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KSIxSHOOTER9091 Outstanding service (Awarded)


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Name: KSIxSHOOTER9091, Hyperion, Forgotten Gods

Link to Forums Account: http://www.ksiforums.org/user/21661-ksixshooter9091/

Award-/-Achievement: Outstanding service -(Lvl 1)-

Reason-/-Evidence: He has been on almost 24/7 helping to bring up Hyperion and has made his way to becoming the general. He has done a extraordinary amount of work in such a short time and has shown a great amount of leadership.

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Shooter for a great period of time has taken on the role of General while he was a CPT. The past general has decided to step down leaving the squad in poor condition, and shooter stepped up to turn the squad around. He has been putting a great amount of effort to get the squad very active by members playing games together and participating in HeadHunters. He has been looking after all the members and get quite a few to take on some responsibility for the squad by encouraging them to become officers. The squad Hyperion was a mess but with shooter's leadership and obtaining structure for the squad, Hyperion is doing amazing. This was all while he was A CPT and im really glad to see him become GEN over the squad

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As div leader in FG, I have witnessed Shooter rise through the ranks faster than anyone i have seen in a long time. I rmember when he was just a 4LT and really didn't think he wanted to be gen of a squad. After thorough training and a huge flame of motivation placed in him, he led Hyperion just as a LT and was just about the only officer in his squad. He was constantly asking what he was needing to do and eventually sarted taking on tasks without having to be asked. he led squad meetings, recruiting classes, attended gen meetings, etc. He has displayed that he could handle a squad on his own and had the biggest turnaround in FG since october of last year. He is one of the only people that i have ever seen get approved to be gen without the 12 week time reqs. He was promoted to gen in the middle of his 10th week of being in KSI. He has worked hard and now has one of the most active squads in FG including his privates and corporals. I haven't seen anybody work this hard doing what he does in a while. If anybody in FG deserves this award, it is Shooter for his leadership and hard working attitude. He is always staying positive and looking out for his squad whether it is someones personal life or KSI career.

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shooter is really great,he reminds me of myself when i first joined , he has passion and drive like no other and goes beyond his regular duties every day to make sure that not just his squad but his hole div is doing good and have fun,everyone i have ever talked to about him only say nice things and i believe one day he will make a great 7 :) if you need him he will be there for you in a heart beat, i can't think of anyone more deserving for this award than shooter :) good luck big guy u da man!!!!

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Award-/-Achievement:Outstanding Service-(lvl 1)-

Reason:Where to start....KSIxSHOOTER9091 has demonstated time and time again that he is an outstanding leader and problam solver. He is always working wether it is with recruiting /training or teaching people how to recruit and train. He always work on getting recruits on and off the recruit tag and into ower hyperion tag. He host squad meetings, but is alsome alway very imformitive in and out of his meetings. I can not even count how many time (as his proud second in command) i have had meetings over everything that goes on in and sometimes outside hyperion. He is alway working with anybody who needs help. AND I MEAN ANYBODY. He sets the standerd for all in leadership positions and is unmatched in time online. He has gone through alot in hyperion and in his personal life, yet he never fails to deliver result toward hyperions growth and develpment inspite of challenges. There is nothing that he can not overcome. He is very organized which helps a great deal when it comes to day to day events. He is always considerate to other players always inviting other players to play...granted this is in the code of conduct as a KSI member never leaves another KSI member behind so let me elaborate. Not on is inviting hyperion players to games, he also intive player to games whether or not if the player is from hyperion which includes THE 7's! Every officer can relate that as officers, we lose alot of game time as a result of our responisbilities. KSIxShooter9091 and myself have learned this the hard way. There alot more he does for his fellow players that you will probably never know. My only regret is not posting this sooner. Thx KSIxShOOTER9091 for everything you do.

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As a fellow General within KSI and FG, I have been there and watched Shooter do what he does and become an amazing member. He is constantly on playing with his squad being active encouraging them to move up the ranks. Shooter is constantly looking out for ways to improve Hyperion and FG whether it be events, strategies, or whatever way he thinks could help. He is always there to help his members and any members even if they are not in his squad. If another general has any questions he does his best to help and vice versa, if he needs help with whatever he is not afraid to ask to know hoe to become a better member and leader. He is constantly teaching members how to be an officer and helping younger members mature to be better members in general.He holds game nights for anybody in the division to come, helping all the squads to become closer, and is always there to give whatever advice he can to anyone who needs it.

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award-/-Achievement: outstanding service-(lvl 1)-

Reasons- KSIxSHOOTER9091 deserves this award more than anyone. This guy was dealing with problems when he was only a ssgt. After his general and officers slacked off and left or stepped down, Shooter stepped up to the plate and worked his butt off to work his way through the ranks. Shooter not only taught other sgts how to become officers as a cpt but he set up the HH team as well as a cpt. He worked well with every 7, general, and officer in FG and would actually look for advice when he was confused or needed information about something. He was basically doing a generals job from the rank of a Ssgt. Once he got general the man knew what he had to do as a general and only had to be taught a few little things. Other than working his butt off, he makes sure that the squad is having constant game nights and meetings every week. I mean if it weren't for his time requirements the guy should have been promoted a long time ago. 

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