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KSI xGHo5Tx Multiple awards nomination (1/3 Awarded)


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Name: KSI xGHo5Tx Lonestar/ immortal Outlaws
Link to Forums Account: www.ksiforums.org/user/14166-ksixgh5tx/
Award-/-Achievement: outstanding service. headhunters. member assistance. i have seen this member help many member with issues that they have been having. Teaching many members how to navigate the forums efficiantly including myself. this guy is a great member i love him like a bro and hes a great gen !!!


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 i have seen this member help many member with issues that they have been having. Teaching many members how to navigate the forums efficiently including myself. this guy is a great member hes been my mentor a friend and a great general very fair and open minded never judgmental.

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I witness this member going above and beyond the call of duty with helping squad members grow, leading the squad to a productive path on the forums and xbox. He's challenging people to step up and take charge, having our back when we need insight. An example to the rest of the squad

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O.S. Lv. 1: More descriptive witnesses please


Member Assistance: 2/3


Headhunter: General or higher to witness

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  • Admin Guy

O.S. Lv. 1: More descriptive witnesses please


Member Assistance: 2/3


Headhunter: General or higher to witness

Headhunter has already been awarded. 

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Dropping Vote to Witness


As his former general i can vouch for both of these awards.

Ghost is one of those guys who sets their mind on something or gets a task and he gets it done no matter what.

As my right hand man and i being a member of the community he has assisted me with anything and everything.

If i wasnt around i knew that he could pick up any slack.

Hes General now for a reason. He is so willing to Help anyone in need and as far as service goes, he has given his all.

He is a completely dedicated member to KSI and it is with great honor that i get to work with this guy everyday.

He hosts meeting! He hosts Gamenights! anything and everything to ensure that people are having fun. 

Ghost deserves these awards and his Service as a Captain was truly Outstanding

And hopefully with his strong will and motivation.There will be many more to come.

Keep up the good work ghost. dont make me regret bein all mushy in here :wink:

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Ghost is everything that we need in a leader whether it be on the forums or on the Clan Ops side of things. If a member needs help with recruiting or even if another squad comes to him about training, he will drop everything and go help that person out! In the future, I hope to see him grow to be a Great Leader here in IO with the way he leads his members and is a role model to everyone he speaks with.

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I concur with all that has been said about Ghost. He was the one to recruit me into KSI. I would say he gives outstanding services not only because he goes out of his ways to resolve an arising issue (or just going out of his way) but do so with integrity. Something you don't see very often.


For example, when my head hunters team and I first established, we knew nothing. He 'sat' us all down and walked us through the basic. He didn't have to, as the rules and such were posted on the forum, but he did. By doing so it made my team and I feel a sense of importance because to be honest, we were all ready to up and leave KSI at one point. It just goes to show how much effort one puts into doing something they love or believe in. That gesture alone meant a lot to us and I'm sure it would to anyone else.


If you know me or have ever joined a party with me in there, you would know that I'm quite shy and am reluctant to speak my thoughts; Ghost never backed down and always assured that my opinions do matter. I will always be shy but Ghost broke the ice for me when it comes to sharing my opinions when needed. These are just two examples that holds prominence in my book.  :Peace:

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Member Assistance: yes

O.S. Lv. 1: one more descriptive witness

Headhunter Award: general or higher to witness.

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