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Where's my LGBTQ friends at?

KSI Intricate

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I'll be on Saturday most of the day, so will see If your on when I get on ^_^

What games that WP ??

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Havoc, I have some great ideas I came up with while reflecting and eating my chocolate eggs :3

I realised that LGBTQ is not a big thing in KSI but I think we should try grow... I know this sounds silly but there are definitely a lot of people out there who would appreciate a group of friends who would listen and talk to them about their sexuality, gender and who they are. We just need to spread the word that a group like us exists and that we are all friends here in KSI ^_^

Also, I know Pride marches will be occurring soon across the globe and I'm sure you would agree we should do an event to celebrate diversity in KSI (you may have done this before but I'm not sure)

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This is the KSI Community. This is not the place for politics or agendas. This forum area is the only concession. If you want to do a game night or something, thats fine.

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Sorry, but since when was trying to help people who aren't sure who they are have anything to do with politics and agendas?? It's just common sympathy and charity :P

And I was only suggesting an idea, you had no right to be so pesimistic about it :(

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You live laze!!

Yeah back home now lol going to be back on xbox here shortly too.

Been out the house trying living on my own with nothing.

Barely had an android lol.

Rent, food all the necessities proved to be too much so far. Need to ease into it save up :P

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