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KSI GreendayFox Mad Max Nomination (Awarded)

KSI MsDestroyer

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Name:KSI GreendayFox ,General, Judgement , Divine Reign 
Link to Forums Account:http://www.ksiforums.org/user/16245-ksi-greendayfox/
Award-/-Achievement: Mad Max Award 
Reason-/-Evidence:Natalie has lost her sanity , she has had to deal with officers wanting to backstabber her and power hungry, along with problems of people trying to hack her in the past .. All she does is scream , that is her natural voice now that she has lost her sanity !

Edited by KSI MsDestroyer
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Natalie has lost her sanity and if anyone has seen it I have. when I first met her before KSI she was as normal as anyone on xbox can be haha. she didn't scream as much and she didn't freak out as much. Natalie has gone through being backstabbed being stepped on and being ignored. ive never seen someone come out of what she has as well as she was. yet again I wouldn't call losing your sanity well. running her own squad has proved difficult but manageable for her. she has dealt with quite a few problems and has been pushed pass the breaking point more then once. life in KSI isn't easy and few get to the top with their sanity intact. Natalie is not one of those lucky ones.

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I witness for Greenday

When I first joined KSI back in Elysium I met her then even at that point she was already loosing her mind doing everything for the squad she did all the trains she went to all the meetings and made sure peoples mottos and bios were right and everything. She was under so much pressure that I don't know why she hasn't snapped yet but she has the reputation of how she was quiet at first but now she is louder than anyone any of us have seen in KSI. So that explains how she has lost her mind. :)

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When I joined Judgement last year, I knew then that I liked Greenday. Why? Cause she is nuts. I have been in a party with her during every situation possible at least once. Members talking behind her back, members trying to have her removed, members calling her horrible things to her directly, dealing with members requesting squad transfers, or anytime something went wrong.. No matter what it was, Greenday was panicking or screaming (either at someone, myself, or to herself..) or even a type of crying could be heard at times. No matter which, she could go right from one to the other without notice and sometimes all at once. This is my testimony and if you think I'm just listing off verbs.. Try sitting in a party with her for more than 10 minutes and we'll talk then!

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I can witness, when me and my friends joined KSI Greenday had warned us that changing our name and comming up the ranks wasn't going to be easy or always fun. But Greenday has shown us that when you put your all into this clan your sanity is at stake. For the sole fact of we have all been there through the tears and anger she has had to deal with afraid of loosing friends here and when she did she told us stories of the past and how she has lost so many and dealing with us in this squad she has define toy lost it for all of us not to.

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I'll witness to Greenday being FREAKING NUTS!

Here's a few examples Greenday has had to deal with our sergeants not listening to her about recruits getting on us so much to the point were we want to smack her and tell her to chill. All she wants to do is make sure things are right for us but still I thought me and my friends were nuts NO WAY. She has shown me a new level of insanity makes me worry how her family handles her good thing she's out of school now having to deal with that our members and me haha I believe me and my friends can say Greenday we love you but your nuts!

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If there is one common sound in the division of DR its Ksi Greendayfox loud scream. Id have to say seeing her go from this silent and shy little lady to the loud and extroverted is rather amusing. Just seeing how she gets when she needs something done, she will literally hunt a 7 down and stay ontop of them...

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I remember when Greenday was the quiet one in parties then just one day she snapped and now you cant shut her up. I mean damn its impossible to get a word out because of her yelling. Yes she does her duties but she has just lost that part of her mind to have an insaide voice. All I have to say is if you want to keep your sanity stay away from the crazy KSI GreendayFox

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