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OF THE YEARS 2011: Votes and reasons (stays in staff)

Awoken Lucifer

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WHo voted for who, reasons if stated

(this is gonna get really god damm long)

Jiggy and Myself will edit any New ones from the OF the Years into this post by Qouting the post and copying and pasting it into here where it will be listed as who from, and then put into spoiler code

Start ripping into crap and weeding them out



*Senior Leader of the Year - Chaos

*Director of the Year - Royal

*Division Leader of the Year - KSI TECK 7

*General of the Year - KSI Madara 7

He had one of the sickest HH teams, HE was always funny as hell to have around and his Squad loved him

HE was active and prompt in all aspects of his duties.

Even after the Crappy treatment and back stabbing from his own major at the time (tweeks) he came back to KSI after a month or two later.

has since reached Cofo since coming back again....(his highest rank so far....id put him for both but i dont want to be accused of favertism)

*Major of the Year - KSI METALHEAD 7

He literaly got slapped into the spot with only half the training due to previous Generals of his Squad Quiting and leaving and such. it took him a fair ammount of time to adjust and to stop spazzing out about stuff. but personaly he knew what he was doing to begin with. it just took him a while to realise it.

*Captain of the Year - KSI TRAUMA 7\

the guy took Hellfire LS from about 30 members to 70 in the space of 2 weeks as a SGT after a party chat where him and several other active members were shouted at for not recruiting

HE rose up to prominense out of a desire to increase both the success and groth of the Squad.

*Lieutenant of the Year - KSI MONOTOOI


could recite all the duties off the back of his hand

despite being held down at LT for so long he worked his ass off.

When transfering short term to Hellfire LS he became a CPT and proved yet again to be the steady balence of leadership and fun that he had always been.

*Member of the Year - KSI NASR89

From the very first day in a squad he took up the role of Writing meeting notes,

HE has picked up on every single part of the COC and follows it

HEs always been the fairest to deal with anything, regardless of what rank he is or was at the time.

*Donor of the Year - Apoc (admin)

HE trade marked and copyrighted KSI.....

*Forum Staff of the Year - Rags

Hes done alot to try and help me get better at stuff..

He was the only Active GM we had for the longest time

puts up with me venting when people piss me off to much.

Between him, Apoc, Munkee and Worst its hard to tell which one has tried hardest to help keep me on the right track.

*Writer of the Year - ACE (Odin)

Ace has written more charitable articles than i care to remember, sadly most of which have been lost on sevens site


*Senior Leader of the Year - KSI Rebellion 7

*Director of the Year - KSI Royal 7

*Division Leader of the Year - KSI QueenJess 7

*Co-Divsion Leader of the Year -

*Founder of the Year -

*Co- Founder of the Year -

*General of the Year - KSIsweetnlowlad

*Major of the Year - KSI METALHEAD 7

*Captain of the Year - KSI Depo518

*Lieutenant of the Year - KSI Monotooi

*Member of the Year - KSIBINGOBACON

*Recruiter of the Year - KSI RIKU 187

*Donor of the Year - Apoc (forum admin)

*Forum Staff of the Year - Blindrabbit (munkee)

*Writer of the Year - Ace (odin)


Senior Leader of the Year - KSI Rebellion 7

*Director of the Year - KSI Royal 7

*Division Leader of the Year - KSI QueenJess 7

*Co-Divsion Leader of the Year - Blindrabbit (munkee)

*Founder of the Year - ksi conden 777

*Co- Founder of the Year - ksi choas 7

*General of the Year - KSIsweetnlowlad

*Major of the Year - KSI Eureka

*Captain of the Year - ksi rebellion 7

*Lieutenant of the Year - KSI Monotooi

*Member of the Year - KSI BLITZER112

*Recruiter of the Year - KSI RIKU 187

*Donor of the Year - Apoc (forum admin)

*Forum Staff of the Year - ksi luci lux 7

*Writer of the Year - Ace (odin)


*Senior Leader of the Year - KSI ICEMAN 7 (yeah...the one that is with Darth Vader)

*Division Leader of the Year - KSI CHAOS 7

*Co-Divsion Leader of the Year - KSI Royal 7

*Founder of the Year - KSI Jaygo 7

*General of the Year - KSI star REES 7

*Member of the Year - Fuzzymeep

*Forum Staff of the Year - Apoc


*Co-Divsion Leader of the Year - KSI Greg 7

*Founder of the Year - KSI EquaLs 7

*General of the Year - KSI Julianime

*Captain of the Year - KSI Neuron 7

*Lieutenant of the Year - KSI Kon Astro

*Member of the Year - KSI Greg 7

*Forum Staff of the Year - KSI Luci Lux 7


*Senior Leader of the Year - KSI Choas 7 ( Always giving to support to his members not always directly but his hard work shows through everyone he works with. )

*Director of the Year - KSI QueenJess 7 ( Always pushing her Divisions farther and farther and a great source for anything KSI. I have to say one of the biggest Mentors I have ever had. )

*Division Leader of the Year - KSI Jiggy 7 ( He push SH to get 60 Members in less than 2 weeks. He is one of the main reason SH is so strong! )

*Co-Divsion Leader of the Year - KSI Coden 77

*Founder of the Year - KSI RiKu 187 ( Riku is one of the hardest workers I know he is the biggest recruiter I have ever known. He works so hard and say he is one of the reason SH split early this year and is already back to where it is. )

*Co- Founder of the Year - KSI iLLuSii0N 7

*General of the Year - KSI LLYWILLY ( He solely brought Phantom SH from 67 Members up to 100 within a Month without any officers. He is one of the hardest workers and usually never being recognized for his work. )

*Major of the Year - KSI WCARomans ( His General had quit KSI and he pushed his squad to 100 within 2 to 3 weeks as he took General and I gladly say he is one of the hardest working members SH has seen. )

*Captain of the Year - KSI Gengar ( Gengar where do I start, He is always ... I mean always in parties making what KSI needs to be "FUN". He is one of the strongest Leaders I seen in a while and without question should be a General."

*Recruiter of the Year - KSI RiKu 187 ( No Description needed he is "THE MASTER RECRUITER" )

*Forum Staff of the Year - APOC


*Senior Leader of the Year - Fuzzy

Without his leadership and attitude how things should be in KSI we might still be under bills control and stupidity. When presented with the idea of making our own forums and getting rid of Bill knowing that Fuzzy was going to be running things I had no doubts in my mind that we were going to be 100% okay. Thanks man for all you have done and the training you have given some of us wanted or not :smile:.

*Director of the Year - QueenJess

While I am biased this makes what I say worth that much more because I have seen over and over again what she does for KSI and her divisions. When the Seniors sit down and worry about which divisions should go where there is never a doubt as to her abilities to step up and make sure things are getting done. To date she has been directly involved with 5 different divisions splits so her views and ways of getting things done has shown over and over again that they work.

*Division Leader of the Year - Hitman

I have watched him take what was left from the massive hits their division has taken from rival gaming communities to even their own KSI members deciding to do malicious things to their divisions and have seen him bring LE to become a power house division in KSI. I can honestly say I have not seen a Division with over 650 since I joined and hitman has broke every challenge I have given him and done great things to better not only himself but his division.

*Co-Divsion Leader of the Year - Jiggy

Well lol how to start this one we all know jiggy but what alot don't know is how jiggy pulled off one of the most riskiest moves I have seen in KSI and made it work. He was given a choice when his Division leader decided he just wanted to quit of keeping SH as SH or going ahead and spliting it and making TW. Jiggy opted to push through the drama and crap of a higher up leaving and decided to go ahead with a div split anyway. Now to top it off instead of being selfish he let all the upper officer staff go to TW and opted to bring up 2 brand new co fos from general to now run SH with him. I can honestly say I have talked to a many leaders and most of us would NOT have done that but he had faith in himself and his guys knowing he was taking a HUGE risk and pushed though. Great work man!

*Founder of the Year - Apoc (DL DIVISION LEADER)

Hell this one was easy for me I mean hell KSI blacklisted him falsely because his co -div and founder turned on KSI and like idiots KSI was like o lets blacklist apoc on their word only. Then we allow him back but say you can start a division with 3 people and thats it because well not sure if you can be trusted or not because well were idiots and thought J2H people would NEVER lie to us lol. Apoc took us up on that challenge and has one of the largest running and active divisions in KSI right now and HE BUILT it with barely any guidance and help from higher which I can't say enough good things about the members of DL. Great work man regardless of how this works out award wise know we appreciate what you have done and had to go through just to get there.

*Co- Founder of the Year - Double J

Wow honestly I can't recall seeing a co founder at the Div Leader meeting as much as this member. Double J has had to represent LS one of the largest divisions in KSI for hell months now and through it all has been able to pull off keep his reach squads not only active but productive. Only a few divisions are able to pull off reach and Double J you are one of the main reasons for that because you know the game and have knowledge on how to run those type of squads.

*General of the Year - KSI Cheeze 7

He was pulling off something that few squads ever have to try to do. Instead of just having a HH team he took it that much farther and decided to go elite for all of them and anyone that has been general knows the risks with that but given cheeze's game play skill and leadership style he made it work which I can honeslty say I am still a bit shocked on. Plus he has cheeze dogs :smile:

*Major of the Year -Kiki3000

I am sorry to say this but I will openly admit that she has NOT had a easy path here in KSI and has had to go above and beyond what other members have had to do and honestly I don't think it was fair to her. As a major she has been asked to do things for KSI that we dont even expect founders and some co divs to know or do but through it all her class and can do attitude has shown that she is going to do well in KSI and expect to see great things from her.

*Captain of the Year - NA

*Lieutenant of the Year - NA

*Member of the Year - NA

*Recruiter of the Year - Airborne

I mean I can honestly say in the last year I have seen airborne build XD,RI,SO,FS blah blah blah blah you get the hint lol. While I do not agree with his style ALOT I can't agrue that he has and always does get results. If he says he can get you 100 recruits in a weekend do NOT take him up on the bet you will lose. I mean he even put his rank up for bid when he stated at a div leader meeting his Division would get to X members by X date and if not I could demote him and make him rock pink armor for a month. Not only did he do it but I paid for his name change as an award for it.

*Donor of the Year - NA

*Forum Staff of the Year - Rags -

Hell 9 times out of 10 when ever I have an issue with the forums or something I see I go straight to him because I know without a doubt he will be able to help assist or just tell me to shut up :smile:.

*Writer of the Year - NA


*Senior Leader of the Year - KSI Chaos 7: his man is a KSI god. We all love Fuzzy but we follow and listen to chaos like he is Jesus. Not enough words can express how great he is. If he was to ever leave KSI i garentee we would loose a significant amount of the community. He is my mentor and probably a hundred others. He has written guidelines that we use everyday within KSI. He always knows what to say no matter the situation. He overseen the best division of that time do several division splits. He is by far the best leader i came across in KSI.

*Director of the Year - KSI QueenJess 7: she reminds me much of myself, a person who has had to claw and scratch their way to prove their worthiness. She is super active in anything she can get her hands on. She is the divine creator of SH. Jess is one of few higher ups you will never hear a complaint about. Every division she has had she has given 200% of herself to make it prosper. Not many will go the leaps and bounds that she has.

*Division Leader of the Year - KSI Hitman 7: he has endured many trails and tribulations but none the less he rose his division out of the ashes. He has amast the biggest division ive ever seen. I take my hat off and tip it to you my friend.

*Co-Divsion Leader of the Year - KSI Jiggy 7: a great guy all around. He can do it all. Ive always watched him very closely. Jess took him under her wing and created something great. SH has been one of the more prestigous divisions we have thanks to Jiggy. He is a wonderful mentor and teacher. Under his leadership ive never seen anything bad happen to SH. His personality is to love him.

*Founder of the Year - N/A

*Co- Founder of the Year - KSI Shaolin 7: he is a guy people automatically will love. When i first met him i knew i had to get him in my division. Everywhere he has been in KSI has turned to gold. He constantly mentors his members night and day. He goes above and beyond his duty buy giving mic point cards to winners in our former Friday Night Fights, and he was'nt even a judge. He has also mentored members so much that we knew they would be great leaders if they could afford a name change. Well, he went and changed those members names and they all have made it to General since. He has applied his army leadership tactics into KSI. He is one of the finest mentors ive ever seen.

*General of the Year - KSI Cheeze 7: this is a very hard choice for me to make because ive had several generals in my division be great leaders and do great things. But one thing stands out to me for Cheeze, the fact he was able to accomplish what few have tried and failed at. He created an elite squad in KSI with only my insights, he had no other officers or sergeants. He took his time and perfected it. Its been said squads like these fail because of too many alpha males. Well in his squad, not only are they beast players but they get along as if real family. They wake eachother in the mornings, call eachother on the phone and more. He has wonderfully trained officers and a good amount of KSI name changes always flows through. If you play with that squad it makes you wanna be in that squad.

*Major of the Year - N/A

*Captain of the Year - N/A

*Lieutenant of the Year - N/A

*Member of the Year - N/A

*Recruiter of the Year - KSI Airborn RI : when i first joined KSI i worked under him as second in command over our division. Ive heard many legendary stories of him building divisions. He gave me an early blueprint on how to be a master recruiter. He was Co Div in RI when a challenge was issued, get 100 recruits in a week. And if he failed he wouldve been demoted. Ive also seen him do such remarkable recruiting in our present day FS. He literally has thousands of recruits in his carrer. To me he is in a leauge of his own.

*Donor of the Year - N/A

*Forum Staff of the Year - N/A

*Writer of the Year - N/A


*Senior Leader of the Year - KSI Chaos 7. Chaos has been around a while, and in that time he has never stopped without making sure we all did our jobs.

*Director of the Year - KSI Teck 7. Teck was always there for any little thing i needed and still continues his prowess today

*Division Leader of the Year - N/A

*Co-Divsion Leader of the Year - KSI MetalHead. This guy went from an immature spazoid to hardass because he knew he could help. He has been my greatest mentor recently and is wlways there with a solution.

*Founder of the Year - KSI Lucifer. Yes sometimes his anger causes some problems, but lucis combination of work ethic and mentality are unmatched byanyone ive seen.

*Co- Founder of the Year - KSI Double J. I knew double J since he was recruited, and since then his range in ways to help KSI has no limits, ranging from forging, recruiting, and always reliable as a leader.

*General of the Year - KSI Trauma 7. I met trauma as a sergeant in hellfire to help a struggling squad. We were were at our lowest and all of our generals had either failed or couldnt perform. Trauma stepped up and within weeks we were the top squad in LS. He basically saved Hellfire.

*Major of the Year -N/A

*Captain of the Year - KSI Supertoast. Supertoast has been in KSI longer than anyone in magnum including myself, and did anything i told him to. I know he has the potential to bring magnum up, and ill help him in whatever he asks.

*Lieutenant of the Year - N/A

*Member of the Year - KSI 2manystackz. Besides being hilarious, stacks was my brother in hellfire and was an incredible asset to us. He trained and recruited many, even though jnow one could understand him,

*Recruiter of the Year - KSI Sequels. Although maybe a controversial former member, sequels had well over 100 recruits this year and many of which became beloved leaders. I bet over half the higher ups in LS originally came from sequels or someone he recruited.

*Donor of the Year -N/A

*Forum Staff of the Year -N/A

*Writer of the Year -N/A

Shaolin 7

*Senior Leader of the Year - KSI Chaos 7

he always has a way of making people understand and helping them to grow and become better as leaders and members.

*Director of the Year - KSI QueenJess 7

she is the mama and has a knack for calming situations and helping people open up to other's ideas.

*Division Leader of the Year - KSIxAPOCALYPSE 7

created Dark Legions and in a matter of months brought it to Flagship status, to include a high percentage of DL members having KSI gtags, excellent security measures, and high morale throughout the division. Though other divisions may be larger, none show the same level of growth while also mainaining the security of KSI and enforcing high standards for recruiting. Even when he didn't have the title of Division Leader, he still lead The Dark Legions Division from obscurity to undeniable success.

*Co- Founder of the Year - Shaolin 7

though this may seem a bit out of line, I am nominating myself for CoFo of the year. During my time in KSI, I have written a standard for recruiting that was then used to set the bar for recruiting for two different divisions, resulting in hundreds of members being recruiting in a much more consistant fashion than before. I have consistantly aided members with XBL time cards and MANY 1600msp cards to help members change names/purchase new content. I have spent several hours on a daily basis resolving disputes between members, training members in recruiting/training standards, enforcing the standards of KSI, raising the morale of members, and just in general being xApoc7's right hand man helping to hold his division together. Also, I have never backed down from calling out my higher ups when they have over stepped their bounds and become inappropriate to the point of demoralizing members (both in clan and web ops) regardless of the impact that it had on me. Not to mention, during the conduct of all this business, I maintained fabulous hair that exemplifies excellent grooming and confidence.

KSI Reflex VII

*Senior Leader of the Year - KSI Chaos 7 Always helped a member in need and was one of the best leaders.

*Director of the Year -

*Division Leader of the Year - KSI x Hitman 7 with all the problems LE faced he still stayed strong and now its the best division in KSI

*Co-Divsion Leader of the Year -

*Founder of the Year -

*Co- Founder of the Year - KSI DoubleJ He was always ontop of everything he helped anyone who needed it and showed great leadership around lower ranking members

*General of the Year - KSI METALHEAD 7 He had problems with Legacy but got the squad back on track :smile:

*Major of the Year -

*Captain of the Year -

*Lieutenant of the Year -KSI Monotooi was a Lieutenant for like 6months lol :tongue:

*Member of the Year - KSI Fuzzymeap 7

*Recruiter of the Year -

*Donor of the Year -

*Forum Staff of the Year -KSI Luci Lux 7

*Writer of the Year -


*Senior Leader of the Year - KSI Chaos 7 - He is one of those people who I can go to for anything and has answers for everything. He has taught me so much in KSI and he is a great, respected leader in KSI. He definitely deserves this.

*Director of the Year - KSI QueenJess 7 - She is my ultimate mentor in KSI. Not only in KSI, but she is a great leader, a great friend, and a great support member. If you asked her how many times I have come to her for help not only with KSI but with life events, she wouldn't even be able to tell you how many times. If she doesn't deserve this award, nobody does.

*Division Leader of the Year - KSIxAPOCALYPSE7 - He has grown a division from 1 person, and made it flagship in no time. He has the best strive and work ethic I have seen from anyone in a LONG time. He is always great to be around and I see him as the brother I never had. He has a way of motivating and being there for his members and I am honored to have him in KSI.

*Co-Divsion Leader of the Year - KSI Coden 777 - Dude has got MAD dedication to KSI. With all the bull that he has put up with and stuck it out, it's a shock he is not completely mad at this point. He is a great leader, and great person to chill with.

*Founder of the Year - KSI RiKU 187 - RiKU has been my right hand man for the last about 5 months in KSI. When I tell him to jump he leaps. He does everything with the best of KSI in mind at all times. I am honored to be able to mentor a person like him, and couldn't imagine having anyone else take my place as current div leader of SH. He is going to go VERY far in this community. RiKU not only cares about KSI, he cares about the members home life as well. I have had many heart to hearts with RiKU,and we help each other with everything. Love you buddy keep up the fantastic work, and maybe you will surpass me one day :smile:

*Co- Founder of the Year - N/A

*General of the Year - KSI iLLuSii0n 7 - Illusion has done AMAZING work for his squad when he was general. He is extremely dedicated, and trustworthy. All of the members in SH trust him and he is molding himself in becoming a great leader in KSI.

*Recruiter of the Year - KSI RiKU 187- He has recruited well over 100 people in a month. He is a recruiting machine, anyone who can recruit that many people, has an amazing skill of motivation!

*Forum Staff of the Year - Apoc

*Writer of the Year - Ace


*Senior Leader of the Year -KSI CHAOS 7- He has set so many goals for LE which we pushed so hard to complete on time, and right now if it wasn't for him always pushing us and believing in us, LE would be a dead division.

*Director of the Year - KSI QueenJess 7- Well, without her guidance and motivation techniques to push me to work with LE to my fullest, I highly doubt LE would be where it is currently.

*Division Leader of the Year - KSIxAPOCALYPSE7- The guy is amazing! He has invested so much time in DL to make it the great division it is today. I consider him one of the best :smile:

*Co-Division Leader of the Year - N/A

*Founder of the Year -N/A

*Co- Founder of the Year -N/A

*General of the Year -N/A

*Major of the Year -N/A

*Captain of the Year -N/A

*Lieutenant of the Year-N/A

*Member of the Year -N/A

*Recruiter of the Year -N/A

*Donor of the Year -N/A

*Forum Staff of the Year -N/A

*Writer of the Year -N/A


Senior leader of the year: KSI Chaos 7 meeting him was great because now I understand elite better is a laid back person and very sociable like me. Ha cracks me up everytime ha.

Director of the year: KSI Royal 7 hard decision lol jk. Royal is awesome always in n out of parties and just makes games funner always around for help and always trolling to find those in need.

Division leader of the year: KSI iphenix 7 he is an awesome person very persuasive mature and very capable of accomplishing great goals when set. A stand out guy fun and always correcting those little mistakes which is why DH is growing fairly smoothly with a saftyness swell.

CoDiv of the year: KSI Dusky to me he is a good hard working person that accepts peoples advice from his flaws asks around to improve himself and I respect someone who is a leader trying to become better by asking and interacting with whom he is leading.

Founder of the year: KSI ilegion 7 he is a type if person that will try to pick you up when you online or invite to party to always say to was up man. Ha that's awesome shows the love and respect he has to his fellow mates.

CoFo of the year: KSI Arc always trying to help making sure he is informed about his squads. Always getting involved and that's very important.

General of the year: KSI EXODUS XXVI he has been thru quite few rough times people getting tookin from his squad but he has still maintained a very positive attitude one if my best friends in KSI and it's great when there are people like him that can share a Coo friendship.

Captain of the year: n/a

Lieutenant of the year: n/a

Member of the year: KSI iJewbacca he is a great guy fun to get along with and a very competitive player one if DH's finest was in a car accident recently and came back trying to play just rest it up man keep showing your dedication to the brotherhood.

Recruiter if the year: n/a

Donor of the year: n/a

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Madara: If its the madara i think it is, he hopped divisions too much in the beginning because he didnt get rank.

Royal: eh... I'm not sure. I've heard that he doesnt really do much in his position. Just kinda has it. I've never witnessed anything he has done and i havent really heard anything good coming from him.

Illusions cant vote for himself.

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no Self noming was removed as a rule in part to how much airborn and chaos and a few other choice people bished about it

so they can self nom...it just makes them look like a Richard

(madara = KSI Tyrant) hes been in and out abit based on the amount of times a higher up pissed on him

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OKay so already a few names on here are screeming laughable for the BS reasoning


as his former co-div and founder I know personaly that he spends more time on Forge world than actualy dealing with squads.

The other co-founders have been covering for his ass and getting his Squads up to date for him.

The reason he always goes to the Div meetings is because hes been told to go to them and its prity much the only thing he has done that hes been told to.

His ass would have been fired from the cofo spot months back if chaos hadnt repeatedly stopped either me or Metal head from doing so.



recruits generaly the WORST kind of people and doesnt give a crap about age restrictions.

he was if people remember Bringing all the underage rejected people from forum apps to boost his numbers

(RI was literaly the Sqeeker Division)


Kiki hasnt been in for 6 months......so clearly chaos opted to ignore that.


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i thought it was the same as before? self nom for achievements, not for awards.

And also madara was in my squad before. He transfered 3 times into a few different squads before getting a div transfer out. We thought it was kind of fishy because no one had a problem with him. We actually thought he was gonna hit ksi cus it seemed like he was scoping out over half of our squads. Now it just seems like he didnt see any openings in the higher ranks.

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Hes cool.

Hes just had alot of issues with upper leadership making issues and not giving help and such

lol poor guy has to take orders that he knows are bs from airborn jk jk

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Apoclypes 7 (DL div leader)

Hes been a cause of some prity dumb drama.

HE attempted to have the GFX team BL for racist over a comment about Pork, then he himself saying its cos he was black.

He has been supported in making DL from the start by chaos, so thats why that ones a bogus claim.

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loli meant more the fact Madara knows what hes meant to be doing. but Airborn was always telling him otherwise.

I mean Airborn Intentionaly got himself demoted....and most of his recruits as i said are outright badkids....

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im biassed...if i had my way hed never get any of his awards back...same for anybody else who pesters for them

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besides that.....I think we all are smart enough to know which ones are favertism and which ones are actualy people getting credit of those underneath them..

As *****y as some of the comments in here are gonna get.

its for one purpose.

To decide WHO will get them and WHY.


Im friends with this many people so im going to win


Im this persons faverate and when they vote for people they win


That being said.

My asshole nature to get things done is prompting me to say this one.

Idc if i get an award. I used to be a better leader now I care little for the whinning back stabbing nature of things

so if you opt for me on anything yay. if you dont. then its no biggy.

Id rather know I got something for Working my ass of to get it than simply getting an award becuase im somebodies faverate.



So honestly guys Even when its a friend.....dont vote and decide as if they are your friends. Base your verdicts and thaughts on what they have actualy done...please

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<_<.....GAY...UTTERLY GAY......i'll need to get Riiot onto them...
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shush and get on your knees and suck me...milk me.!! :lol: kidding...

i meant i forgot about those banner things....can you gimmie a hand explaining it to Riiot...

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*Recruiter of the Year -

KSI Airborn RI- Yes I know I can't vote for myself but I would just like to put it out the what I did in this year. I started the year out by recruiting in XD and built it to 200 then I got kicked out and went to LS and helped build Forsaken. Then I took an offer to go and help LE and built it from around 212 members to about 400. I then took an offer to go back to XD and again built it to 200 then decided to build FR and got it to around 182, and then after it got hit by MEA I made RI and helped build it to 350 at most. I also in that time had a bet with Chaos to build RI from 200 to 300 in 1 WEEK. I beat the bet. Then after RI was hit I went to FS and have built 5 squads so far. So there is a reason I'm voting for myself.

Okay....Grain of salt here.

But Are we honestly going to give this to him?

Yes un douptly he has Recruited ALOT of people.


Airborne has single handedly Brought in the largest Quantity of Garbage Recruits than ANYBODY i know of.

RI was FILLED. and NoPoop Filled with Garbage ass underage members (which as i have stated before)

which were largly the members refused for recruitment on the forums at the time due to age.

there was ZERO and I fully mean ZERO comitment to age minimums....hell he had 11 or 12 set up to be the minimum age for RI....

Every single Squad and division he "Builds" collapses soon after he leaves them....


I honestly dont Think it Right nore correct to reward a member for not even bringing in Quality as opposed to Quantity

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Also, i've been in Lost Empire this whole year and never heard anything about him helping us out. We broke 400 for the first time this year just in this past month. We were sitting between 330 and 370 since the beginning of the summer. Look into a lot of his claims because as far as i know, that statement about my division is either completely false or stated so it sounded like he is the soul reason for our recruits.

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sure luci, invite me to what ever PM you got going with him

ty, mostly becuase I didnt realise there wernt any presets hanging about and this way with you included we know they will be asked for correctly.

all i know is the following:

Blank space to edit persons name into it.

Rank award name

Date (2011 obviously)

Avatar image (which idk how thats done)

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Also, i've been in Lost Empire this whole year and never heard anything about him helping us out. We broke 400 for the first time this year just in this past month. We were sitting between 330 and 370 since the beginning of the summer. Look into a lot of his claims because as far as i know, that statement about my division is either completely false or stated so it sounded like he is the soul reason for our recruits.

Ya I personaly Dont remember him ever joining LE this year.

The LS one he was in for about a month or so then Pissed off out of the division

XD was Known as the Sqeeker division

RI.....well RI was a huge piss stain of kids

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Just talked to spazbit. He had nothing to do with LE.

he never helped LE over the course of the past year.

not one time.

If I need to come witness it I will.

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ya she sent me the message.

i mean we all know its airborne....hes division and Squad hopped more than anybody to make it look like hes done epic work....

His Recruiting leaves much to be desired.

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