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KSI GreenDayFox Multiple Award Nomination (Awarded)


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Name:KSI GreenDayFox./ ELYSIUM / DR

Link to Forums Account: 16245-ksi-greendayfox/

Award-/-Achievement: Outstanding Service/ Member Assistance

Reason-/-Evidence: I have known this girl since the first day she came into KSI. She was so excited that we came to her to get her to join our squad, and every since day one she has been so active and like a sponge she soaks up every single detail of any advice and any knowledge you are willing to throw her way. She has come so far so fast it just amazes me the knowledge base and dedication that this girl has for and about KSI. I heard a quote in our meeting tonight " If you were to cut her she would bleed KSI" and that is probably the best way to describe the dedication and love that she has for not only ELYSIUM and DR but for all of KSI. I have officially adopted this girl and have taken her under my wing and taught her everything that I know and have passed on all of my knowledge to her and I know that sometime in the near future she will make a great General and even Co Founder someday very soon. I am nominating her for these awards because she is quite possibly the hardest working officer I have ever had the privilege to be around. Good luck Nat!!!!!

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 she has worked her butt off to get to where she is at now.She knows a lot more than a lot of people she is all KSI and also a very great mentor...Definitely deserves everything

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Name:KSI GreenDayFox./ ELYSIUM / DR

Link to Forums Account: 16245-ksi-greendayfox/

Award-/-Achievement: Outstanding Service/ Member Assistance

Reason-/-Evidence: This girl. I've known her for a while now. Since I've been in Elysium. Even a little earlier. And I have taken to her like I've found my long lost sister. She's always been there to listen when I had problems. We bicker and gossip like two siblings should. We have a bond no one could possibly break. She's my sister and I love her just like one. Hey my dad adopted her. So I pretty much don't have a choice (; she's worked so to get where she is now. And she deserves this reward. I love you nat!!! Good luck!!!!

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I witness for this member on both awards. Greenday has busted her butt in helping her squad Elysium grow and get to the point where it is today. She is constantly helping people and making sure the job gets done no matter what the circumstances are. I see a lot of potential in this member as a future leader in KSI. Keep up the great work Greenday I'm honored to have met you in KSI and look forward to working with you in the future as well .

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I will agree to everything everyone has said before me. Me and greenday are the only remaining girls elysium. I am happy and proud of that this girl has blossomed frm a shy quiet girl to a hardworking, hit the ground running leader. <3 u Nat and keep up the amazing work!

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Name:KSI GreenDayFox./ ELYSIUM / DR 
Link to Forums Account: 16245-ksi-greendayfox/
Award-/-Achievement: Outstanding Service/ Member Assistance 
Reason-/-Evidence  She awsome as a KSI member and as a gamer shes one of those people you want to take out for a drink but you hear her speak and you listen with no interruption. Greenday has busted her butt in helping her squad Elysium, She knows a lot more than a lot of people and she will do wat it takes to get the outcome thats is justified and needed. WOOOOOOO GREENDAY

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I will witness for her outstanding service this girl absolutely works hard I have talked to her quite a few times and seen her handle certain situations with absolutely perfection.

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