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KSI SweetTea DUO nom noms (Awarded)


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Name: (Member-/-Squad-/-Division of the person you are nominating) KSI SweetTea-/- Paradox-/- Immortal Outlaws

Link to Forums Account:http://www.ksiforums.org/user/15204-sxe-tea/

Award-/-Achievement: (The award you are nominating this person for) Member Assistance; Trainer

Reason-/-Evidence: (Please give reasons to why this person is deserving of the award you are nominating them for) What's there too say about this outstanding member officer. The underlying reason for me being here, the challenge to "GET ON MY LEVEL" as she always says. I can honestly say I wouldn't be were I am today in such an amazing gaming community if it weren't for her running into my recruiter and guiding me through a whole new world of forums and gaming structure, which at first seemed so intimidating, but she's walked me through it. Challenging me too succeed and introducing me to resources I needed to get on her level. 6 Months later and were both staff members of Tournaments and Events and GENS of fast paced growing squads.

Member Assistance: In the time I've been here KSI SweetTea has helped push me to succeed and be the best at what I do. I often make it a priority to see me way over to Paradox IO in game nights and squad chats, It is more so evident that she is excited to see her own members succeed as well, by offering the same information and help along the way. Do you seriously know anyone who can recite the CoC on a dime... I DO!

Trainer: KSI SweetTea is all about it. She knows what it takes to have an active squad and that is to have a knowledgeable squad. KSI SweetTea is thorough and makes sure her members as well as others have the knowledge they need to succeed and that they understand what is being taught to them, that they might one day do, what she does!

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Member Assistance: I was there when she got promoted to General, and not even got all of her assignment under her and she was saying she needed to go so she could help someone with the forums, she is very dedicated to her division and also her squad. I see her as being a productive 7 in the future, she doesn't mind jumping in on any project or talking with anybody about new ideals to get activity going. 


I reccomend her for this award, and hope she continues to surprise us with great work in the future. 

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Herro all, my name is KSI Conrado 77!!

Member Assistance: I've known SweetTea nearing a year now and she has drastically improved KSI for the better. She is one of the most outstanding members I have ever been blessed to have a friendship with. Member Assistance, to me, is not only just helping a SGT understand how to access a certain part of the forums (which SweetTea is a freakin G at) but it is also understanding the need to be a friend when someone is in need of one. SweetTea has a phenominal personality that can't be match by anyone I have met in my life. She will always be there for someone, anyone, if they are in need of a friend or in need of advice about how to make a difference in KSI. 


Trainer: Like I stated in the above paragraph SweetTea has and will always be someone that any member can go to for assistance for even the most minuscule issue involving KSI or just information that you need to know (ex. Rank Structure) and she will be glad to help. I was a General of Rawhide, IO, while SweetTea was one of my Captains. Together, with her help and the other members of Rawhide, we built one of the strongest squads in our Division. Our squad was not only great for the leaders or numbers but also for how well our members were trained and understood what KSI is and how each and every one of them can improve it. She now is a General of her own squad called Paradox and I have seen her bring that squad from less than 10 active members to 30. She has greatness written all over her and I am thankful to know her and have her apart of IO.

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Trainer: Yes

Member Assistance: 2/3 (Not counting Riots as it was not descriptive enough)

Just grab 1 more descriptive witness for member assistance

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I'll vouch. SweetTea is pretty much the definition of Member Assistance. There isn't a time i hop in a party with her that she's not doing something with her members. SweetTea is always ready and willing to help anyone who needs it. 

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Member assistance: i am one of sweetteas officers and damn she is amazing when it comes to helping members, she regularly goes ot of her way to help ksi members that are new to the forums become better aquainted by giving them step by step instructions, she has a heart of gold when it comes to her squad, not a day goes by when we guys have to go to her for help, even if its just moral support shes always there to help down to a personal level, i truly think she deserves this, my personal experience with sweettea has been amazing, from day one she took me under her wing and explained everything and walked me through everything i know now and have achieved in ksi so far so thank you teaa ^.^

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