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Apocalypse Nomination


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Name: KSIxAPOCALYPSE7-/-Bio-/-DL Link to Forums Account: http://www.ksiforums.org/index.php?/user/248-ksixapocalypse7/

Achievement: Master Recruiter and Head Hunter Reason: These are former awards he had on the other forums, as well I was his Div Leader when he ran Virtue RI by HIMSELF after MEA hit t an he ran headhunters for it.

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While the nomination Stands, You Were Banned Yesterday For chosing to Ignore The Repeated Requests From AAP staff.

You Were informed YESTERDAY as to your current Ban from AAP.

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Again, read the rules of the AAP, Which is why you have now been Formerly Banned from AAP..

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Again, As per the following. You have been placed on a ban list

Rule 1: arguing with AAP staff.

Rule 5: NO SPAM


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One way we are like the gfx area is that if you spam, we take our time getting to you. Its not like there are a lot of nominations pending so there is no need to bump.

Waiting on luci to tell us that you are allowed to nominate awards. He doesn't tell us, then there is no reason for us to debate this.

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Waiting on luci to tell us that you [airborn] are allowed to nominate awards. He doesn't tell us, then there is no reason for us to debate this.

I can quote stuff too.

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Waiting on luci to tell us that you are allowed to nominate awards. He doesn't tell us, then there is no reason for us to debate this.

Would it help if I just made a new thread for Apoc here that did not have airborne in it then because right now this isn't an award for airborne its an award for Apoc. A bit confused since the 1st post says the nomination still stands then your saying that the staff are deliberating then your last post says your waiting on luci to decide if this even can be debated. So for the sake of everyones sanity would it just be easier to close this one and I start a new one for the member up for the award?

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Closing thread, using new one,

For the record, Airborn was unbanned last night, had not put a notice to reflect this to staff,

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