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Part of our last meeting covered a stream schedule of sorts.  To better organize our current streams as things change.  Please post the events/blocks of times you'd like to stream.


Previous meeting notes:



Productions Team Meeting




KSI Purge
KSI Rookiee
KSI Sword Art

- BOD wanted to focus more on livestreaming
* Been doing well with streaming
* Mondays/Thursdays/Saturdays will need a dedicated streamer
> Mondays (Pred + Purge)
> Tuesdays - KSI NAHFOOL
> Wednesdays - (Sword)
> Thursdays (7s vs Viewers) - (DoC + Sword)
> Fridays - (Rookie - late night, Purge afternoons)
> Saturdays - (Pred + Nahfool)
> Sundays - OPEN

- Stream gamenights!

Want to get series going

Pred is continuing to work with News Team to record interviews
- DoC will continue with Forums Workshops (collab with Forum mods)
- Round Table
- Minecraft Series?
- Epic Fails? - Nahfool
- Lets Play!
- Naruto Series (Naruto 2 - Revolution) - Sword *possibly*
- Game/Multiplayer reviews (News Team collab?)
- Rookie for Commentaries!
- Best of Fails/Wins etc - Sword (personal channel)
- Forge Map of the week
- Campaign Gameplays (Halo Series - Sword pending funds  :tongue: )
- 1v1 interviews/bio recordings

Ask about YouTube channel getting partnered? ---- KSI Leadership not interested. Refer back to the purpose of productions and how it relates to members.

Upcoming Events:

Saturday 7/26/2014
Weekend Warfare
4v4 S&D tourney
Sword/Pred/Nahfool will stream

Monday 7/28/2014
Monday Madness
Pred/Purge will stream

Thursday 7/31/2014
7s vs Viewers
Sword/DoC will stream
** Note - KSI Pinky 7 is projected to be Co-Host of stream **

OBTW Note:
- Keep spreading the word about ALL our KSI media, not just our Twitch & Youtube channel  :wink: ** be the voice **

These are abbreviated notes. Members have volunteered for these dates/times and projects with the expectation they'll execute.

Productions Team has received an abrupt make over and will be ran in a more structured manner.



Previous stream times per last meeting notes:

Saturday 7/26/2014
Weekend Warfare
4v4 S&D tourney
Sword/Pred/Nahfool will stream

Monday 7/28/2014
Monday Madness
Pred/Purge will stream

Thursday 7/31/2014
7s vs Viewers
Sword/DoC will stream


Current events to stream & streamers

- Monday Madness @ 8 pm EST

Streamers: Pred/Purge will stream


Thursday 7s vs Viewers @ 7:30 pm EST

Streamers: Sword/DoC will stream


- Saturday WW @ 8 pm EST


Streamers: Sword/Pred/Nahfool will stream


- Any gamenights you may come across!

All :)




Please let me know if any of the above has changed and I'll edit this post.


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I can cover Wednesdays or Fridays between 3pm-10pm (reason for this huge time gap is depending on when I can because of my brothers being home and taking up internet speeds), I was told by Sword Art he might want to do Sundays.

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  • 3 months later...

Until we have adequate # of dedicated staff to support scheduled streams (ppl who solely stream - primary and back up for each stream at a minimum) then we'll stick to what the Seniors put out a couple weeks ago in the division leader meeting.  We wills stream when we feel, but will cover notable events as designated by BoD or myself.


Thanks for all the efforts yall put into streams and the time you dedicate to doing so folks :wub:

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  • 1 month later...

Once we add a few more streamers to the team, we'll need to update this and actually stick to what we originally planned - a schedule for streams to maintain regular output :)

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