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Spirit Week Coverage - Pick an Event (News members only)


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Since not all members have News Team access, here's the sign-up for Spirit Week.

Wednesday, Pep Rally - Vocalz

Thursday, Halo - Tempah

Friday, Karaoke - Hulkster

Saturday, Call of Duty - Starset

Sunday, Award Show - Impy


Above is the daily schedule for Spirit Week. I'll be covering the last day. Please pick a night to cover.

All nights must be accounted for. If you cover that night, you CANNOT compete, and YOU MUST be active in the Twitch chat.

Nightly reviews should include information about the events (Halo/CoD will have events on both 360 and One), who won (1st, 2nd, 3rd) and hopefully interviews with the winning teams.

These need to be saved on the news site ASAP after the events end, so please write and edit as the events go.

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