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KSI Wide Recruiting Tournament


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KSI Wide Recruiting Tournament

Start: December 16, 2011

End: January 7, 2012

Sponsor: KSI Airborn RI

Prizes: There will at least be a 3 month given to the winner, but there may be more prizes announced at a later date.

You must be a member of KSI Global to participate in this competition

All recruits must be at least 16 years of age (No Exception, I know divisions have different limits, but for this tourney the limit is 16 years old.)

The minimum amount of recruits is 35 (this means if no one recruits over 35 no one will get a prize)

The person with the most recruits wins.

If I catch anyone cheating in this tournament in any way, I will speak to the members Director about consequences. There should be no reason why anyone would need to cheat.

All recruits Bio’s must look like this when recruited for the duration of this tournament:

Date Joined: (If the date is before or after the dates I listed as start and finish the recruit is then void)




The recruit needs to be added to Access Denied as always, but if the member is not added to Access Denied in the time frame of the tournament then the recruit does not count.

It is up to the General of the squad and the recruiter to keep track of each members recruits, or the members recruits will not count.

*This may be edited but get it out to everyone, and make sure you announce it in all of your meetings whether it is a squad meeting or a division meeting let everyone know about it.

*If you are willing to throw out extra prizes please contact KSI Airborn RI on xbox live and he will discuss it with you then. If you do donate you are then a partial sponsor of the tournament.

*If anyone has any questions please feel free to message KSI Airborn RI on the forums or on xbox and he will get with you asap.

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This tournament is beig cancelled for now but will be starting after the new year. Sorry guys just got too much to do right now to worry about this. It will happen though.

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