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Productions Team Meeting 26NOV2014


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Productions Team Meeting




First off, BIG thank you for what you all are doing.  KSI is a 100% voluntary community and yall are devoting time and energy to really make this the best damn community out there.  :wub:
Productions is literally the face of our community.  We provide tangible content for our members to like, share, help produce.  It's for us, by us.  With that being said, as productions team members we are to always be professional with our dealings with KSI members and anyone else we come into contact with.
This year has been a roller coaster ride for Productions.
Earlier this year we were all fired and asked to reapply as an activity check.  Unfortunately many didn't re-apply and that left the burden on a select few to shoulder.  We're on the right track to fill in the ranks and really serve the community.  As with any dept, we are obligated to serve the community and to produce original community content.
As you all are aware by now, we have a number of new joins to the team.  I ask that you all support each other in all endeavors.  The way we function should be very fluid and we operate as a unit, not as an individual effort.  If someone needs help, they should feel encouraged to ask for it, and whoever else responds respectfully.  
Speaking of serving the community and going in the right direction, I have 2 announcements to make.  KSI Sword Art has been selected to become Productions' Co-Head.  --- It's okay to applaud lol.
KSI Purge will be our resident section mod.  Sword Art has his duties in hand already and will carry them out dilegently.  Purge will assist with our forums operations to include screening of applicants along with Sword Art, pinning topics, hiding stupid Poop, and general moding per request.
Now that that's out the way, here's a few things I want yall to keep in your brain housing group as we move forward as a team.
- I started the whole idea of yall coming up with projects you would like to tackle and the thread on our forums.  Please keep this updated as much as possible. It's to help us focus our efforts on accomplishing the goals we set for ourselves and to provide visibility among each other and Web Ops as well as BOD.  I don't like keeping information from folks and transparency is how I work.  We have nothing to hide no need to keep secrets.  We should be loud, confident and out there!  You're on the damn KSI PRODUCTIONS TEAM!  HUCK YEAH! :D
- Interviews - Need to jump on this. I'll be tackling this endeavor from a different angle, but I'd like for you all to freely interview random folks across the community.  The HOTTEST area right now is Weekend Warfare.  Doesn't have to be a long 20 min interview or anything.  But something professional and positive.
- Gameplays - We need these!  AW and MCC is out.  LETS GET THEM!  Unfortunately, I don't have AW yet, but when I do I will hit it hard. If you're already working on it, great.  We just need to get rolling on new content on new drops. 
- Let everyone know all the time that we're always recruiting. The door is and will always be open to new talent and folks with the equipment.  If they pass our screening process and mesh well with the team, they're in.
- WE SHOULD BE OUR OWN BIGGEST SUPPORTERS!  Go onto the youtube channel and like each other's videos.  Subscribe to each others twitch streams and channels.  When we drop content, we ALL need to share it and push it out to everyone.  We should all be the voice of productions and the most vocal & active department in KSI!
- I don't know about any upcoming things the BOD or Dirs want to do for December whether they're going to do a holiday give away or something, but I'll keep my ear to the ground on that.  But what I do know is that we will be doing a New Years live stream as we did earlier this year.  Traditionally this will consist of several announcements from senior leadership from web & clan ops followed by AAP Of The Year awards.  Just FYI it's coming.  I will need all hands on deck for this event.  A streamer + back up streamer, folks to promote this event when the messages start dropping, engage the chat, and assist with moding chat.
- Last but not least, I'd like to meet like this with you all again in the future.  Maybe not in December, but perhaps every other month or so briefly just for everyone to touch base with each other.
Okay.  I think I made decent time for this being our first official meeting.  I promise follow on meetings will be even shorter than this one.  If you all have any questions what so ever or would like to say something to the group please feel free.  Otherwise, go have fun gaming & Happy Thanksgiving!
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Host: KSI DoCNeSS 7
KSI Sword Art
KSI Purge
KSI Jupiter 7
KSI RoYALMonKeY 7 - due to ebola
KSI Jewlz - trapped in snow
KSI Mechanic - lost with waldo
KSI NahFool - cloud 9
Chaozzz - derp
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