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AAP OTY 2014 Nomination Thread (Closing January 3rd)

KSI Mufasa 7

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Gametag: KSI xleonidasx


reason why: Leonnidas is a very awesome guy, very understanding and great leader. he is excellent at teaching. he knows what he is doing. He always does work and is on top of his job. he works and has a family and still makes time for KSI work. he deserves to be recognized.

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Senior Leader(Senior Directors/BoD Members)
Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI CheddarBob 7(Senior Director)
Reasoning why they deserve this - Cheddar is the definition of a leader. I am lucky to have joined KSI while he was still in DL. I feel its an amazing opportunity I have had to work with Cheddar on my way up the ranks. He is extremely dedicated and puts in so much work to keep KSI safe and running smoothly.
Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI Mpliers 7(ES Co-Founder)
Reasoning why they deserve this - Mpliers in an amazing person and co-founder. He has truly helped me through my time as a GEN and no a Co-Fo. He is very easy to get along with and works amazing with his members. He has been a great mentor to me and is a prime example of what a leader in KSI should be. I am very excited to get to work with him as we both rank up in KSI.
Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSIxxr3b3l(DEMIZE DL GEN)
Reasoning why they deserve this - Rebel has stuck out through a lot of tough times in his time as a GEN. He is active within his squad and has been a very loyal member. He will most definitely worked extremely hard to earn his rank and works as hard as he can even with his hectic work schedule to maintain his rank and try ranking up further.
Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI Con Mike2(UNDEAD DL 3CPT)
Reasoning why they deserve this - Con Mike has been essentially his squads GEN for some time now since his GEN stepped down. He has been an amazing officer for his squad and will most definitely make an awesome GEN when given the opportunity. He is very active within his squad and takes the time to get to know as many new members as possible. He is very intrigued in learning as much as he can in his endeavor to move up in KSI.
Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI Baby OG(REAPERS DL 1LT)
Reasoning why they deserve this - This member has worked extremely hard and earned the rank of LT, 2 times this year. He made it to CPT and had to leave due to personal issues and returned and put in just as much work as before and earned his spot back again. He is a very good recruiter and an awesome trained. Baby OG, has definitely earned his rank and continues to put forth the effort to stay an officer and move up further in KSI.
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Gamertag- KSI MingledOrc

Rank- Captain

Division- Last Strike

Squad- Trocity

Forums- http://www.ksiforums.org/user/23230-mingled/


I would like to nominate KSI MingledOrc for captain of the year. Ming is a wonderful person. He joined KSI TW Killjoy, at the time which had maybe five active members(thats being generous). Even though they didnt have many active members, Ming was always around. He got close with Trocity an we welcomed him with open  arms. Once Killjoy merged with Trocity Ming really bloomed. Ive never met someone with so much spunk. he quickly made his way up the ranks, with his motivation, witty banter, an positive attitude. When I became Gen an promoted him to Captain, was when he really would put in that work. with the merge of TW an LS, motivation an activity to a dramatic turn for the worst, but Ming never lost faith. He put in the extra work to sed out personal motivational messages, he made sure to make everyone feel like nothing changed an we were still a family. he is a big reason why a lot of people are still here... He is a big part of while I am still here. He helped bring Trocity back up from the slump we got into. He is the most motivated person ive ever met. he puts in so much work. hes ran many meetings when i wasnt able to make it, hes constanly searching for more an more knowledge. I quite honestly think hes more in the know than i am.  (dont tell anyone!) I cannot think of a more deserving person. Having him as my second in command was a god send. i wish i could put him in my pocket an keep him forever. He calls himself my biggest cheerleader, but really im his cheerleader. No matter what is thrown at him he will get it done, an thow in extra work just to make sure things are perfect. I personally want to tank him for helping keep Trocity alive. He is now General of Trocity an i know he will make that into the best squad ever. 

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Gamertag ( Rank - Division/Squad)- KSI HATTER87-(Cofounder - Wicked Intent )

Link to forums account-http://www.ksiforums.org/user/13216-ksi-hatter87/

Reasoning why they deserve this- the reason why hatter deserves this that she has been doing a great job of this whole year in helping other sqauds under her supervision and help with xbox gold membership cards within WI, she gives us information and assistance of any type of problems, she has become a great leader of WI, full of knowledge and dedication, I'm happy that she is our cofounder of WI, when I came to crysis I saw a leader in her from the start from captain to General and now cofounder and I'm looking forward to seeing her in much more with the potential she has now :)


Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) -KSI Wisconsin-( General-Wicked Intent/Crysis)

Link to forums account -http://www.ksiforums.org/user/20425-ksi-wisconsin

Reasoning why they deserve this -the reason why Wisconsin deserves this is that he has been working hard running crysis really well and recovering wonderfully after our split to form Abaddon, and keep us all together even in tough times within the sqaud, he has much strength and potential and thanks to him Crysis is going to become strong again as before, he helps us in the sqaud well by running our meetings and gamenights we have mostly everyday :)

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Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) -KSI Emmy-( General-Ground Zero/Pride )

Link to forums account - http://www.ksiforums.org/user/16543-ksi-emmy/

Reason why they deserve this - Ever since I was recruited back in March, Emmy has ALWAYS been there, sending out messages to me - keeping me active and playing with the squad and really showing me the true meaning of KSI. That we are more than just some clan. She is always there at the game nights, inviting people and spreading that KSI love all around. 

In my opinion, Emmy is the embodiment of that KSI spirit that we cherish so much.

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REASON WHY THEY DESERVE THIS: Shes already have done so much for me i was in KSI earlier this year i left because my squad  was out of hand,so i went the forums a few days ago resigned up for KSI because i believe that there is much more to it than Chaos SMOKIEY 7 offered me into her Division and her old squad as a welcoming she showed me that people deserve a second chance  for building up the respect they once had in a community such as this.SMOKIEY 7 is indeed a true leader if things would ever get bad and she has to fill in the seat as a higher person she would do it not only with Responsibility but with Determination.

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SGT. Of The Year



Gamertag: KSI FuzzyMeep 7 (Div) Demonic Mayhem



Link to forums acct: http://www.ksiforums.org/user/8-i-am-fuzzymeep%E2%84%A2/



Reason Why? I think Fuzzy should be SGT of the year he has proven very and over and over just what a great SGT he can be. He works very hard at maintaining his rank. Please give him this award.

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KSI ZombieLord (Gen Leonidas LW)

Reason: Alot of bad things happened in his life this year, one involving an ex ksi but he didnt give up, he didnt leave, hes been active all the time and only took a little time off to relax. Hes one of the most hard working people I know.


KSI Neilgro (3CPT Leonidas LW)

Reason: He went through this transfer strong and has done really well in helping them advance. He is a kind and thoughtful man and him and zombie are the only reasons why I have stayed this long.

Even though im not in their squad that both have helped me out so much more then they had to.


KSI ACIDxRAIN (Gen Beowulf LW)

Reason: He worked so hard before even becoming Gen tying and succeeding to prove himself over and over again, hes hardworking and has a good hold on serious and fun, he keeps the squad going.

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Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) -KSI xSTATICx 7/SSGT very recently stepped down from founder/IO/KRAKEN
Link to forums account -http://www.ksiforums.org/user/8889-static-of-7s/
Reasoning why they deserve this -STATIC has been a staple of our old Div(FG just merged into IO) for a long time and has been around the block so to speak,I don't think that there is a single person who dosen't know who he is,he has been nothing but helpful and passionate toward our Div,I have seen this guy in almost every situation there is and he has always dealt with it in a professional level headed manner,he has helped me on many occasions with problems i have had within KSI,This guy is and will always be one of the greatest members our Div will ever see :) KSI xSTATICx 7 keep on rockin bro!!!! 

Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) -KSI POWERS 7/co-fo/IO
Link to forums account -http://www.ksiforums.org/user/18995-powers/
Reasoning why they deserve this -
Powers is well a power house his name says it all lol but in all seriousness powers is an amazing member and has been ever since his return,as a co-fo he hasn't stopped rockin he has taken a great chunk out of his life for KSI and i applaud him for it,his dedication to us is unbreaking and i believe he had a great role to play in keeping our old Div alive as long as it did,this guys hasn't stopped putting in "work" he knows everyone and everyone knows him he is quick to act and tries to get things resolved or dealt with asap,powers is a force to reckon with and he is only going up from here. Ya Baby! ya!

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Gamertag (Rank-Division/Squad)- KSI Not a Guy

Link to formus account-http://www.ksiforums.org/user/22393-ksi-not-a-guy/

Reason- After joining Paradox later then some poeple shes stepped up and done everything she can to make the sqaud work, she put in the effort and time for the squad, she is a great general and deserves something good

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Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI Jupiter 7 -Sgt- Shogun/ EF
Reasoning why they deserve this -
Jupiter. Well snap lets get started. 
Jupiter was my Director when I first got General way back in December of last year, she worked with me really close to make sure that everything I needed was being taken care of in a timely manner. She would go beyond her responsibilies as a Director and come and spend time with us and our squads and actually get to know us. She did not come up and stick to the Same old Cliche that she same up in DM with. 
No matter what was going on with her she was always there to help us, she would be willing to jump on the xbox at a moments notice and lend her support.
I remember all the times my old divisional would come to me to talk about how Jupiter did this, or Jupiter did that and It helped them&the division out so much, or Jupiter imparted some kind of advice that changed the course of our division for the better. 
I miss Jupiter as she is the person that made my long term goal fixated in my head. Did I mention that she does some really cool drawings?
Co-Division Leader
Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI Sinister 7
Reasoning why they deserve this -
GAH! Sinister. At this point he has literally turned LS away from the Bring of death and turned it into a thriving division with a huge amount of potential and history to be used and acheived. 
When KSI Sinister 7 transferred to Last Strike from Ground Zero, he received his long awaited promotion to Co-Division Leader. He also received one of the biggest challenges that anyone anywhere in KSI can receive; To bring back the Oldest and one of the most Historic Divisions in KSI back from the brink. 
So again why does he deserve Co-Division Leader of the month? Sorry I was deviating. 
Sinister came from GZ into LS as an unknown entity that everyone was wary of. He came into LS with a reputation that noone wanted to get involved with. 
However he managed it, he got into our little clicks and he sought out the up and coming leaders. He restructured the division with a vigor that noone else wanted to muster up, he removed incompetant leaders and put new, fresh and able leaders into play. 
He Brought the orientation process into Last Strike and we fought, oh yes we fought with this process, but he won, and we are forever greatfull that he did bring it over. He retrained virtually the entire division, myself included (A general of 8months at the time who thought he was a prophet of knowledge was sat down and schooled) 
After the war of the orientation process Sinister got nitty gritty with us, he systematically went through every squad and fixed EVERYTHING. Those squads that were unfixable were merged and he made them hard choices, he took all the flak for it in his step and kept driving forwards!
Not once did he faulter, even when the Founder and eventually Only Co-Founder left KSI. He took on all roles of divisional leadership thoughout skipping a step, sometimes I think hes done this before, Restructured Divisions and what not. 
Have I touched base on Why he deserves This award yet? You want more!? Fine...
KSI Sinister 7 Has nurtered, and mentored just about every up and coming leader in Last Strike and has set the division up for a very bright future, he has brought in valuble assets including the infamous mumu to help start up a destiny squad. 
With Sinister being the man that he is, he has exposed the division to some more senior leadership interaction which is not something I could not have personally done. 
So Sinister being an ex-GZion he obviously bigged up spirit week. He went and got GZ ready for a battle with LS, Family Vs Family, Wife Vs Husband, Friends Vs Friends. Oh he was the reason LS went into the fray guns blazing. Without Sinisters motivation and pushing and calls to battle we would have not done well at all. He is the reason the second smallest division at the time pushed to 2nd Place in Spirit Week.He proved No matter how small you are, you can contend with the big boys.  He is the reason we wanted to acheive that, and he is the reason we did.
Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI Emmy - General - Pride/GZ
Reasoning why they deserve this -
Sorry you actually asked me why Emmy Deserves Captain of the year? Seriously...? 
Well here goes, and I seriously hope this nomination does this young lady justice. 
Now, I heard about this members when She hit Captain earlier this year and quickly earnt a reputation for running her squad in any circumstance, including when the general was sitting there. No matter the problem Emmy could fix it, no matter what was going on she was on top of it. The support system she developed within her squad, as well as within her division is one of the best I have seen - That has been developed by an officer.
I spoke to a few people that have been officers with her, past and present to see how they view Emmy. And one common fact they all presented was the fact that they all try and live up to Emmys' standards, she has set the bar extremly high without even trying. 
Now I could tell you how well Emmy does her job, but thats not what these nominations are about. However She is the person the model Captain goes to and asks " Will you teach me to be a Captain?" And trust me, there are very few people I would use that phrase for.
On to a more person note.
I compare this young lady to myself when I was a captain, doing everything that I could, not for the rank. Not to move forwards, but because she genuinly cares for each and every person in her squad, her division and those who she comes in contact with throughout the community. She has a very big heart and everyone she comes in contact with can attest to that. 
Recently when Emmy was 1st Captain in her squad, her was running everything from the Training to who was doing Gamenights and the meetings. She was running the squad from behind the scenes. This was rewarded recently by her promotion to General! Which I am extremly happy to say was well deserved! 
Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI Vermillion - Captain - GZ/Pride
Reasoning why they deserve this -
Vermillion was under myself when I was a General in Echo, LS. When there he suprised everyone by rising to the challenge of timezones, doing what he could in the same amount of time that was availble to him. (He is in the UK and Echo is a US squad) His Xbox time was soley dedicated to recruiting, training and making sure everyone was happy and resolving every issue and problem before it even hit my ears. 
Vermillion is someone who has the communities best interests at heart and constantly displays this in everything he does and has done and continues to do. 
Now let me tell you a story about this young man.
When I hit Co-Founder I made the descision to move Vermillion to a Squad where his full potential could be acheived. So I made the arrangements and got him moved out to Pride GZ, a squad that continues to exceed all expectations that leaders put on it. Vermillion had big boots to fill, being in a squad with an outstanding officer staff. Vermillion came in, started training, got his game nights running. Got his "Thing" going on. He did not stop until he was friends with everyone in that squad. And not only has he moved forwards into a captain position, but he has made a positive change which is recognised beyond his own Divisional leaders. 
I commend this young man on taking on something which can break many young officers, but he tore down that and fought his way forwards. I see Vermillion going higher, so much higher. Good Luck to you for the future Vermillion. 
Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI xMufasax 7 - Captain - Last Strike/ Legend
Reasoning why they deserve this -
I actually dont know where to start with this one. Mumu could have fit into multiple catagories and this is the only one I think is fair, so he can get credit for everything he has done this year.
Alright where do I start... the forums I suppose!
Not many people within KSI get as involved with the web ops side of KSI as Mufasa has, I mean come on, he is A forums Moderator- my go to Moderator actually - which he does a damn fine job of doing, but thats not why he deserves this award. Not by a long shot. 
AAP Co-Head, Oh I remember that, yes he is a partner with the infamous Doctor 7 and they run the AAP together, to get to that point well some seriously hard work will have been put in. To keep any program running within the web ops section of KSI work is needed to be put in. Period.
Now what else is Mumu?
KSI Military Liason...aye hes that thing too, Now Mufasa Is indeed in the military and brings his experience and knowledge of the armed forces into play within KSI with this position. Does he ask anything for doing this? No not really. Man i'd be demanding a pay raise... However he gets on with it, he deals with precarious situations as they pop up and makes sure military personell who are being deployed are getting the proper information as to their positions within KSI and making sure the right leaders are informed on it. Again he does this out of the kindness of his heart, out of how much he cares for his fellow servicemen and women, and respect for what the community offers for these members.
Yes, I know I was going off topic again...now where was I?
Ahhhh Lets run over to Spirit week shall we? 
Mufasa during Spirit week was not in clan ops but was still determined to make an appearence in some way shape or form at some point in the events, so at the death, at the award ceremony a skype call was initated, and who was at the end of the call? You guessed right! Mufasa! He was standing there in some tighty Whiteys, a wife beater vest on with some shot glasses underneith and starts singing Miley Cyruses' song Wreaking Ball, licking everything in sight from his hammer, to his 360 and the bottom of his vaccum cleaner! Boy did he deserve to be crowned Spirit King! 
That was the Climax of Spirit week for me!
Lets move on now because I feel like people are starting to hate my nominations. Lol.
Back in 2012 Mufasa was a Divison Leader in GZ, he had to step away from Clan Ops due to being deployed, which is understandable.
A few months back he rejoined Clan ops, (well....after 48hours) as a Sgt. He came to Last Strike into a Destiny Project Squad and let me tell you what impact he has had so far. To quote another officer in his squad " He does the work of several officers, daily" 
No matter what problem is put in front of Mufasa he finds a way to put it to rest, when someone thinks about leaving, he finds the root problem and deals with it. He has been such a model member to the new members it is unbelieveable. When people approach him asking about why he has a 7, he doesnt throw "I was a division leader before, fear me im the best" He explains his past and then moves on, he is modest, honest and hardworking. 
Mufasa recently received his promotion to Captain this previous week, yes Mumu is a captain! Once again he does exactly what his posistion requires while at the same time maintaining all of his other obligations with a finese that I highly doubt many of the senior leaders could do. 
So let me reiterate why this member deserves Member of the Year;
He is crazy commited to KSI, loves what he does and does it better than anyone else out there. He does more than anyone else will do in their entire tenature in KSI, and he does it daily. He puts himself in Extreme situations so that others do not have to. 
Did I cover everything? 
If these nominations do not do the nominees Justice I do wholeheartedly apologise
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Division Leader

KSI Havoc 7, Division Leader, Demonic Mayhem

Link to forums account – http://www.ksiforums.org/user/8645-ksi-havoc-7/

Reason- Havoc goes above and beyond to improve and support his Division. He is constantly providing support for his members and is always there for that spark of motivation and enthusiasm and that is one thing that is so great about him is his ability to push you further to achieve 10 tens more of what you originally set out to achieve. Not just the support, the amount of time he spends with the members in his division is incredible alongside his continued dedication to help everyone when there is a setback or lack of drive.


KSI Smokiey 7, Founder, Demonic Mayhem

Link to forums account - http://www.ksiforums.org/user/20214-ksi-smokiey-7/

Reason- There are many reasons as to why Smokes deserves this award. As someone who was my gen, co founder and now founder smokiey has been a role-model in many lights. Her continued support, enthusiasm, determination and straight forwardness never fails to make sure DM is forever thriving and reaching for success. She is always available and ready to help her members with any problems and is a figure to turn to when in doubt.


KSI TJRB97, Captain, Demonic Mayhem, Brutal

Link to forums account – http://www.ksiforums.org/user/22618-ksi-tjrb97/

Reason – I should start with TJ’s enthusiasm , he constantly is thinking of ideas in which to make brutal better and more fun for its members and this is really refreshing to see as it allows us to work on things and try new things. As we dismiss the many ideas, we find things that work and it is this quality and drive that makes our squad and myself more driven and better. He also spends a lot of time with our squad members ensuring they are having a good experience and is always there to ensure problems between members are addressed and dealt with in a proper manner.

Productions Staff

KSI Purge, Demonic Mayhem, Rage

Link to forums account- http://www.ksiforums.org/user/9453-ksi-purge/

Reason- He does a great job at streaming a variety of games for our KSILive twitch channel and I always enjoy watching his streams at university whilst doing my work. He is always open to new ideas and is trying to involve members with the stream by inviting members to play or suggest games for him to stream. This shows an active approach to improving the content of the channel as he seeks engagement from KSI members. He is also a very nice chap with a lot to say J


KSI MightyMau5, Demonic Mayhem, Menace

Link to forums account- http://www.ksiforums.org/user/25154-ksi-mightymau5/

Reason: This individual has achieved so much over the past couple months it is incredible and truly well deserved. Being able to see him move up the ranks from a RCT to GEN of his own squad has been quite the journey to witness first hand. This individual has shown charisma and leadership skills from the day he was recruited, this was evident that he would go on to achieve great things. He was (and still is) able to soak up information and advice like a sponge and utilise the information and support he is given to help his squad and KSI as a collective to grow and thrive. He is a wonderful and lovely friend who is always there for KSI members no matter what. I remember Mighty coming to me and feeling rather down about an individual who expressed not having the best KSI experience due to his shyness and Mighty shared how he wanted every member to feel the wonderful and amazing KSI experience we both shared. It is this attitude towards KSI and life in general which made me feel proud to call him a friend as he truly wants best for every member in KSI. Mighty is all round a keen, motivated individual who sets out to be a role model to those around him. These are only a few reasons as to why KSI Mightymau5 should receive the member of the year award.

Edited by KSIjessi
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Co- Founder:

Gamertag: KSI Winner 7

Div: CO

Link to forums: http://www.ksiforums.org/user/14063-ksi-winner-7/


Someone once told me this young man would never be anything higher than a Lt. Over the past 2 months this member has went beyond the limit that any Co-founder has ever been while working with me in my hell hole. He has made a statement within Covert Ops that only a few have made before, he has proven all who doubted him WRONG!!    â€‹He has worked closely with the ones below him to make them better at their ranks and teach them about the situations  he has gone through so they learn from his mistakes. He makes sure everyone is taken care of on a day to day basis. He is eager to learn and move up to one day take over his own division or Covert Ops. Hes learned what it is to be devoted to something and to not give up like others have time and time again. All about making his time here worth something well to me hes  made a statement that I, nor anyone else could give Covert Ops. That statement is to Never give up! This man lives in the lions mouth, he knows when it is time to step in and handle business and to be the lion but he also knows when to let the head ***** in charge to take charge and shut Poop down. All in all I wouldnt ask for a more respectful, honest, eager, and trustworthy friend to be at my side to lead this div to victory lane. Thank you for all you do winner. You are truly a winner of this rank!






Gamertag: KSI RoYALMoNKEY Covert Ops

Link: http://www.ksiforums.org/user/24303-ksi-royalmonkey/



RoYALMoNKEY, she is my Jr. She takes after me in so many ways. She runs her squad to the T of KSI's S.O.P and C.O.C. Shes always willing to give me or the ones around her a helping hand. Shes never denies anyone of their thoughts or ideas. She understands the ones below her could take over the squad she makes sure to train them the best way she knows how, and if she doesn't know she always asks her co-founder. She never is afraid to say she messed up and im proud to say she will be an amazing seven. Monkey has always stuck by my side. Shes seen what hard work and dedication can do to a person. shes seen me down and out to my lowest and has always been my stepping stone to push me back to the top at my highest. Shes more than a co- div leader could ask for. Im glad I have her here. I cant wait till she brings a new side of Covert Ops out that nobody has before.   

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Co- Founder:

Gamertag: KSI Winner 7

Div: CO

Link to forums: http://www.ksiforums...3-ksi-winner-7/

Reason: Well this should come as quite a shock for many people to see. But here it goes. Winner I met in DR along with his friend. I had talked to Winner and i thought this kid is ok. I was told ohh you dont want him. Which if any of you know Bubblez you know that made me want to bring him over more.So here came my newest thunderstorm KSI Winner 7. lol He was very eager he was very easy to approach and he was just a all around good guy. Now its no secret that Winner and I have had our differences our fights he told me I played too much COD for efff sakes. LOL But this young man deserves this award he has came through alot of trying difficult times. Two of those times being myself as his Div Leader and RoyalPink as his Co Div. I have seen the commitment and the integrity that he has for KSI and CO. He has never quit or given up through the good times or the bad. He stands tall helps his members below him and supports Pink 150%. I feel he has gone above and beyond whats expected of a cofounder. Please give this young man this award he deserves it. Im still upset about him falling asleep our first night gaming after our argument. LOL And thats another quality he is forgiving and can move on from issues. That is a good member.

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Gamer Tag: KSI SHIVERS 7
Rank: Co Div ES


Link to Profile: http://www.ksiforums.org/user/18523-ksi-shivers-7/


Reason: The reason I think this man deserves this aword is.

Every sence he sent me a message to join KSI he hs ben there fore me as well as other members as well. He is willing to step out of his own airea to help thoes in need.

He is a great leader he shows everybody the same respect. If thats not enugh. He allways makes shure all his members are happy the best that he can.

He is an exceptional person. Even with his work skedual being crazy he makes time to play games with his members.

Thank You Four Time


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Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) -KSI xSTATICx 7/SSGT very recently stepped down from founder/IO/KRAKEN

Link to forums account -http://www.ksiforums.org/user/8889-static-of-7s/

Reasoning why they deserve this -STATIC has been a staple of our old Div(FG just merged into IO) for a long time and has been around the block so to speak,I don't think that there is a single person who dosen't know who he is,he has been nothing but helpful and passionate toward our Div,I have seen this guy in almost every situation there is and he has always dealt with it in a professional level headed manner,he has helped me on many occasions with problems i have had within KSI,This guy is and will always be one of the greatest members our Div will ever see :) KSI xSTATICx 7 keep on rockin bro!!!! 


Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) -KSI POWERS 7/co-fo/IO

Link to forums account -http://www.ksiforums.org/user/18995-powers/

Reasoning why they deserve this -Powers is well a power house his name says it all lol but in all seriousness powers is an amazing member and has been ever since his return,as a co-fo he hasn't stopped rockin he has taken a great chunk out of his life for KSI and i applaud him for it,his dedication to us is unbreaking and i believe he had a great role to play in keeping our old Div alive as long as it did,this guys hasn't stopped putting in "work" he knows everyone and everyone knows him he is quick to act and tries to get things resolved or dealt with asap,powers is a force to reckon with and he is only going up from here. Ya Baby! ya!

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KSI Winner 7 "covert ops"


the first time i met winner he helped me by giving me a name change. since then he has helped me and anyone around me with questions and or problems we may have had, he has helped me understand and appreciate our gaming community to the fullest! WINNER FOR COFO OF THE YEAR!!!!!

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KSI GameCrazy - Recoil TW/Impulse LS General




Where do I start? I was there when Game got recruited into Recoil TW. Quickly we became friends. He started to move up the ranks. He is a great recruiter and trainer. He became my general when KSI Terrors got promoted to CoFo. He was a great leader. He helped me when I needed help. When his home squad of Recoil got shut down and merged into Impulse, he stayed. He stayed positive. He stayed motivated. Even when TW shut down and merged with LS. Game has been in over a year. He has seen and been through so much. So much has been put on his shoulders and he always figures out how to make things work and better. There is NO OTHER person that deserves this more than Game. He is so dedicated to KSI. Even when he gets stepped on and over, he sticks through it because he has a goal he wants to reach. This guy WILL NEVER GIVE UP!! I could go on..But I dont think I need to. This guy is a worker. He deserves it more than anyone. :) 

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<br /><br />GENERAL<br /><br />Gamertag: KSI Scotland 7<br />Rank: Founder<br />Division/Squad: Last Strike<br />Link to forums account: http://www.ksiforums...17241-scotland/<br/><br /><br />Why he deserves this:<br /><br />Scotland help everyone who came to him. He had the right additude and smoothness when came to explaining ranks and duties. He didnt leave partys or games without seeing if there was any questions or concerns. He was nice and reasonable leader when came to squad members life difficulties. He played with every member in the squad regardless of rank. In the future I can see this guy doin wonders for KSI as a whole. He is one of few reasons why I stayed. and why I wanted to move up the ranks.<br /><br /><br />CAPTAIN<br />Gamertag: KSI Spaghetti/ now as KSI Locomotive<br />Rank: 3rd Captain<br />Division/Squad: Dark Legion/Exorcist<br /><br />Why he deserves this:<br /><br />This guy was the life of gamenights with his humorous jokes. He was also one of few who was my mentor. He kept activity high and always made Echo gamenights fun and interesting. He also trained me and others in a fun flashy way that kept us focused and entertained. He gave me great memories that I will never forget. This guy got alot of us to communicate and to become friends regardless of differences.<br /><br /><br />

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KSI Exodus 7 (Director of DR, WI & FI)

Forums Link:



   This man has gone above and beyond in his duties. He is always willing to help and is always willing to talk about KSI past and our vision for the future. He is guided in only to help his fellow members. He is extremely gracious and one of the hardest working members of my Division, my Director. His will to improve and strengthen our community is everlasting.


   One of the best traits is his self control. I have never seen this man yell at anyone for any reason. If there's a situation where he may be frustrated he will only instill his leadership among those members to encourage them perform and/or learn from their mistakes. I realize the intense work he has input into KSI because I myself have been in KSI for three years. Constantly contributing to KSI nothing will shake him. No member, problem, or situation will upset his zen. I have seen leaders fall, get poached or even create their own community, but this man has stood the test of time just as I have. He has excelled in every role and position and he will always exceed expectations. His unselfish efforts are guided for the wellness DR as well as WI and FI.   


   This role model takes his duties with extreme prejudice and should be noticed for it. When I transferred over to DR this man greeted me with open arms and respect for my future; unlike my past division where everyone in my squad was discriminated against. I soon learned that his character surpasses the compliments that were centered around his name. He is true role model his influence of guidance spans across KSI and xbox live. One of the best qualities of Exodus is that he requires proof and will not just brush someone off due to gossip he has heard. KSI Exodus 7 is true mentor and leader to myself, my squad and all of KSI. On top of his character this leader constantly improves and entrusts everyone here the skills to govern themselves, their squads, and this Division as the natural order demands it. He is a man of his word and his word is final. If you ask about Exodus you're asking about the super glue of DR, WI and FI.



Co-Division Leader

KSI Thor 7 (Division-Divine Reign)

Forums link: 



            There are two types of people in this world hammers and nails. Thor is definitely a hammer. You can expect Thor to get everything done and when Thor wants something done it gets done. Holding every Div meeting the flow of information is passed down to all of the Generals in DR smoothly. If there is a major security problem our Co-Founders and Founder work together to defuse it, but Thor will execute it. This man will help you if you are doing well. He sculpts and tones all members’ skills and rips members a new one if it’s necessary. When invited by Thor to a party respect is honored with extreme prejudice. Everyone knows of Thor because he has helped make DR the division it is today. He’s a decisive and powerful hammer; remember that and your life will be easier. He deserves this award because I cannot think of another Co-Division leader that puts in the time and effort that he does. Sculpting leaders and a division is seriously hard work. He is noticed for providing leadership for the lower 7s as well as advising Generals alongside their Co-Founders. This leadership extends through the ranks and is passed down as far as the RCT level. He's happy to meet new members and he knows they can be/are leaders themselves. Everyone starts off as a recruit and can eventually become a Senior Director. He understands that every member matters and every problem is relevant. No matter the situation members can expect him to treat them with respect. There is no hesitation from Thor when there are tough decisions need to be made. Members can expect to be on his radar for the good or bad, but regardless everyone is on his radar. He will watch over you as your friend or ally. He manages the division because we don’t have a Division leader. Thor takes the duties of the division the same way as a Captain takes the role of Gen when the General isn’t present. Smelting nails into hammers, the wellness of the division is his agenda. Protection, speed, surprise and violence of action are always expected when encountering Thor. He is an expert in Divisional comms, analysis, leadership, divisional management and security. Acta non Verba, but his words declare action.



KSI DeadlyAngel (Nirvana, Divine Reign)

Forums Account:



            KSI DeadlyAngel set up Utopias Head Hunter team ending with a 5-0 record before Utopia split and reviving an old squad Nirvana. Beating Judgement Head Hunters team (the division champions) gaining Utopia recognition. He then took initiative towards the creation of our Divisional Head Hunters team. Generated Head Hunters game nights where anyone can join and play with the Divisional team. KSI DeadlyAngel maintains the forums topic every day to ensure the roster is fresh and details are sent out. He also deserves this award because he’s willing to recruit and train above and beyond all others to ensure proper squad growth as well as helping produce leadership within Utopia and Nirvana due to half of his recruits being in each squad. KSI DeadlyAngel has also donated to KSI. Donating $15 as a prize to a new Recruit, Private or Corporal in a Free For All name change tournament he set up. He is the best at his duties and exceeds them by far. Just another great Officer addition to any squad, KSI DeadlyAngel.  


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Founder - KSI ZOMBYGal 7

Because of her outstanding commitment in Ground Zero, also a very good all round gal :)

General - KSI Emmy

Now, where to start? As far as I know, Emmy is the best general out there, showing much enthusiasm, commitment and approachable! She is also the mother of cupcakes in KSI PRIDE GZ.

Lieutenant - KSI Beater

This guy is an amazing leader in Pride GZ and he shows much support and determination in KSI, also he has much in common with everyone in the squad!

Captain - KSI Vermilion98

since i joined KSI a few months ago, i always kinda looked up to this guy and he is a very good friend and person to talk and play with :)

Im really happy to be a part of KSI and i hope to see myself and the whole community to grow ^.^

Good Luck Everyone!!

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KSI DJSlickRick for General!

Rick is not only a gentleman warrior, but a very patient and forgiving mentor. How many times has he had to hold hands to show people the ropes? Get in a game with him and he's just as patient and calm, even in the face of a doomed win streak. Seriously, Rick has been an ambassador for KSI and someone that we can all look to for the best source of information, calm leadership in the storm, and a sense of integrity that is so desperately needed in global clan-ship. I am honored that he recruited me, and I look forward to many battles with him. He gets my nomination!

Edited by Ghostr1der364
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     -General of the YEAR
     -KSI COMMAND0 (General - DR/NIRVANA) 
     -Link to forums account -

     -I not only nominate this man for this year's award, but for every year to come, because he has put in more effort in these past few months than some have in their respective KSI career. He has shown knowledge, determination, and charm.


     His intellectual aptitude of of KSI has proven useful in several scenarios. For example, in the squad he is currently governing, a typical training for him was to elaborate on the duties in detail for the designated rank and provide background info to help encourage and promote leadership building in the squad. His commitment to KSI is one of the best seen compared to the gaming community as a whole. He has achieved the rank general twice, and both times he was top of the line as he is now. Lastly, his charisma helps make KSI a friendly community. He can turn a boring meeting of info to an exciting moment of potential with just the tone and word usage.



Edited by KSI DeadlyAngel
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Gamertag: KSI Muramasa 7


Link to forums account: http://www.ksiforums.org/user/5200-ksi-muramasa-7/


Reason why: He took over at Co-Fo for EF when Pred left and rallied the troops. From dealing with having a squad be merged back into one to helping form the first Destiny Xbox One squad and leading another squad to split. He has taken EF to heights that didn't look possible months before. He listens to his generals and Co-Fo's and gets a feeling on what is going on. 

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KSI COMMANDO.(General DR/Nirvana)

Link- http://www.ksiforums.org/user/996-ksi-command0/

Reasons why I think he deserves this:Because he is the best recruiter that I have ever known.He is a people's person and will dedicate any and all of his time into helping recruits and even officers for them to better do their positions correctly.For example he spent hours helping me with my recruiting technique and also with sergeant duties and responsibilities.He is personally one of the best people to qualify for this award.Go nirvana!

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