in more detail:

1. Log on to Twitch
2. Go to your settings (if you are on your channel click the little Wrench on the right)
3. Click the Channel & Video tab
4. Scroll down (past the welcome message) and be sure the Archive Broadcast box is Checked
5. Click Save to save the changes
6. Record / Live steam and youll have your streams archived!

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sorry for late reply have been super busy, i have discovered that when streaming on my xbox i have to end broadcast on the same device for the stream to save as a video and go to highlights :)

i believe i have a rocket league and halo 5 stream up on my channel www.twitch.tv/KSI_TOMTWIN.  

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Thanks, looks like the quality is good. If you give me you Kik name i will add you to the Productions Kik chat :) Once i have done that I will comment of your acceptance and close this topic out. 

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