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capture card free productions?

KSI Sentry

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ive always been interested in film and video and editing and stuff but it just never seemed worth getting into when it cost $100 for the cap card.


that being said, now that xbox one has recording stuff, is it possible to join the team without a capture card? i havent actually messed with the recording clips, are they usable and accessible or not good enough in some ways?


or what about streaming to twitch and having twitch record and save your stream, or upload to youtube from twitch and then download the youtube video of the stream to edit?


are any of these things that anyone does? or is it just ineffective?

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You can freely record 5 min of gameplay without issues on Xbox One. Saving a stream then uploading to youtube to edit doesnt make sense. You can just record anything. save it to one drive then edit it. We do accept Xbox One recorders and streamers but you must submit an application

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ive gotta mess with it before i apply ha ha. how do you get the 5 minute clips then to edit?

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