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KSI GreendayFox Mentor Award Nomination (Awarded)


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Name: KSI GreendayFox, Judgement, Divine Reign, General

Link to Forums Account: http://www.ksiforums.org/user/16245-ksi-greendayfox/

Award-/-Achievement: Mentor Award

Reason-/-Evidence: KSI GreendayFox has been a mentor of mine since before I became a member of Aesir and then now into Judgement. she has gone through so much strife being here in KSI because she has done everything for any squad that needs help she will help host Gamenights and hold recruiting lobbies she has promoted everything forum activity and her officers keeping up the work they need to do so that when she gets to her point of retrieving they can become great leaders just like her.

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reason: Natalie was the one who got me into KSI. she persuaded me to join and I regret none of that. she has done nothing but help me even if she had to get a little hard on me sometimes. I look up to her and hope to be half as great in a gen spot as she is. some may view her as a terrible gen but I cant see how people think that. she does nothing but help people and has been a big inspiration to me for the time ive been in KSI. without her I would not be where I am today. I may not say it but I see her as the greatest mentor ever.

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I can witness for Greenday

She has always been my mentor because she has helped teach me and all the other officers that becoming a great leader isn't easy and isn't always fun and she has taught us all how to recruit and train like the way she was taught. Through all that her squad has been through she has always tried to help us and even when she has had to threaten us with rank suspension or demotion she has showed us how far she will go to make sure we do what is expected of us. This is why she's my mentor.

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I can witness for GreendayFox as my mentor.

Greenday was my friend before I ever thought of joining KSI and because of seeing her strive for a better excpierence in her life she has showed me that this isn't just a gaming community it's a place to grow. She has helped me have hope for this place through all the drama she has made it a lot more fun and helped me learn a way to translate this into real life as well which is something I never thought I would ever do I look up to her like both a sister and a strong leader and I want to help this community as she is.

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Natalie is my mentor of only a short time but through all the drama me and her have gone through I see the fire in her eyes showing that she won't give up and I admire that about her it makes me want to work harder for her because she only sees the best of me she has personally helped me through some tough times and I can't help but be jealous of how calm she is she is the kind of leader everyone wants or should want to be never giving up never letting the small stuff bother her and she can trust us to handle any situation and tell us if we are wrong or if we need to improve she has earned my respect and a spot on my mentor list.

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I honestly beleave that she deserves this award for several reasons one she has helped me get back in action in ksi keeping me informed on the operations in our squad second she busts her butt all the time to help make sure everyone is trained and useing all resources at her disposal. She has been training me how to be a better leader then I already am and teaching me new things that this day and age leaders do and expect to be done she has done beyond and above what other gen. In ksi and other gaming communities that I have ran and been directors in she has done beyond and above what is asked her so please give her this award ty for ur time sir's and ma'am's

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Look at these newbs taking my job jk tehehe but they said it is a y3s!!

Lol, yes from me as well

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