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AAP Staff Applications: Closing May 3rd, 2014.


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  • Admin Guy

It is that time again where I am looking for more people to fill spots in the AAP department. new members will be accepted into the program when these applications are closed. 



Regular and Constant activity in the Of The Month Awards voting AND normal nominations is a MUST.

If you feel you cant give us that please don't apply.


There are also some new things that we are going to be implementing in the near future. So, make sure that you're ready to be as active as possible with the department.  



Rank (If applicable):

Time spent on the forums (Daily):

Experience and Time in KSI:

Skype (Required to be on Staff):

Why you feel you should be picked to join the AAP (Please provide details):

Thank you for applying to this program.

Department Head,

KSI Doctor 7

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Name/Gamertag: William Edward Dawson/KSI Bill

Rank (If applicable) 2CPT

Time spent on the forums (Daily): 6-8 hours on the forums daily,

Experience and Time in KSI: I was recruited on the 10th June 2013, i am currently in Tournaments and events as staff and a writer in the news team

Skype (Required to be on Staff): KSI Bill

Why you feel you should be picked to join the AAP (Please provide details): I want to help anyway i can and get introduced to this department to see how everything intertwines with other departments and people, also in my time in ksi, i have heard good things about aap and i would like to help the make it greater than before

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Name/Gamertag:Cristian / KSI TwsTDfisT 7

Rank (If applicable):Co-Founder FI

Time spent on the forums (Daily):Im on it everyday and check it very often.

Experience and Time in KSI:been in KSI for 19 months. Im an IA Liaison for FI and also a section mod for FI.Im also part of the T&E staff.

Skype (Required to be on Staff):ksi_twistdfists

Why you feel you should be picked to join the AAP (Please provide details): I believe I would be a very valuable asset, im on my game all the time and strife for the best. It would also be an honor for me to be able to give recognition to those who deserve it.

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Name/Gamertag: Brittany/KSI SweetTea

Rank (If applicable):General

Time spent on the forums (Daily): I get on several times throughout they day. Some days an hour other days several hours. If I got accepted I would make sure to be on more.

Experience and Time in KSI: I've been in KSI 10 months. I have experience in a little of everything. I'm part of the T&E staff, IO section mod, and the General of Paradox IO.

Skype (Required to be on Staff): ksisweettea

Why you feel you should be picked to join the AAP (Please provide details):  I love investing my time into KSI. I would love to be apart of rewarding people for their hard work.

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Name/Gamertag: KSI xXJustyXx

Rank (If applicable): 4th Lt

Time spent on the forums (Daily): Hard to tell but I am watching 

Experience and Time in KSI: Since October 

Skype (Required to be on Staff): Justin_updegrove

Why you feel you should be picked to join the AAP (Please provide details): I would like to be part of AAP to be part of something in KSI and to contribute something that is not just my squad.

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Name/Gamertag: Anthony/KSI Fro

Rank (If applicable): SGT

Time spent on the forums (Daily): around 2-3 depends on what im doing that day

Experience and Time in KSI: 1 year and ten months in KSI ive Highest rank has been a Captain I know my wa around the forums very well

Skype (Required to be on Staff): iifroboy

Why you feel you should be picked to join the AAP (Please provide details): I feel like I would be a great addition to the AAP team with being  able to judge something (someone) one a task to the best degree, I would make the AAP staff proud


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Rank (If Applicable): 2LT

Time spent on forums (Daily): Around 6 hours

Experience and Time in KSI: 1 year 3 1/2 months spent quite a bit of time on forums been on T&E and have been a general

Skype: ksighost

Why you feel you should be picked to join the AAP (Please provide details): I would be a great addition to the AAP department because I have a lot of experience with the forums and can judge without unfair bias. I love helping and devoting time to KSI and give recognition for those who deserve it and work hard in KSI.

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Name/Gamertag: KSI Perplexity

Rank (If applicable): Lieutenant 

Time spent on the forums (Daily): 2 hours daily

Experience and Time in KSI: 3 weeks

Skype (Required to be on Staff): ksi.perplexity

Why you feel you should be picked to join the AAP (Please provide details): I have the ability to be impartial and remove any aspect of "friend" influence. I have read and comprehended what each award entails from the awards listing. I am able to distinguish hard evidence from generalizations. I am on the forums regularly and activity would not be an issue with me. Plus, I enjoy giving credit to where credit is due.

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Name/Gamertag: KSI DARKSID3

Rank (If applicable): SGT

Time spent on the forums (Daily): 4-6 hours

Experience and Time in KSI: CO-FO of DL left Came back SGT in WI totalled up to about 2 years

Skype (Required to be on Staff): Keefer345

Why you feel you should be picked to join the AAP (Please provide details):I am very active with the forums and really want to do as much as possible for the community and want to do anything and everything for this clan I did alot when i was a COFO and hope to be able to do more this time and really be a huge part in this community

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Name/Gamertag: KSI Cole 7

Rank (If applicable): SGT

Time spent on the forums (Daily): 3 to 5 or even more

Experience and Time in KSI: In Dec. it will be 3 years for me. I have been all the way to a div leader and a gen twice.

Skype (Required to be on Staff): ksi_cole

Why you feel you should be picked to join the AAP (Please provide details): I think I would be a great addition to the aap and since I basically get the whole jiff of aap staff. I know most of the requirements for all of the awards. I am so ready to expand my knowledge even more by taking a amazing opportunity by joining aap staff an getting more into WebOps. I also know what is fair to the ppl and what isnt. Also I am some what a fast learner.

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Name/Gamertag: Matt / KSI iLLuSii0N 7

Rank: SGT 

Time spent on forums (Daily): 2hrs

Experience in KSI: Been an Senior Director and Co-Head of AAP before.

Skype: Matthew.Vukmanovich

Why you feel you should be picked to join the AAP (Please provide details): <3

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Name/Gamertag: Brandon Morales/ KSI AtomXGen

Rank (If applicable): 4LT

Time spent on the forums (Daily): On the forums a couple of hours everyday

Experience and Time in KSI: Been in KSI about 5 months(November 1-present)

Skype (Required to be on Staff): bumbleprime01

Why you feel you should be picked to join the AAP (Please provide details): I feel this will be a good position for me because it will give me an opportunity to help out in this community, put a lot of effort, be committed to assist others, try not to favor someone I know, and do my best to reward the ones who deserve the award for his work he/she has done.

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Name/Gamertag:Damian/KSI CHEVYDOG

Rank (If applicable):GENERAL

Time spent on the forums (Daily):2

Experience and Time in KSI:Joined October 5th 2013

Skype (Required to be on Staff):KSI_chevydog

Why you feel you should be picked to join the AAP (Please provide details):I want something else to do in like a challenge n I like the forums so I figured aap would be a good place to start.

I'm a quick learner so won't be hard to figure everything out and I've been really observant of aap to see how its been run and how what to do.I also don't do favorites I'm the kind of person friend or not if you earned it you'll get it.

Thanks for your time


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Name/Gamertag: KSI xSTREETSx 7


Time spent on the forums(Daily):2 hours

Experience and time in KSI: I have 10 months in KSI and have been doing nothing but learning since the day i joined i feel that the experience i have will be an asset to the AAP, im on the forums every day and am very balls to the wall when it comes to KSI :)

Skype: i dont have skype or a laptop but i can get to one allmost everyday and can make a skype account if need be :)

Why you feel you should be picked to join the AAP: i think you should pick me because i love the AAP I think it one of the most important areas on the forums,the AAP helps members grow and become more competent,I have seen first hand what an award can do to someone's spirit,I am also non bias and feel that the AAP could be a great place for someone like me,I love KSI and what we do for people all over the world,this area is a true testament to what KSI can do for people and i want in :)

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Name/Gamertag: Landon/KSI Kazekage

Rank (If applicable): General

Time spent on the forums (Daily): 1-2 hours. Checking it on my phone very often. I'm not 100% sure if that calculates to game time.

Experience and Time in KSI: I've been in KSI since fall of last year and have complete knowledge of all ranks up to mine and of the forums and departments. Many months.

Skype (Required to be on Staff): Monroe1024

Why you feel you should be picked to join the AAP (Please provide details): I have lots of knowledge and a willing to learn what i need to to strive in whatever field of work I'm in, or even something like this. I have time to dedicate and rewarding people for their efforts is something i would do with great honor and pride. I know I'm not as knowledgeable as some divisional leadership, but a consideration would be greatly appreciated. Thank you for your time!

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Name/Gamertag:Smokiey/ KSI SMOKIEY

Rank (If applicable):GENERAL 

Time spent on the forums (Daily):3-5

Experience and Time in KSI:Joined DEC 24,2013

Skype (Required to be on Staff):KSI SMOKIEY

Why you feel you should be picked to join the AAP (Please provide details):I feel if given the opportunities on AAP Staff  I will excel in completing any tasks that are given to the best of my abilities.Id like to be just as active and successful in the Web Ops as I am in Clan Ops. I have knowledge but I crave more.

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Name/Gamertag: KSI UBER 7

Rank(If applicable): A sgt. for what I know for now.

Time spent on forums: I live on the forums. I am on daily with more than 5 hrs a day.

Experience and time in: Ive been affiliated with KSI since 2009 or 2010 and made it to Div Leader. I've been apart of the AAP before, I was about of the radio team when it was around.I also used to be a section mod over FS and FD when I was a Div Leader.

Skype: Alex Geisen

I am always on the forums so I will always be around when there is an award opportunity taking place, I am looking for more things to do within KSI, I have been apart of the AAP before so I have the experience.

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Name/Gamertag: Carlos/ KSI Killaflow 7

Rank (If applicable): Sargent (retired)

Time spent on the forums (Daily): About 2-3 Hours a day

Experience and Time in KSI: I been in KSI for about a year and five months the highest rank i got to was a Co-Founder in TW i been a general in two different divisions i have founded my own squad (Overload). I been a Section mod over TW, IA liaison for TW i also been in the News team and Tournys and Events.

Skype (Required to be on Staff): live:laxstarvera

Why you feel you should be picked to join the AAP (Please provide details): I will make a great addition to the AAP Staff since i know the basics on how it works, i also know what are the requirements for all of the forum awards. I've obtained a few of the rewarded awards on the forums, i am unbiased when it comes to judging on what a member has accomplished. I am also currently not in any other department so when i get on the forums i can souly focus on the AAP Section i get on the forums numerous times a day and almost every single day of my KSI forum creation which was in December 2012 i have looked in the AAP Section daily just to see what was going on and to witness to any members that deserved the award they were being nominated for. It would be an honor to be part of the AAP Staff i will be a very committed member towards this department. I been craving to be apart of it since i first joined this community. <3

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Name/Gamertag: Ryan Houghton -KSI Ethre

Rank (If applicable): Pride GZ General

Time spent on the forums (Daily): 3-4 Hours

Experience and Time in KSI: Currently General over Pride GZ and Been in about 11 Months

Skype (Required to be on Staff): Razzaho

Why you feel you should be picked to join the AAP (Please provide details): I Believe that I would be a good addition to the APP Staff because I have a basic knowledge of what awards there are and what are required to get that award and which I believe in a fair a unbiased opinion when judging and evaluating the nominations and currently apart from being a general im not in any other department in KSI but I have experience of how departments work.

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Name/Gamertag:Kacey/KSI FadeZ 7

Rank (If applicable):2nd Lieutenant

Time spent on the forums (Daily):i couldnt give a exact number but i check the forums and post regularly threw out the day.

Experience and Time in KSI:well i originally joined in 2012. i spent about 11 months in rose threw the ranks from Recruit to Co founder. had successfully spit a squad. was involved in tournaments and events since KSI Kiki 7 ran it i was the firstCo Department head for T&E when pr3dator 7 was head of the department. i returned in January and have been up to the rank of CPT this second time around before a div transfer.i am currently a staff member for T&E. im also fairly active on the forums overall

Skype (Required to be on Staff) Savageswaggkz

Why you feel you should be picked to join the AAP (Please provide details):well iv been around this community for awhile and like to be involved in each aspect i care deeply and devote a lot of my time. here im active within the AAP Section i always post of the month nominations aswell as regularly nominate/witness for personal awards. im familiar with how the section works(to the degree i can be without being staff) and would love to be a part of this department. im a quick learner and hard worker. i am very unbiased and tend to live life that way. id like to help the staff and hopefully be an assest to this department. thank you for the consideration

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Name/Gamertag: KSI Moses1215

 Rank (If applicable): SSG

 Time spent on the forums (Daily): It varies from Four to five hours, and sometimes a lot less.

Experience and Time in KSI: Four months

Skype (Required to be on Staff): I believe it is adam.dwelley, but I can make another one if thats not it.

Why you feel you should be picked to join the AAP (Please provide details): I want to increase my activity in KSI, and work on the forums as well as clan ops.

Having said that, I choose clan ops if I can only be in one.

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Name/Gamertag: Nathan Herrman (Don't have XBL anymore. PSN:Da_Herrminator) Past XBL: KSI Ghandi 7, KSI Everton 7 (will likely be getting Xbox back sometime in the next couple of months)

Rank (If applicable): Retired (Past: Director, Human Resources, Performance Officer)

Time spent on the forums (Daily): I generally check the forums everyday, at least a couple of times. However, since I don't really know that many people anymore, and I'm not a part of anyting I don't have much reason to post or be on for long periods of time. However, if selected I can promise to be as much as needed and even more. Myy job requires me to be by a computer from 8-5 everyday (And being a full-time student as well I'm always on my iPad or laptop), so I have plenty of access.

Experience and Time in KSI: Active KSI member for 4-4.5 years (April(ish) 2008-2012). Around KSI for 6 years.

Skype (Required to be on Staff): Yes, I have one. I don't want to post it here, but I can obviously let you guys know what it is if selected.

Why you feel you should be picked to join the AAP (Please provide details): I think first and foremost because I can be completely objective. As basically a "community member" I now longer have very many ties to specific individuals or divisions within KSI. In fact most of the people I know are either long since gone, or members of the Board. I'm also a great judge of character (not that it necessarily applies to the internet) so I know when someone should be rewarded for their actions. I'm also good at finding out the validity behind claims and checking references. I can dedicate some online time to this, as well as I can work with the AAP team, hopefully using some of that past experience. I guess the last reason is because I want a way to be an active part of KSI again. I don't really have the time to do that in a clan sense because I have a pretty packed schedule, but the forums are a perfect way for me to get that back and still be able to do what I have to do on the outside. I'm also know how to have a laugh ::D


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Name/Gamertag: KSI Bear46

Rank (If applicable): Sgt

Time spent on the forums (Daily): varies, but I'm here more than often.

Experience and Time in KSI:SSG is highest rank achieved. I've been in multiple squads, participated in many different events KSI and KSI related. I've been here almost 23 months (2 years in June) I know my way around here quite well, and have always encouraged the AAP department due to it's astounding quality. I've done my best to help anybody that I can, when I can.

Skype (Required to be on Staff): KSI_Bear46 .....I believe

Why you feel you should be picked to join the AAP (Please provide details): I've been here long enough to know who truly deserves an award, and also what is needed to be a credible nominator, witness, and nominee.

Thank you for your time, doc.

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Name/Gamertag: IG Herbert

Rank (If applicable): RCT

Time spent on the forums (Daily):3 hrs

Experience and Time in KSI: Within Global 3/5/14 Within United 18 months

Skype (Required to be on Staff): JeremyDewey

Why you feel you should be picked to join the AAP (Please provide details) Im puntual. I have strong work ethics. I give 110% all the time. I get done what needs to be done with shear perfection. I also feel if chosen for this title I would be a execptional part of the team. AAP would benifit in having me as a co-worker. The reason it would benifit AAP is because of my work ethics. I feel that through said ethics it will motivate other co-workers.

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