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IMPULSE LS GEN- KSI GameCrazy -OS LVL 1 (Awarded)


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Name: (Member-/-Squad-/-Division of the person you are nominating) KSI GameCrazy IMPULSE LS General

Link to Forums Account: http://www.ksiforums.org/user/19324-ksi-gamecrazy/

Award-/-Achievement: (The award you are nominating this person for) Outstanding Service lvl 1 & Gamer Score Horder.

Reason-/-Evidence: (Please give reasons to why this person is deserving of the award you are nominating them for)

Gamer Score is at 20,821.

This Leader keeps his squad trained, informed, active and fun.

Has been a Gen for some time now and KEEPS plugging away. Handled his squads transition from Div to Div on the merger with poise!

Very easy to approach. Leads with confidence and determination. This dedicated member deserves recognition of his outstanding service for not only his squad/div but for our community as well. He is STILL searching and bringing in lost Fallen members and its been a good time since the merger took place. Heck of member and his service should be recognized.

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Gamerscore Horder: Yes (I checked)

Lets get some DESCRIPTIVE witnesses to how he has been an outstanding member

My bad lol foxy beat me to it haha

Edited by STATIC of 7s
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Name: (Member-/-Squad-/-Division of the person you are nominating) KSI GameCrazy IMPULSE LS General

Link to Forums Account: http://www.ksiforums.org/user/19324-ksi-gamecrazy/

Award-/-Achievement: (The award you are nominating this person for) Outstanding Service lvl 1 & Gamer Score Horder.

Reason-/-Evidence: (Please give reasons to why this person is deserving of the award you are nominating them for)

Gamer Score is at 20,821.

This Leader keeps his squad trained, informed, active and fun.

Has been a Gen for some time now and KEEPS plugging away. Handled his squads transition from Div to Div on the merger with poise!

Very easy to approach. Leads with confidence and determination. This dedicated member deserves recognition of his outstanding service for not only his squad/div but for our community as well. He is STILL searching and bringing in lost Fallen members and its been a good time since the merger took place. Heck of member and his service should be recognized.



Gamerscore Hoarder: Yes 


OS Lv1: Lets bring in some descriptive witnesses for this member and bring some 7's in here as well. c:



Alrighty, well y'all got the gamerscore hoarder one cleared up, so lets start the ball off with my witness statement!


Howdy everyone, I am KSI GameCrazys' Founder here in LS and I am going to tell you why he deserves the "Out Standing service Level1" Award. 


When I first met Game he was a general of about 5 months and was quite sure of himself in his position. He actually came to me due to the TW merge into LS and wanted to know some faces over here before he brought his guys and gals over, first contact scenario y'know. Thats the first thing that stood out to me. Now lets move on to this division merge, this wasnt easy for anyone but Game went above and beyond in his efforts to try and get everyone over.

He spent countless hours making sure people had added the tag, private chatting, friend requesting and dragging people by their hair to the new squad tag. Let me tell you, it wasn't easy for him. 

Lets fast forward a few weeks, The mass de-fluffing came around and he was the first general in the division on top of it, going through his squad tag with a mustache comb. 

He goes above and beyond his duties and really cares for his squad and his new division. He tries to bring his squad closer to the division by inviting other squads to his gamenights and getting his guys invited to other squads game-nights too. 

When it comes to learning new policies and implementing them in this squad he is on top of it, he is a shining example of what a general should be, in his actions and words.

Now lets get to closer times;

Fallen merging into Impulse, not once did Game hesitate with this chain of events. He got on top of it immediately, jumping into the squad tag and getting people on his friends list, getting people onto his squad tag in days. He is a fervent supporter of his squad members. He is dedicated and will spend all of his free time that he can making sure that everyone is happy in his squad and wants to be there, and if not he will get them where they want to be.


Basically to sum up GameCrazy, he is a dedicated, above and beyond going sort of fellow and will do anything possible to help anyone in need.

This is only from what I have seen in the past 3months of him, however I have heard stories from his time in TW and I know there is alot more that can be added to this witness statement from leaders and his officers and members of whom I hope come forth to witness. 

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I've known Game since he was recruited and I can tell you that he works his butt off. He used to be my general when I was in tw. He is a phenomenal leader and person. He has been through so much as a gen. He is way overdue for a cofo spot. He has helped me when I needed help and I've seen him help others. He deserves this award. He is always wanting to learn and teach. :-)

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I suppose I should witness as well :3

I was game's general at his time of recruitment. Since day 1, he has been an integral part of his squads, at first recoil, then impulse. His drive to make his squad and division are bar none the best I have ever seen. I helped train Game for the general spot, and now looking at him, he has made me proud. He worked tirelessly to help myself and others to make our respective squads what they were, just as he does today. Game always goes above and beyond anything that is ever asked of him, and I'm sure he will continue to do that through the rest of his KSI career.

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keep em coming

Remember, we want to know WHAT he has done to prove to us that he has done an OUTSTANDING service to KSI.

Not meant to be an easy award to obtain by simply writing that he deserves this award or he has been through a lot. What kind of stuff has he been through?

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KSI GameCrazy. Paul Sr. Game.

He is a wonderful person, a fierce friend, an a passionate General. I've only known him since February, but since then, never once have I seen him deter from his path in KSI.

Not only does he put forth effort in what he does. He goes the extra mile to make sure any problems that come his or his squads way are taken care of in a positive manner.

Even after our division was merged with Last Strike, he never once lost his fire to keep him an his squad going. An after the divisional merged, his squad merged with Fallen and he still stands strong.

He always goes out of his way to help people. He is a wonderful individual and is more than worthy to receive this award.

I'm not.good at this thing. Hope this post is ok.

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Ok my ol brother gamecrazy, Ive known him for awhile now. Back in TW i remember nights when me and him would be up late trying to figure out what we could do to bring it back. Alot of times i just wanted to sleep and i know he was tired but he kept pushing. He is one of the most dedicated, motivated and knowledgeable members i have ever seen. If he doesn't have an answer on the spot which is really rare first of all, he will get it to u asap. Even when i was gone for a while, my kik was blowing up from his squad.Also he's not a stranger to giving out cards for a job well done. He is an excellent leader and for these reasons is why he well deserves outstanding service

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all right he kind had twist my arm for it I'll witness

so I belive ksi game crazy deserve ost lvl 1 because he is nice to everyone he meet . it like he can never meet a stranger .he make sure every one have fun and if there not he will try to fix it. he overly active in every squad I have seen this guy in.

when this guy train people in he make it the most informative thing they will do all week. no really like all week .

it doesn't matter what game your on he game to play it with you or another member and he been known to try to help recruit even when it not his squads game or if a member wasn't old enough to join his div

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Okay everyone I just want to say game is like a brother to me. A brother that is there to help with anything you need help with in life. He is a kind of person that if you are feeling down and upside down he will turn your frown upside down. There have been days that Game and I have been beat to death from work and he still comes home and takes care of his squad. H e goes above and beyond any criteria needed to be meet ever. He is the kind of person that takes that extra step by going and helping you personally with your rank or being there for you period straight and simple.From being my General when i first joined KSI in the old TW squad he was the person who i looked up to as a positive successful figure in life, a go gitter in things he wanted and things he wanted to achieve in anything. He made everything run perfect and smooth in everything he does and made it so much easier than it actually was. He is one of the people that got me to where I am today. From making the move from Recoil to Impulse to TW to LS. He is the person I myself will look at as a person that gets everything done right and correctly. This partly and mostly why I think and recommend Game for this award.

Edited by KSI BuckNasty
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why i believe he deserves this award back in my TW days i was in recoil with him before i squad transfered this dude basicly from the time he came in kept kicking butt like as in recruiting like hell, helping with name changes, and more while making it up to Gen, hes always there for his squad memebers and was there for me when i needed someone to talk to, but other than that he goes above and beyond almost every single day. :)

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I'll witness for Paulykins as well. As his former Founder/Div Leader I have watched Paul very closely and worked with him closely over the last many months. I knew Paul way back when he was a SGT. I was a CP and he brought me a couple of RCT's bc they wanted BO2 and he was Ghosts. I watched as he climbed the ranks. He was always about not only helping his squad, but helping his division and any other division he came in contact with. He is always thirsty for more knowledge in order to improve himself to be the best leader he can be. He stayed with me and TW through thick and thin. Most people quit, but Paul was one of the few who stuck it out through everything that came TW's way. He always kept a positive "can do" attitude, even through struggles in his squad with people leaving and poaching taking him more than once from ready to split down to the 70's again. His attitude carries to others. When I was the only 7 TW had, Paul stepped up to the plate to help me with anything and everything he could. Even though he was dealing with his own stuff, he still wanted to help anyone he could. To me that is outstanding. Most only take on what will benefit them, but Paul cares about his members. He does it as a friend helping a friend. Way back when he had stomach surgery he was in a massive amount of pain every day, but he still got online (instead of being in bed resting like I told him) and got RCT's, hung out with the squad, made sure things were getting done and still brought me a RCT during that time. That is definitely outstanding and hardheaded. lol I've been amazed by Paulykins since we first met. He is most definitely an outstanding part of our KSI family and he most definitely deserves this award. 

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