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OTM Winners May 2014 "Breakdown"

KSI Mufasa 7

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We (the AAP Head/Co-Head) have decided to open this up for public display so that you can see how winners for OTM are decided. 

Due to continuous complaints to Seniors and the AAP Leadership regarding favoritism being a huge problem, we have chosen to make our decisions inescapably clear. If there is ANY questions about how our "grading criteria" is handled, please referr yourself to this link.

If you STILL have questions please either contact myself or KSI Doctor 7. 


RED- stands for "fluff" - statements with no bearing on actual performance of member


ORANGE- stands for opinions of witness


YELLOW- Statements that show the member is performing tasks already appropriate for their position. 


GREEN- Actual facts and measurable achievements, acts, etc


MAY 2014

Senior Leader (SENIOR DIRECTOR through CEO)

KSI Greg 7


Even though he has a lot on his plate and has a lot to deal with, he still makes time to make sure that his members are happy and content and pushes for people to be prepared for Spirit Week by encouraging them to make maps and even testing them out. He takes time out of his busy schedule for his members, and that is what's important. As a Senior Director, it is difficult to keep in contact with the divisions and squads but he manages to do so and for that, he deserves this nomination.

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