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Awoken Lucifer

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if you have quastions.

put them here.

Please dont put them directly into Topics

(eg, of the month, of the years)


From Chaos:

Are we not putting down reasons for these because for the of the year awards alot are going to qualify for muliple ones based on what they did through out the year so seeing why someone nominates some one for X rank even though they may be a different rank now could be relevant. Just asking because usually we want reasons for of the months.


Answer: I personaly dont care if people put reasons. Reasons are good and all i just didnt feel like trying to remember half the crap people have done..lol and in some peoples cases <_< points at Chaos. have done WAY to many things to remember half.

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  On 12/19/2011 at 2:47 PM, Lucifer said:

Answer: I personaly dont care if people put reasons. Reasons are good and all i just didnt feel like trying to remember half the crap people have done..lol and in some peoples cases <_< points at Chaos. have done WAY to many things to remember half.

Then I don't understand how the AAP is going to be able to vote on the of the years if even like you just stated you can't recall half the stuff they have done some on the AAP have not been as active as you so when you guys decide to debate why X should get something what info is that going to be based off? I mean I am honestly very confused because in the past for the of the months if they didn't put reasons it didn't even count but for the other the years were not even asking them for reasons at all.

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  On 12/19/2011 at 8:41 PM, KSI Chaos 7 said:

Then I don't understand how the AAP is going to be able to vote on the of the years if even like you just stated you can't recall half the stuff they have done some on the AAP have not been as active as you so when you guys decide to debate why X should get something what info is that going to be based off? I mean I am honestly very confused because in the past for the of the months if they didn't put reasons it didn't even count but for the other the years were not even asking them for reasons at all.

<_<.....if they want to put reasons...They can

If they dont put reasons then they dont.

and like its stated IN the post....

These are of the years.....


Not the same.

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Which is why I asked why is it that your require more of the of the months then the years. I mean year is a bigger deal but right now we have a list of names for people for different ranks but no reasons as to why they should even have the of the year awards. I mean lets not pretend the current AAP staff is going to even have half a clue who half of the people are that are below the rank of general so what could they possibly debate and discuss when the AAP staff start selecting the of the years and they have no information to even discuss. As it stands right now then with no information at all given there is no way those being nominated can even be represented when it comes down to the AAP voting on these yearly awards.

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Chaos if you have an issue with the staff of the AAP and their abilities.

Please Message any of the following rather than trashing their ability to "check facts"


KSI Luci Lux 7

KSI Jiggy 7

  On 12/19/2011 at 9:22 PM, Lucifer said:

<_<.....if they want to put reasons...They can

If they dont put reasons then they dont.

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  On 12/20/2011 at 5:24 AM, KSI iLLuSii0N 7 said:

Reasoning will be looked into and if you don't post any reasoning for why this member should deserve this award then the chances of that member getting that award will probably not happen. So post reasoning if you think they really deserve it.

<<exactly what my wording should have said lol

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Currently We are NOT bringing in any new staff, however people come and go and you never know Quite when apps will be up

as to what you need to do:

Be impartial.

Seperate yourself from the Friend aspect to people you know when they come up for awards

Base your judgements off the Work they have Done

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  • 2 months later...


We voted for "Of the Month" at the end of January. Were those ever decided and awarded? I have looked but am not seeing any announcements on it.



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No sorry, <_< we only have 6 people decied largly...........others are.....how to say...free floating

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Hey guys:

Just wanted to say thank you for the awards that were handed out to me and to the other nominated members.

It's probably hard to work through validating and sifting through all this stuff, and I just want to let the AAP team know you are appreciated.



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  • 2 weeks later...

In nominations, please refrain from bumping or any attempts to rush the aap staff. We will get to your application when we get to it. Doing so will not make us get to it faster. If anything, it will make us take our time.

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