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I just wanted to take the time to make this topic seeing as so many descriptions were changed.

2 i saw i didnt like were Resurrection and Wasted life (so far)

Resurrection i find to be way too easy. My division went from 300 to 450 in the past month to 2 months. In 5 months, that is enough time for a division to rise. fall, rise, and split. I dont think were giving our members enough credit here.

Wasted life, i think is easy to cheat. Leave your computer signed on to the forums at all times. Hardly a wasted life.

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1: Division Must be under 100 members.

2: your Timer Stops if you arnt active. Otherwise mine would have been up to 90 + days considering my laptops always on and on the forums.

Several descriptions were changed to reflect a Growing trend to steer away from the slap in the face awards.

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OKay but for the division one, i'm not saying my division deserves it. I'm saying 150 members is not a lot and its DEFINITELY not a lot for 5 months.

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... i dont think you're understanding what i'm saying. Obtaining 150 members in 5 months is not a difficult thing to do. Divisions do it on a regular basis. I'm saying that is a low number or a very long time limit to get it.

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Not all divisions gain fast, LS was a good example of that.

they been sat at 520 or so for months

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