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KSI DESTINED 7 Multiple Award Nomination. (Awarded)

FadeZ 7

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Name: (Member-/-Squad-/-Division of the person you are nominating):KSI DESTINED 7 DR COFO.

Link to Forums Accounts: www.ksiforums.org/user/16629-ksi-destined-7/

Award-/-Achievement: (The award you are nominating this person for)Trainer,Mentor,Outstanding ServiceLV1.

Reason-/-Evidence: (Please give reasons to why this person is deserving of the award you are nominating them for)

Trainer: well this member came up under me and I have personally have witnessed him train and can vouch this member has completely trained 47 members.

Mentor: while this person has not mentored me I have seen him mentor some very successful members in DR today. Ill let witnesses speak for him.

Outstanding Service LV1: this member came into Valkyrie DR when we had just lost the GEN anf most active officers. While I was his cofounder he stepped up above and beyond to help the hurting squad. He started recruiting and promoting activity untill getting officer and worked into becoming the Gen of the squad. Since then he has built the squad up and split it successfully. Saving a squad and continuing the Legacy has established that he is very dedicated and driven member ill let witnesses speak but he has my vote.

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Trainer- Current Founder or Higher witness


Mentor- 5 members who claim as mentor


OSLV1- Witnesses

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I can witness for all 3 awards he is up for.

 TRAINER AWARD ; he as trained 47 recuits in DR.

MENTOR AWARD ; this member as mentor some members in DR.

OUTSTANDING SEVICE AWARD ; this member step up when the squad he was GEN . They was about to close the squad down and he step up and wanted the GEN spot for the squad and split it and became a Co-Founder in DR.




                   I'M WITNESSING FOR THIS MEMBER.

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Trainer: I have witnessed KSI DESTINED 7 train several members


Mentor: This member has personally mentored me, I highly look up to him, this is my first time being in a gaming community and I came in with no knowledge of it, KSI DESTINED 7 has changed that, because of him this is a wonderful and unforgettable experience, and because of his guidance and hard work and teaching I am now a general.


Outstanding Service LV1: This member is an outstanding leader, he has been extremely active with everyone in our squad which is Valkyrie, when i came in I heard that the squad was goin downhill, because of him this squad has come up 100 percent and we ended up splitting after 3 months of me being in it. He was the glue of Valkyrie that kept it together and thriving, and because of him I became general of Valkyrie and he became CO FO he is a great leader and teacher and I highly look up to him and see great things coming for DR.

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I am able to witness for all awards he is nominated for.
TRAINER AWARD ; Destined 7 has trained at least 45 members.
MENTOR AWARD ; Destined 7 is and has been a mentor to many if not most of the Valkyrie and now Sacrifice squads.
OUTSTANDING SEVICE AWARD ; The great thing about Destined is he the strongest and most dedicated person I know. The higher ups were about to merge Valkyrie into another squad, and he never gave up on Valkyrie. He fought to be General since he was the only officer constantly active and doing his duty; not to mention having lost our General at that time. Destined has brought Valkyrie back from the dead and now bringing Sacrifice back too by splitting Valkyrie into Sacrifice. He has done sooo much for KSI and got so many members to stay active, not to mention all the activities he has put together for the squad, I think it's time he should be recognized for his hard work and dedication.


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Witness for KSI DESTINED 7

Trainer: I have witnessed KSI DESTINED 7 train several members.

Mentor: KSI DESTINED 7 has mentored me and several others. When I was recruited into KSI, my recruiter had no knowledge of KSI. Thanks to Destined, I now know a lot more about KSI, and becoming a great leader. Destined continues to be my mentor as I am the new GEN of Sacrifice.

Outstanding Service LV1: I have known Destined for several months. In those months I have watched Valkyrie go from a squad with over 20 inactive members to a fully active squad. I've watched the squad split. I know if it wasn't for Destined, it wouldn't have been where it is now. He chose the people he felt could assist in the success of Valkyrie as his officers. He not only saved Valkyrie, but Sacrifice, by splitting off into Sacrifice. He not only helped these squads succeed, but he helped people succeed. I am Gen of Sacrifice. I never saw myself going higher than LT, but because Destined guided me, and showed me how to be a Gen, I now have faith that I will do just as good as he did. I can't say I can do better, because I do believe he has done the best anyone can do. I know several Gens in KSI, from different divisions as well. Destined has done more with his squad than I see any other Gen do thus far. He has helped people in several ways; name changes, gold memberships, he even gifted me a headset when I was in need of one. He went above and beyond in his service in KSI. And for that, Destined is more than deserving of all three of these awards.

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I am witnessing for KSI DESTINED 7's mentor and outstanding service award.

Mentor: when I started getting up the ranks he always gave me tips on how to do better with my rank I can go to him for any kind of advice.

Outstanding service lv1: I heard stories and saw for my self that destined brought a squad like Valkyrie to its glory it is now splitting it and giving a great new gen since he is now one of our many great co founders and his story is great :)

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I can vouch for OSLV1, This guy took a inactive squad of 40. Valkyrie was a squad people were ready merge and get rid of, Destined took that squad and did a complete 180 with it, Valkyrie is now one of our powerhouse squads. In addition to his own squad he is always on top of divisional affairs. Im always seeing him in parties with his members and giving advice to his fellow generals. 

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I haven't really talked to him but he definitely deserves this award he is the talk of DR and its all about him turning Valkyrie around.I witness this. definitely deserves his 7

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Trainer: I have witnessed KSI Destined 7 train several members of DR.


Mentor: I have watched this member mentor many of the members of the DR division who have gone on to be Lieutenants, Captains, and even two newly promoted Generals. I attribute my success in the division to the members that he has mentored. He welcomed me in with open arms and gave me the tools I needed to succeed. If it was not for him I would not be where I am today. Even though he is now a Co-Founder, he still answers any questions I may have and I will strive to be just like him in the ways he promotes KSI and helps ANY MEMBER who may need it.


Outstanding Service LV1: I am fairly new to the KSI family, however when I asked about the history of our squad Valkyrie, everything came back to Destined. Everyone said he was the one who picked this squad up when it was at its lowest point and made it into the squad it is today. Seeing as how we just split and his two trainees became the new generals of the two squads, I believe that alone rates him nomination for this award. Everyone has nothing but good things to say about him, myself included and I know he will move on to bigger and better things within KSI because he always goes above and beyond for the needs of the KSI family.

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I can witness to Destined OS level 1. This guy right here is not your average member. From the time I was in DR, I saw this member transform from an average member to a leader. What really proved to me that he was no average member is that he was able to build up a very active squad from nothing. When he was first given the squad Valkyrie, it was at about 30-40 members with only a couple active members. So he knew it would be a challenge to build up the squad. But he over came all obstacles and shattered any goal he came up with or was given. He lead his squad through it all. He helped his members and any other members that needed help. He played with anyone that was wanting to game. He has also been a mentor for multiple members throughout DR. He will be a good Co Founder for DR and will help lead the div to greatness.


Also for trainer, When I was a Co Founder in DR a couple months ago I saw him train multiple people for his squad. At first he was the only officer in his squad training member. He has trained a large amount of members.

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