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KSI New Years Live Stream!


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Great job this year so far.  We've come along quite nicely over this year to restructure, rebuild and STILL support the entire community with original content.  We have some aspiring members who'll soon be making waves.  We have a series posted up available to view.  Cool OCE.  Interviews etc.  We can do so much more, but laying the foundation of our department is key to sustainment before pushing into all sorts of different areas we want to venture out to.


Anywho, getting back to the subject of this post.  The NEW YEARS LIVE STREAM IS RIGHT AROUND THE CORNER!!! I don't know when the Seniors would like to do this.  Earlier this year it was on Jan 10th.  Regardless of the timeframe, I want us to be prepared to showcase this event.


Here's where I'm going to open the floor for your suggestions and to see who'll be doing what.



What would YOU like to see on the live stream?

What was the good/bad take aways from the last New Years Live Stream?

Will you be available to stream? Mod chat? etc.


The floor is yours!  Lets plan this out and host a successful event!

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January 17th @ 7pm EST is the time and date I currently have for this event.


Apoc streamed some if not all of last year's stream.  Dude has the goodies for streaming and is a good host for it and will by virtue be invited to participate on the stream anyway.  He'd be the best fit to actually stream, but should anything happen we need 1-2 people ready to pick up the stream.  Hey, technical difficulties happen... life happens... Poop happens. Better to be prepared than have that oh Poop moment live.


In the meantime, I'd like for you all to think of what else you want to see in the new year's stream.  Content... that's literally what we do as the productions team.  No matter how small or grand your ideas may be, I'd like to hear them out and field plans right here for the whole team to see and easily recall the info.

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