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Awoken Lucifer

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omg Stop spamming....please god...Read the title of the Topic it says QUESTIONS.....not spam the hell out of the topic to say ty.

its highly annoying being sent messages both here on the forums and on xbl.

Im amazed my cell phone and Face book havent been spammed yet....

Awards are Given at the Discretion of the aap.

Meaning.....at my discretion....they get given.....or not given. clear?

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as i Said.....This area is for QUESTIONS.....if you wish to thank somebody or report something do it via PM

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I have a question... Does a division split count as creating a division?

Division Creator - * in aap system Create a division and has Exceptional growth within six months (300 members, Must be an actual Division Creation not a remake of original divisions, MUST BE NEW).

When a division splits it usually takes 200- 300 members. How is it created with such a member base from the begining? Im just looking for clarification. :)

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I have a question... Does a division split count as creating a division?

Division Creator - * in aap system Create a division and has Exceptional growth within six months (300 members, Must be an actual Division Creation not a remake of original divisions, MUST BE NEW).

When a division splits it usually takes 200- 300 members. How is it created with such a member base from the begining? Im just looking for clarification. :smile:

Arguable ones. usualy Done on Case by Case basis....and if div splits like that become the norm for them. then the number could be raised to avoide instantanious awarding

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  • 3 weeks later...

Needs to be a page. As i've told you before. If its just you posting over and over, no. If the posts have nothing to do with the topic, no. Also, its at our discretion whether it is helping KSI or not

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Well It's Squad Battles. I use the Topic to either tell who won the squad battle or to sign up for it. It's not a hot topic yet but when it does. Squad battles helps more KSI squads get better active and promotes friendships and fun.

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I recieved Member Assistance Award and I lead the polls for Founder of the month for march. I all of a sudden went from having 1 reward to none. How can this be?

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...

thats not fully an option, the records were mostly lost when bills idiot site delted aap.

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