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KSI Darth Vad3r Duo Award nomination (Awarded)

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Name: (KSI Darth Vad3r-/-Overload-/-TW)
Link to Forums Account:http://www.ksiforums.org/user/15242-ksi-darth-vad3r/
Award-/-Achievement: Outstanding Service  lvl 1, Member Assistance,
Reason-/-Evidence: Every since i met Vader and saw him come into Killjoy he has done great work, he is always online talking with memeber and hanging out with them answer any and all question that have for him and even goes out his way to make everyone happy in his squad and does the best to make sure the squad is running smooth and great, he his always trying to find aways to better himself for his squad and himself, Darth vader is a very depending person and goes out his way to get the job done.

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I witness for the Outstanding Service -Lvl 1- to the following member. I know when I first met this member, he knows how to have fun but really takes work seriously. The things he tells me he does, is going to do, and wants to do sometime down the line is truly astonishing that sometimes I feel like I don't enough myself. Sometimes I wonder what it would be like if he were in a higher position than he is now but just seeing him now is more than enough for me to give him two big thumbs up. Also, though I'm not his divisional higher ups, he comes to me now and again for advice how to go about handling situations good and bad. I don't mind it one bit because those that ask for ways to improve and move forward are already headed in the right direction. It's like that saying where the student that is not afraid to ask questions during class because s/he is eager to learn, will do well. These eyes of mine don't deceive me and I see that this member has been doing exceptionally well

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Charm will be a second witness for Vader on the forums! This is one of the most helpful people I met when I first joined KSI. Always there to answer questions for me and to help me through the previous Killjoy "Jerry Springer" episodes. He also introduced me to so many prominent players in our division! Me and this guy have KiK'd multiple times and its an honor to call him a friend. Big Love to you Vader, and you always have a brother in Charm!!!!!!!!



P.S, Come at my Riot bro ;)

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I can witness both of these awards for Darth Vad3r. I remember the day he joined, He was extremely eager to learn everything he could and quickly moved up the ranks. I also mentored him and helped him achieve quickly. I've seen this member showing phenomenal work since day one. During the falling of our general and our squad split, Darth was right by my side and helped me bring KILLJOY back to its former glory. Darth is an example of a good loyal KSI member. If anything is going on that shouldn't be, Darth immediately shuts it down and makes sure the problem is resolved. He's constantly playing with new and old members and making sure everyone experiences the warm KSI family feeling :) Way to go Darth!

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I can witness to OS Lvl1 when in Killjoy he tried to keep problems in check for a drama free squad he is also good at communicating with other members and talking to them out of his will he went into a diffrent squad from hishome squad to help the division and the squad itself to keep on running since in TW it has been such a historical squad now the squad is running more successful then it was before him joining cause of its downfall overall his a great achiever, very level minded and a outstanding officer and i am very glad his in KSI and TW and i am more then honoured and haopy to have him in my created squad as a officer hooe to see alot from this guy and i know his going to go to places in TW :)

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I can witness for both these awards. Darth Vad3r is a wonderful role model to anyone who is looking to become a leader. When I was in TW he was definitely someone I asked many questions to help me succeed in KSI. He knows his job as a captain very well. Darth knows when to be serious when time needed, but can also be a really funny guy... RUFF RUFF.. Darth is someone we can all say will become a more important person later on. He doesn't just stay in his squad and division to help people. Many people know him from different divisions.  He steps up his game in solving problems and knows how quickly extinguish fires quickly. He will continue on and hopefully remember me when he gets up there [; Darth you deserve this award and continue to help other ranking memebers!! You're a wonderful Captain -- KEEP UP THE GREAT WORK! 

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I will witness for darth, I remember when I first met this member he was so enthusiastic and eager to help out his recruits by bringing them around to meet some higher ranking officers. He would ask me questions to help him out with the members in his squad, always has a good attitude. He has hosted some good workshops and I am glad I could attended one to see for myself the hard work and effort he puts into KSI. This guy has grinded it out in a daily basis.You are doing excellent work man keep it up

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I witness for Darth. Darth is a very good friend in KSI. You can talk to him about anything & he is a very hard worker. He helps everyone be a better member & friend. I'm glad he's in Overkoad because he makes a better squad.

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I witness for Darthvad3r! Darth is the reason I have KSI in my name he mentored me and then paid for my name change. I would not be the 1st ltIi am with out him behind me helping me along the way. He has taught me many things including how to stand up for my self and show the other officers I know what im doing. Even through hard times darth is here for us and always here for KSI. Love you Darth!

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I will witness for Darth. I have seen him be an active members in the squads that he has been in. He is always working to help any members that comes to him. He lets anyone know if they are not doing what they are supposed to do. He is doing a good job, and is passionate about his members. He holds workshops for members that have been here for a while, and for members that have brand new to the community. He is deserving of this award.

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