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KSI xSTATICx 7 outstanding service nomination (Awarded)

The Bearded One

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Name: (Member-/-Squad-/-Division of the person you are nominating) KSI xSTATICx 7 FG
Link to Forums Account:http://www.ksiforums.org/user/8889-ksi-xstaticx-7/
Award-/-Achievement: (The award you are nominating this person for)outstanding service
Reason-/-Evidence: (Please give reasons to why this person is deserving of the award you are nominating them for)KSI xSTATICx 7 has been nothing but kick butt! He is all over the div solving problems and playing with as many members as he can,if anyone needs him he comes and helps asap I have come to him many times for help and i get my problem solved 100% of the time :) KSI xSTATICx 7 goes beyond his regular duty's every day and does his best to make everyone happy,I can't believe he has not been nominated for this all ready :)  

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static, one of my dear friends and one of the greatest members to walk through EO and FG, greatly deserves this award. Static has taken the bull by the horns and played an integral role in FG. He is constantly helping members strive to be the best they can be and increase his knowledge as well as others in FG. He holds training classes for pvts through sgts to make them capable to be officers. since static has earned the founder rank in FG, he does his job beyond any other founder i have seen. he is pushing officers to their maximum potential whether it is recruiting, training, mentoring or even just basic game nights.


for me to say static is an amazing person and member is an understatement. this member greatly deserves the outstanding service award based solely upon his integral role in FG and KSI as a whole

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I can witness as his former director. This guy was a complete bad as within the division and keeps everything in check. From managing squads to ensuring member have people to play with. He's always working to improve his division.

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As a general, I see first hand of what static does. He not only has his classes that he has for the generals sgts and lower, but the guy makes sure the generals are sending messages out and doing their job. He also goes to meetings and plays with lower ranking members making sure that everyone is still having fun. Overall he does his job the way he should and does everything the right way in my eyes.

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Static has and continues to have a positive influence on FG. He is always working to help members with their problems or to find someone for them to game with or to just get them acquainted with their squad/div regardless of their rank. He goes beyond what he is asked to make sure that FG prospers. He is an amazing member/7 and continues to be a great example of what to strive to be in KSI!

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Static is a founder but he has done so much work for the good of the division, individual squads, and the individuals themselves and he always goes the extra mile . I have personal experience with his expertise in all areas of KSI.  You can always depend on him to be there to support and help all members no matter what squad or rank.  His dedication and hard work is apparent throughout the whole division as well as mentoring individuals (like Myself). Static exemplifies and holds to the Knowledge,Strength, and Integrity of KSI. Great work Static and keep it up

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