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AAP OTY 2014 Nomination Thread (Closing January 3rd)

KSI Mufasa 7

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Senior Leader(Senior Directors/BoD Members)
Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) -KSI Huckleberry 7 Senior Director
Link to forums account -http://www.ksiforums.org/user/5569-ksi-hucklberry7/
Reasoning why they deserve this - this member to me has worked his butt off this last year. he strives to make sure that this community is always running smothly. he is always there to support any member regaurdless of rank and is very quick to point out a flaw in a constructive way followed by how they could fix it.

Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) -KSI Dragon 7 Director LW DL EO
Link to forums account -http://www.ksiforums.org/user/12108-ksi-dragon014x7/
Reasoning why they deserve this -
this member really worked hard to get where he is. He takes part in as much as he possibly can from game nights to 7 vs vieweres and anything he can possibly do inbetween. he is always there to lend an ear on any situation even if its not in a division that he's over as well as offer advice on the situation.

Division Leader
Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI Havoc 7
Link to forums account -http://www.ksiforums.org/user/8645-ksi-havoc-7/
Reasoning why they deserve this -
this member has worked his butt off to get where he is. he is always there to lend an ear and makes sure that any problems are handled almost immediatly. everytime i'm in a party with him i learn something new that i try to bring back to my division.

Co-Division Leader
Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI Shivers 7 ES
Link to forums account -http://www.ksiforums.org/user/18523-ksi-shivers-7/
Reasoning why they deserve this -
working under this man has been a privilage. he has taught me a lot about working with people and giving everyone the time of day for any questions or concerns they my have. the way he deals with situation with a calm cool collective head and makes sure that all rules are always being followed.

Founder KSI Smokey 7
Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) -KSI SMOKIEY 7/KSI Bandit 777 DM
Link to forums account -http://www.ksiforums.org/user/20214-ksi-smokiey-7/
Reasoning why they deserve this -
this member deserves this award for how she handles herself day to day. she can go from all fun and games to completely serious the second she needs to.  She is always there for her members for any question or concern that they may have and is a very strong leader that will always speak her mind and call you out if she doesn't  like something.

Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI Bumper 7 Co-Founder DL
Link to forums account -http://www.ksiforums.org/user/17020-herr-bumper-7/
Reasoning why they deserve this -
this person was thrown into a big roll where he was forced to learn how to be a 7 really fast. He has done a wonderful job taking over a divison with very little time to adjust to his new rolls. he's always there to speak with on any idea or topic and is very knowledgeable about previous members from his division.

Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI Not a Guy/KSI OhMyLanta 7 Co-Founder
Link to forums account -http://www.ksiforums.org/user/22393-ksi-ohmylanta-7/
Reasoning why they deserve this - this particular member has time and time again shown me that she has the utmost care and compassion for this community. she strives to make everyone smile every day and goes way out of her way to ensure that every member of her squad is happy to the best of her ability. Even if it is  giving someone another chance despite others telling her not to.

Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) -KSI LivingDeadGal 2CPT ES Wicked
Link to forums account -http://www.ksiforums.org/user/15487-livingdeadgal/
Reasoning why they deserve this -
this is one member that i can always count on to make sure something gets handled wether it be getting with lower ranking members and motivating them or making sure that everyone is keeping on topic. She always puts forth 110% whenever she is asked to do something and makes sure that it is done in a timely manor and she is not afraid to speak her mind.

Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) -KSI HIDDEN DUCK 4CPT ES Ragnarok
Link to forums account -http://www.ksiforums.org/user/21360-duck/
Reasoning why they deserve this -
this member since he came back to this divison had just kicked butt. he's single handedly pulled his squad together he's always there to host game nights as well as anwser any questions. he has trained almost half of this squad himself and is mentoring everyone making sure that everyone has every bit of information that he has.

Productions Staff
Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad)-KSI Purge 4LT DM Rage
Link to forums account-http://www.ksiforums.org/user/9453-ksi-purge/
Reasoning why they deserve this- this member is always down to help stream any time there is an event going. When i think of anything being live streamed he is the first person that comes to mind.

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Senior Leader
Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI HUCKLBERRY 7
Link to forums account - 
Reasoning why they deserve this -


Words can not even express what this leader has done for this community in the past year since he attained his position of Senior Director. With a mentality like NONE other in KSI, he approaches and handles situations in a very logical manner, but with such passion, that you would think he was the embodiment of KSI itself. He has been an effective part of ensuring the security and fun of the members, as well as participating in the leadership development of many others, not just those in divisional leadership, but all throughout KSI in general. He even works with situations one on one, and doesn't just try to divy out everything to everyone else. Yes, it is done as needed, but this Senior leads by example with everyone. He has mentored myself and too many to name in KSI. Not really too much more to say on this guy. 


Division Leader 
Gamertag - KSI HAVOC 7
Link to forums account 
Reasoning why they deserve this- 

Let me tell you about this guy. First of all, he splits his time between being the head of TnE and Division Leader of DM. That in itself, is a feat. That's not all! While doing that, he is also acting General for the Halo: MCC squad in DM, so he has to switch back and forth between two different consoles to tend to his entire division. All of that aside, this is one of the more thoughtful and kind members when dealing with situations in KSI. I personally never have heard him raise his voice at any member, as he doesn't need to. This has been mentioned by not only myself, but many others in this community as a valuable trait. Keeping clam in almost ny situation as expect, but not even showing an ounce of anger is something to be proud of. He has also implemented a divisonal training program that has effectively increased the productivity of the entire division. There are other things to be said about this leader, but it shows through his efforts in taking care of his division. 

Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI Not A Guy/KSI OhMyLanta 7
Link to forums account - 
Reasoning why they deserve this - 

When you have someone who single handedly brings back a squad from the brink of death at less than 30 members, to 95 at almost a split with a full officer staff. Working towards the point that she wanted to be at with her squad, she did what she had to do for as long as possible to get situations dealt with, to get to know members in and out, and working with those wanting to rank up to get them the knowledge and experience that they need. Most, if not all of the officers were recruited and trained up by her, simple as that. This all took place in the matter of about 3 months, maybe not even that long. Her passion for her squad and KSI has shown in her works, and to even at the end of her time as general, has taken all advice and information that she could to improve any aspect of her squad and officer staff. Even information from myself has been quickly put in, and effectively utilized by the officers and even members. Not only was she helpingher squad, but she even would give advice to other ssquads in the division, helping recruit on different games, and other things as well. Hard worker, simple.

Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - ImPeRiiUM
Link to forums account - 
Reasoning why they deserve this -

This guy has taken the news team to not only a new front, but has consistently pushed out articles throughout the year ever since he came back to the team. From leadership articles, to posting unique and witty articles about those who won Spirit Week, and even other diverse things. He is working hard to make sure that things keep running for news and tries to push the department as he can with the community. 


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The time has come for Of The Years and we normally try to not post but this year we want to show support for the AAP staff and also to all the hard work that the Divisions are doing, not to mention this is something that we feel we could do for you all and maybe have a positive impact with your future here in KSI and maybe your lives.



Senior Leader

 Gamer tag (Rank - Division/Squad) – KSI Greg 7: Senior Director

 Link to forums account - http://www.ksiforums.org/user/109-ksi-greg-7/

 Reasoning why they deserve this – I’ve worked alongside Greg and Cheddar for a very long time, they both are my best of friends and I wish I could say I vote for both of them here, but for this time Greg I say you have been my rock in every single case since we moved you up, I have leaned on you more than once and you have withstood the pressure.

This job is more about how to not only manage the community, be a good ear, teach young people ethics, be a secretary but in our case you have to be a psychiatrist with plenty of room on the couch for our family. I know you have worked long hours every day and come home to KSI and put in another 4-6 hours and for that we both (Cheddar and I) thank you very much.

Now, for the reason you deserve this award: Greg is unwilling to stop with just an average answer to a problem, he keeps on until an issue is completed and we are all satisfied, that due diligence and work ethics instilled in him is a prime example of what we want in our community. We see every day through the week where he never takes a day off from KSI or the weekend to provide the members with services that not many other leaders can or do provide, he is always available to any member no matter what the issue is and no matter what rank they are, they only need to ask.

Greg is always searching to play in a game night weather it’s on halo, CoD, or Destiny and he is at the drop of a hat ready to discuss the daily issues or just talk about a book with the members of a party. He’s a true KSI representative,   but more than anything he is a true friend to all that meet him here in our community.

He is unwilling to bend on the rules of the SoP, but always willing to lend a hand. Love ya Buddy.



 Gamer tag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI Paratroop 7: Head of IA/Director of whatever we put him over

 Link to forums account - http://www.ksiforums.org/user/108-ksi-paratroop-7/

 Reasoning why they deserve this – I went back and forth several times because I don’t really count Para as a Director any longer.  When he was promoted to lead us into the future with the IA department we thought we were not going to ever see him in the roll of a Director again but things have forced us to call on him time and time again, and he has delivered.

      Para is showing that he is not only a great person to rely on but one of the greatest assets that we can depend on to get the job done.  He has stepped up to the plate and mentored the new Directors when they start out, he jumps into game nights and spends time with new recruits, and lets not forget he is always here for us to use for training at all times.

     Para is an all around fix it, and go to Director, Div leader, and IA Head.  Thank you brother.


 Division Leader:

 Gamer tag (Rank - Division/Squad) – KSI Sinister 7: Division Leader LS

 Link to forums account - http://www.ksiforums.org/user/8993-sinister-7/

 Reasoning why they deserve this – This was another hard decision, but with all the BS that I gave Sinister this year I had no choice (wife voted on this one).

     Sinister took over this Division with the ideal that he would be able to put his signature on KSI, and so far he is doing just that.  The young man that I see here leading LS is so much more now than just a Div leader, I see one of the future leaders of KSI.  I call him my BS buddy, because we can sit in a party and kick stories around and ideals and bounce things off each other.  He has the knowledge and drive to accomplish anything that he sets his mind too.

     He took the challenge to move from GZ and begin the leadership in LS, knowing that it was going to be rough, there was times that he probably wanted to quit, and he has had many trials and tribulations but he never did, he in fact has pick up several other projects and ideals and helped solve issues that was left over and never skipped a beat.  He started one of the first “successful†Destiny squads in LS, which is still going strong, and we are looking for the first Master Chief Collection squad now.

     Sinister takes a “never say die†attitude towards the community and I think that this is why we see eye to eye on so many things and also butt heads on so much also.  He is truly a pioneer when it comes to up-start squads, and he will forever more be a leader among leaders here in KSI.


 Co-Division Leader:

 Gamer tag (Rank - Division/Squad) – KSI HAVOC 7: CO-DIVISION LEADER (MOST OF THE YEAR) DM

 Link to forums account - http://www.ksiforums.org/user/8645-ksi-havoc-7/

 Reasoning why they deserve this – HAVOC 7 has done nothing but work this whole year, every event and every time we need a go to person in DM L10N himself says lets ask Havoc.  He keeps one of the tightest ships out here.  He still has some training to go but you just can’t deny the amount of work that he puts in for our community for it to run smoothly.  He has a top notch crew behind him and that supports him.  Keep up the great work Havoc, we do appreciate you and your hard work very much, all of us Seniors and Directors do, without you a lot of the special events would not happen. Thank you.


SPECIAL NOTICE HERE: Two special notices to a couple Co-Divs that I wanted to pick: KSI Nick 7- This guy is one of my picks to be a top leader in KSI, he is one of the smartest and most level headed people.  There will be a few that will be able to compete with the leadership potential that he has if he keeps learning and applying the simple rules of KSI.  Keep up the great work Nick, get involved with the forums and a couple web activities.

KSI SHIVERS 7: Man what a guy to have a sit down conversation with, he is a great intellectual person. I enjoy the gaming and I’m sure that the division is enjoying it also.  I must say with a few more months this guy will be looking a split in his division and we are so happy to see that.  We are wanting to see you participate a little with the web a little if you have time, get a project with you div and get them active with the community. 



 Gamer tag (Rank - Division/Squad) – KSI Muramasa 7: Founder EF

 Link to forums account - http://www.ksiforums.org/user/5200-ksi-muramasa-7/

 Reasoning why they deserve this – I turned this young man loose with the ideal of creating an Xbox one squad a year ago, after he and I spent weeks in parties getting all the things together and making plans for the start of a squad he started out with himself and three others (Muramasa you can correct any of this if I don’t remember it properly). The squad soon turned into a blossom and we had a new general, and I along with KSI QUEENJESS 7 was very proud of the amount of work that he had put in. 

    With over a year of trials and tribulations have come and gone he has stuck with it and he has shown that he is a true KSI soldier through and through. I dare say without your hard work we couldn’t have gotten as far as we have. Thank you, don’t stop, I’m still looking to get it split by the end of September!!!! Good Luck.



 Gamer tag (Rank - Division/Squad) -KSIx2FINGERS 7: IO Founder

 Link to forums account - http://www.ksiforums.org/user/20810-ksix2fingers-7/

 Reasoning why they deserve this – I started working with Fingers when he was a General, just trying to mentor him because he was around my age and to see if I could game with more people on black ops2 and play zombies, Fingers turned into more than just a person that wanted mentoring, he wanted to know how to be a better general because his division was failing, he wanting to learn how to communicate with the upper 7’s to get the information to help save this division.  We put a new Director over him, and he started soaking up the knowledge and still he wanted more, and more responsibility, he wanted to go the extra mile to help out the 7’s if they needed it. This was a great thing to happen to this division because it was slated to be merged, and he didn’t know it.

With his hard work, and the determination of the crew inside his squad and the 7’s Fingers made it to Co-Founder where he finished watching over his squad and training his squad and two others. He has also trained another General to be a 7 and eventually brought a division from the brink of destruction to now thriving. I know you are a Founder now, but you did your greatest work as a CoFo, and “MiddleFinger†you are awesome for what you and your crew did!!



 Gamer tag (Rank - Division/Squad) – KSIxXlilxluluXx : WI Fierce/General

 Link to forums account - http://www.ksiforums.org/user/21401-lil-lulu91/

 Reasoning why they deserve this – This young lady has been the ideal KSI General, she seen that there was new things to be done inside her division, and she never batted an eye, she just jumped right in there and asked the founder what she could do to help.  She wrote down instructions and plans to follow for recruiting when we revamped the recruit tag in WI and she worked with the 7s staff to get it going and she has been doing a good job with her squad, although it’s a work in progress she has come a very long way, and I’m very proud of her.  Lulu tries to keep everyone working and also playing, but most of all she tries to ensure that they are happy with being in KSI.


HONORABLE MENTION: I have to mention my “Daughter†KSI NOT A GUY  here, she was a very quick study to go through the general rank but I was very proud of her, she never went through a week without asking questions about weather she was doing enough, or the proper things.  She is a hard worker and one of the best people in KSI PERIOD!  If she would have been in her position a little longer I would have given the nod to her. But right now I think the uppers need to look out for her……






 Gamer tag (Rank - Division/Squad) – KSI Doctor 7: All around go to guy with any concern.

 Link to forums account - http://www.ksiforums.org/user/4993-ksi-doctor-7/

 Reasoning why they deserve this – I’ve spent the last year working with Doctor hand and hand, he has the knowledge and drive to keep the Clanops and Webops members going day after day.  He has helped me with projects along with his daily job on the web and never faltered, he jumps in and does squad level training and also has recently became a member of a squad in IO.  His continued service to the community is greatly appreciated by all of us.



 Gamer tag (Rank - Division/Squad) – KSI Impyyy7

 Link to forums account – couldn’t find it

 Reasoning why they deserve this – Impyyy is still doing what he loves and is doing a good job. I think he will be get the department rolling this next year.



 Gamer tag (Rank - Division/Squad) – KSI xMufasax 7

 Link to forums account - http://www.ksiforums.org/user/2273-ksi-mufasa-7/

 Reasoning why they deserve this – Being one of my best friends I take great pride in putting his name down for an award, but when I have to tell what all he did, well it is more than I can remember. MuMu as I call him, is a great guy, he spends his nights with not only his family, but he brings each one of us into home and we experience a true American Hero that is a great Dad to his kids, a loving husband to his wife, and he loved this community enough to embarrass all of us to dress like Miley Sickus and prove that nothing is going to stop him from getting this community excited about the future and that he is crazy enough to be one of its leaders.

He has worked hard at being the Military Liaison, working with several cases this year, he has worked very well with the Seniors in many task and he never puts off his duties that we put on him.  He is a great example of what we need for growth, look what has happen with the Destiny squad in LS.  Thanks for all you do here in KSI and in the Military Brother!


If I didn’t pick you for a nomination please don’t think that you are not being looked at nor think that your contribution isn’t appreciated, I see many people throughout the year and as you can see many of the people are in different positions than that for which I nominated them for.  I feel that there are several more that I could put on here, but I was told to not confuse the committee with all the additions.

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