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Applications for Co-Head of Productions


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Good evening TEAM,

I am currently looking for the next Co-Head of Productions. This process will be a bit different than you're used to here in KSI. Usually in Web Ops Depts, a Co-Head is chosen by the Head outright (however they decide to choose). In our case, applications will be reviewed. All applicants will be interviewed. There will be a selection process followed by a final interview and brief.

Why am I doing it this way? Here's my thoughts.

By YOU applying for the Co-Head position, this means you have the will and desire to accept the responsibility of that role. This will greatly aid the team in having a motivated leadership to help keep us moving in the right direction - a highly active, reliable and productive department. Make sense right?

More will be discussed during the interview process. This will NOT be an overnight deal. Before you apply, be sure you're doing this for more than just the title. Ask FI, I have no problem at all rearranging leadership. Don't let that scare ya off tho.

Before I reveal the application, here's the general description of the Co-Head and my expectations:

Co-Head of Productions Team

Description: This position is given to Productions Team members who have the drive and commitment to manage the Team and content. These members must be current members within KSI (Web Ops and/or Clan Ops) for at least 6 months, and an active member of the Productions Team for a minimum of 3 months.

Requirements: Successful performance as Productions Team member. They should be appointed for promotion by a Head of Productions or Board Member.

Duties: Co-Head of Productions will assist in the review and screening of the Productions applications. They are responsible for ensuring Team members are actively participating in department by producing content, collaboration, live streaming, commentating, and/or otherwise supporting the efforts of other members. Will assist members in technical issues to best of ability and/or refer individuals to someone who can resolve those issues.

Because Co-Head of Productions will receive certain additional accesses, member must be mature and trustworthy.

Reports to: Head of Productions and Board members

Comments: Co-Heads are respected and experienced members in Productions that know what is needed to manage and sustain a growing department producing original content. They make sure that everyone is doing their jobs and assists in management of team, schedule, and content.

Note - Duties may vary with tasks delegated by the Head (as with any rank's duties). Also, by no means will you be performing these duties solely on your own :wink:


Now that you've read the description of the Co-Head position and have an idea of what you'll be responsible for, the below spoiler is the application for you to fill out.

Here's how this will go. In efforts to protect any sensitive information, please fill out the application form and submit them to me via forum PM. Ability to navigate the forums is necessary for the position and will also help protect certain information I will be asking for.

Productions Co-Head Application

(Accepting applications from 2NOV2014 - 15NOV2014)

Gamertag: (exactly as it's spelled on xbl)
Skype: (profile/username - yes...I know you're already in the group, but for app purposes..)
Youtube Channel(s): (if you have one)
Availability: (state generally how available you are)
Consoles: (if you have consoles other than xbox please provide gamertag/handle as well)
Editing/Streaming Software/Hardware: (List all software/hardware you use to edit videos, stream, or otherwise produce original video content) *please also note if you have any graphics editing skills/software.
Current Team Duties: (projects you've completed and/or have in the works)
Experience in KSI: (Can be as detailed as you choose, but a brief summary is all I ask)
Experience with Leadership/Management: (Again, can be detailed as you choose, but a brief summary is all I ask)
Why Co-Head? (explain why you want to become Co-Head of Productions Team - can be as detailed as you choose)
Any additional notes/comments: (the catch all in case there's any additional info you'd like to divulge)

Again, send the application in a forum PM to myself. After reviewing, I will schedule a time/day with each of you for an interview.

At the end of the day, I need a good team player who's able to work well with others who I, and KSI, can trust.

Co-Head position will NOT be the only position I'll be looking to fill fyi. More to come on this :wink:

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