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Interested in Writing an Article?

KSI Jezrien 7

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Are you interested in writing articles but don't have time to commit to the News Team? Well this is a topic just for you. In this topic any member may write an article, poem, informational piece, short story, etc. and submit it to be published by the News Team. Just to give you a little background, what happens when the News Team publishes an article is it gets posted in the KSI homepage labeled as KSI News and also the Access Denied.


So, in essence, this topic will be for anyone who wants to write an article or advertise their KSI information and have it published without having to be a member of the team. The News Team editors will also come by and edit out any grammatical errors from your work and make it look pretty before publishing. This is a way to allow the News Team to be more interactive with the public of KSI.


You may write about whatever you like, whether it be a game/book/movie review, an upcoming game release, an article about your squad/division/the entirety of KSI, poems, short stories, an advertisement for your department or a tournament, or information. You may also include a photo or video to your work which will be published as well.


The only rules are:

#1. What you write cannot break KSI's Code of Conduct.

#2. The News Team leaders have the right to approve or deny any article written.

#3. If you're going to advertise, you may only advertise KSI projects.

#4. This topic is to only be used for submitting articles. General conversation, questions, or complaints should be PM'd to myself.

#5. Please include the title of your piece at the top of your post.

#6. Have fun!


Thank you for your help in bringing more news to KSI


KSI Jezrien 7

Chief of News 

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That Sir is a great idea.  That'll help bring in more activity and content to the News Team through something that'll also help members interface with the team more and vice versa.  Excellent.  I see a lot of potential in that.  In light of this information, I think I'll stick to just that for now until director duties calm down and more time is made available (I hope).  I hope you don't mind, but I posted that on our KSI Members FB group for everyone else to see.  Maybe a bit more visibility on that will help get it going :)


Thanks for the swift reply as well.  Was just seeing what I could do to help. Got spammed via xbl msgs so... yanno.


Have a great one!

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  • 1 month later...

If the newsgroup still needs people, I'd be interested in joining up. I worked with an online newspaper for a while so like....I have experience and whatnot. Just tell me what to write and I'll do it.

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If you're interested in joining, then you need to post an application.

Here is a link to the News Team application form:


Just start a new topic with your application.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I am not too good with writing but if someone watches movies as much as i do i think it would be awesome to get reviews from fellow members on how good they believe movies are that just come out.

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  • 2 weeks later...

                                                                                        Have to watch what we say in Lobbies.


           There are several things that I would like to address for the community to see. I was an independent gamer for a long time and never wanted to be involved a in clan based communities because what I heard all the time was that this clan was not good and that clan was not good. But there was one time that I was playing with a KSI member and he saw me and played black ops 2 with me for a little bit and asked me to join at first I was leery of it because I had no I idea of what KSI was all about. All I had heard was that it "sucked" in lobbies and confirmed by several KSI members going off on that person in lobbies. WE as a whole have to remember that you going off on someone in a lobby that says KSI sucks shows the other 16 people in that lobby that we have not changed. I know that most of you are competitive when we play but do not let your emotions hurt the community as a whole. Well for the people trying to recruit that phrase is just a killer when a KSI member goes on a rant on said person who said that phrase it only confirms in peoples minds that we are still the community of the past. WE already know that this community is the best going and only going to get better lets project that fact when we game and not pay lip service to it. This community has given more to me than they know and I AM PROUD TO BE KSI because of the mentors I have had and the people who are in this community that I have not met but know their names are working behind the scenes everyday to keep this squad, division, and KSI as a whole safe and viable for the rest of us. So thank you to all who have been there and really shown me as an individual what the truth is about KSI and be proud of your community, division and squad because there has a lot of blood sweat and tears put into this community by the people before us to make this what it is and its up each of us now to keep passing down the knowledge of the past to the new members to help make KSI grow to its fullest potential. so go and game and remember to what YOU do or say can impact the community as a whole. thanks for your time

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sorry I know it needs work but wanted to see if you got the idea of what was trying to say you can fix it any way you want. but its the idea that's important

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  • 1 month later...

Kinectless Xbox One? What are the risks?

As you may know, Microsoft announced that they will be releasing a Kinect-less Xbox One, it will be priced at $399.00 USD.

It seems awesome, fine and dandy. But is it truely a good idea???

A lot of features rely on the Kinect to better the experience of Xbox One. It is also a great convenience tool for the system itself.

Here are the features you will be missing without the Kinect.

  • No Voice Commands.
  • No App switching instantly.
  • Snap feature will be a lot more difficult to access.
  • A lot of apps use Kinect to access its full features.
  • You'll have to switch channels on TV manually.
Rumors say that without the Kinect, Graphics can be enchanced because Kinect & Apps take 10% of GPU.

So, for example, games right now run at max 720p, now it may run at 800p or higher.

These are just examples. so truely, is it a good idea?

I personally think you will be missing out on all the amazing features just to save $100.00.

An Xbox One is simply not an Xbox One without the Kinect. It is simply an incomplete product to be cheaper and more affordable.

So remember kids, think and research before you buy!

~Written by KSI Purge aka Lord Pain :)

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