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KSI Mufasa 7: Outstanding Service Lv. 2 Nomination (Awarded)


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Name: KSI Mufasa 7/Web Operations/Forum Moderator
Link to Forums Account: http://www.ksiforums.org/user/2273-ksi-mufasa-7/
Award-/-Achievement: Outstanding Service Lv. 2

Silver Outstanding -(Lvl 2)- 
[Lowest Rank eligible for this award: Co-founder/Forum Staff]- Member Out performs All expectations of Rank and Duty. Along with accomplishments that set them above others of the same rank as a Shining example of what it all KSI members should aspire to become -[Minimum requirement of six months in KSI]- [-Discretion of the AAP team and its findings upon evidence provided by supporting witnesses-]


I can't say how much this member has contributed out of my time here in KSI, and in my time here. I have seen him do so much for not only my department here, but also the entire website as well. He has not only helped myself and Luci raise the standard for the AAP, but is bringing innovation to it was well with our new program that we will be enacting pretty soon for the OTMs. He is not afraid to ask the tough questions when it comes to members nominating for awards, and will go to any lengths to see that these members are or are not deserving of the awards. 

I can also say that he is one of the most productive staff members that the web operations team has seen in quite some time as well. Always looking to clean something up on the website, finding little things that some others may not, and even going to the lengths of helping individuals with certain tasks. He does it all. 

This member overall just sets the bar higher for not only those below him, but around and above as well. He truly more than embodies the values that KSI wants to see in their leaders. 

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:tongue: witness's please





:lol: just kidding...Huck that i know he more than deserves it.

Ya got my vote and agreement to the award

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I am not forums staff but I have see this members hard work all over the forums. He is always online helping someone or trying to improve a section that is when he is not on mission over seas! He still takes the time out of his day to constantly do the aap and shout box. Anytime a member has a question or problem he does his absolute best to help them or get them to some one who can help them if he can not. No matter what anyone says this member deserves this award. And he is a very important part of the forums staff.

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I'll say that he deserves it for his forums staff efforts, but I will double down and look back at the time he spent as Founder of GZ.


He was a superior leader and helped to keep GZ afloat when we went through tough times. He taught me a lot and helped to lead that division and set a standard that was continued after he had to leave his position. With Mufasa, GZ would have been in some deep poop, and he helped stabilize it, and I'm not sure too many other people would have been able to do that.


He deserves this award two-fold. I'm quite frankly surprised he doesn't already have it. He exemplifies everything this award stands for.

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Mufasa more than deserves this award, not only for all the time and hard work here on the forums, but also for his accomplishment in making his division what it is today. He has been an inspiration not only to me but to several leaders and officers in GZ. He has set standards of what a leader should be, and that are still followed in GZ to this day. Mufasa is a great leader and a great friend.

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There's no question that Mufasa deserves this award in my mind. We are coming fresh off of his 2 year anniversary in KSI, and I couldn't think of a more fitting anniversary gift. 


All of you know Mufasa recently as an outstanding member of the forums staff, helping as many people as he can in the short breaks he gets while being deployed overseas. As Impy said, I will even step back and recall his clan ops time. Blazing through the ranks, he quickly became one of the most remarkable leaders in GZ's history.  Members still to this day reminisce about Mufasa's tenure, as one of the most successful, fun, and organized times in the division.  We were all heartbroken when he had to step out of clan ops, due to his job with the military and commitment to his family but that was just a invitation to see how devoted he is to things that are important to him.


Once overseas and comfortably stationed, Mufasa came back to the forums and asked if there was more he could do, he wanted to be involved and help KSI in any way he could.  For a while, we all told him not to worry about us and to just come home safe.  He wasn't having it lol.  After a few short weeks, he was back in the action with KSI, helping members and bringing a smile to many more.  Jumping in head first, organizing forum sections, compiling info for the AAP, and monitoring the shoutbox as much as he could.  (I'm still pretty sure he has more mod actions while deployed than I did stateside...lol)


Mufasa is the perfect example of KSI's core values, Knowledge...Strength...and Integrity.  To care about us, and want to help while in one of the most dangerous places in the world, I am thankful that we were his reprieve.  I am also grateful for Mufasa's service to KSI, but more importantly his service to our country.  


Come home safe big man!! We love YOU!!!!! :wub: 

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