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Divisional of the months: TW

Awoken Lucifer

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11-26-2011 to 12-02-2011


Co-Founder of the Month:

General of the month:

Major of the Month:

Captain of the Month:

Lieutenant of the Month:

Member of the Month:

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Co-Founder of the Month: we have only one, and thats me, so...........

General of the Month: KSI Kiki3000 - She is so hard working and dedicated to her squad that she leaves parties and games just to sort out a squabble or answer a question.

Major of the Month: as far as i know there isn't one.

Captain of the Month: KSI TheChief05 - She has done wonders as a captain. she has helped Shadowfate organise events for the squad, even going as far as devising a points system for every month, with prizes at the end.

Lieutenant of the Month: KSI KARMA KILLZ - Although i have never interacted with Karma directly, i have heard great things from Nemesis and those above him, and i feel he deserves some credit for his work.

Member of the Month: KSIBINGOBACON - this person has been a ray of light from the depths of the nitemare itself. he always tries to keep people pumped up and happy, not to mention he always keeps me up to date on the goings on of nitemare. he arranges many achievement lobbies for different games and is generally one of the nicest people i have ever met.

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Co-Founder of the Month: KSIBLITZER112 he all will help out his general and captain. he all way have world of wisdom for me and his members he love to help out any way he can. he the only Co-Founder we got

General of the Month:KSISHADOWFATE after blitzer become co-fo he working hard to improve nitemare and will to improve himself to make nitemare a batter squad and try his best to get every1 pump to rct he play with the low rank

Captain of the Month: KSI TheChief05 she work hard she will try to solve any problem, thechief all ways in party chart she cool and fun be with she try to be there for any nitemare members

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Co-Founder of the Month:

KSI Blitzer because he is our only cofo and he is very smart. He helps out if shadow or I need him. He's very awesome(:

General of the month:

KSI Shadowfate because he is doing his best to make nitemare at its best. He's doing everything he can and he is very dedicated to this squad. He makes sure everyone is happy and he solves issues in a mature matter.

Major of the Month:


Captain of the Month:

KSIBINGOBACON because he is always talking to people and making them feel better.His positive attitude makes everyone in a good mood.

Lieutenant of the Month:

KSI ADRENAL because he is very helpful. He's always helps out with my maps on forge. When anyone's upset, he is right there to make them laugh. His humor is great and he helps out with a lot

Member of the Month:

KSI Kingtater because he is always bringing in new recruits and he is also very helpful and very active online.

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