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LGBTQ Terms + Definitions

KSI Havoc 7

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I figured i would put together some terms and definitions for people new/unfamiliar with some LGBTQ terms, this is by no means an all inclusive or exhaustive list, but provides a good foundation for understanding and knowledge.

Please keep in mind that some of these are broad definitions and the given definitions reflect a broader representation of the terms rather than a personal definition. This document is in specific reference to a specific group of peoples point of view and may not include the majority. It is simply here as a reference. So if you use a term below in a different way that's okay! If there is something you would like to see on this list, please PM me with your request plus a solid source with a good definition.

1.)    Biological Sex - the physical anatomy and gendered hormones one is born with, generally described as male, female, or intersex, and often confused with gender
a.    Male - a person with a specific set of sexual anatomy (e.g.,  46,XY phenotype) pursuant to this label
b.    Female - a person with a specific set of sexual anatomy (e.g.,  46,XX phenotype) pursuant to this label
c.    Intersex - a person with a set of sexual anatomy that doesn’t fit within the labels of female or male (e.g., 47,XXY phenotype)
d.    Transsexual - a person whose gender identity is the binary opposite of their biological sex, who may undergo medical treatments to change their biological sex, often times to align it with their gender identity, or they may live their lives as the opposite sex; often confused with “trans-man”/”trans-woman”
2.)    Gender Identity - the internal perception of an individual’s gender, and how they label themselves
a.    Male - a person who identifies as being a male internally either in line with or opposite of their biological sex
b.    Female - a person who identifies as being a female internally either in line with or opposite of their biological sex
c.    Genderqueer - (1) a blanket term used to describe people whose gender falls outside of the gender binary; (2) a person who identifies as both a man and a woman, or as neither a man nor a woman; often used in exchange with “transgender”
d.    Genderless - a person who does not identify with any gender
e.    Transgender - a blanket term used to describe all people who are not cisgender; occasionally used as “transgendered” but the “ed” is misleading, as it implies something happened to the person to make them transgender, which is not the case
f.    Gender Expression - the external display of gender, through a combination of dress, demeanor, social behavior, and other factors, generally measured on a scale of masculinity and femininity
3.)    Sexual Orientation - the type of sexual, romantic, physical, and/or spiritual attraction one feels for others, often labeled based on the gender relationship between the person and the people they are attracted to; often mistakenly referred to as “sexual preference”
a.    Heterosexual - a medical definition for a person who is attracted to someone with the other gender (or, literally, biological sex) than they have; often referred to as “straight”
b.    Homosexual - a medical definition for a person who is attracted to someone with the same gender (or, literally, biological sex) they have; often referred to as "gay/lesbian"
c.    Pansexual - a person who experiences sexual, romantic, physical, and/or spiritual attraction for members of all gender identities/expressions
d.    Bisexual - a person who experiences sexual, romantic, physical, and/or spiritual attraction to people of their own gender as well as another gender; often confused for and used in place of “pansexual”
e.    Demisexual - A person who is only sexually attracted to people they are romantically attracted to (though they can be romantically attracted to someone without sexual attraction *Could also fit under sexuality*
4.)    Sexuality - the desires someone may or may not feel towards sexual interaction with another person
a.    Asexual - a person who generally does not experience sexual attraction (or very little) to any group of people
b.    Sexual - a person who experiences a varying degree of sexual attraction to other people


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HAVOC!!!!!! My second favorite gay man, you, worst player and drybonez are fighting for first place lol.  

I think this is an excellent idea. I know a few people have been in a situation where they may have offended someone just because they did not know how to use LGBTQ terms correctly. Good thinking Sir. 

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