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KSI Iron Multi Award Nomination (Awarded)

KSI Heero 7

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Name: (KSI Iron-/-Recoil-/-TW)
Link to Forums Account:http://www.ksiforums.org/user/18127-ksi-iron/
Award-/-Achievement: Outstanding Service level 1, Trainer, Member Assistance 
Reason-/-Evidence: What is there i can say about Iron is that since he become a member here in Tw he is done great work and went above anything i ever thought i new member would go, but he has done it and much more, from Helping everyone that has come to him and going out his way to show member how to recruit and train, and answer any question any one has for him, Right now Iron has 38 train's, and he is training new member everyday and making sure everyone in his squad is happy and other squad are happy, So iron has really gone about the Call of duty to help member out and to learn everything he can to make him a better leader.

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I can witness for this every time I get online he invites me to his game nights even though I am not in TW anymore. He treats everyone with respect and kindness his a really good guy and from my view point he will make it far within KSI. His always on top of everything recoil or TW wouldn't be the same without Iron. Even when their another squad within his division that isn't doing too well he always goes the extra steps and tries to help and he is a well liked member he definitely deserves this award OS lv1 his a outstanding officer.


Member assist he assisted me a few times when I was in a party with him and at his game nights.

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I would love to witness this award. Ever since I met iron he has always worked hard getting recruits and trains even when they were not needed. He is defenatly working harder then anyone one else in the squad because they had to stop him from recruiting because he was recruiting to much. Almost everyday I would have a new member message from him. He is always willing to help me on questions I have to. He is defenatly dedicated to His officer position and deserves all of these awards.

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i witness this award KSI Iron recruited me and from day one has done everything in his power to make mine and all others he incounters experiance as pleasent as possible i dont think i would be where i am in KSI today without his guidance.


member assistance- ive seen Iron after multiple gamenights take the time to help various members  with any and all issues they had i truly believe Recoil would be differant without his assistance or presence

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If anyone deserves these awards it's iron e has put in more hours in recruiting and training new members. Iron hadent been in Ksi very long at all and has way more recruits and trains then most of the generals. Now iron dosent jut train these recruits and leave them he works with them trying to get them to change there names and is always in game nights with them. I'm in a halo 4 squad and iron taught me how to play cod so I could meet new members in other squads and divisions. In his game nights he makes sure to inform all members of the rules and tells hem he will not tolerate any rude or disrespectful behavior he also informs them of any of the black listed or dangerous members that have been announced lately. I really can't express how much fun his game nights are but if you haven't been in one you really should add him and go! Iron deserves this!

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I have witnessed KSI Iron when he has been training. In doing so he makes sure to cover all the bases required in both recruiting and training while managing to keep moal up and the experience as fun and enjoyable as possible. On top of all this Iron has done everything in his power to help out other members with problems, concerns, questions, as well as hosting many game nights to help all members and recruits feel welcome and connected.

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I have witness him train and like its been pointed out, he does go above and beyond anyone I have ever seen.He stays on and helps  members as long as needed.His game nights are insane.Drop on in if you haven't been to one,plus he stays till everyone is done and doesn't bail in the middle of it.He is possibly one of the best COD players I have ever meet..and not about his  K/D just his general attuide is always positive.

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I have witness KSI Iron train myself and others like when he trained me to be pvt he said he had others to train after me i liked that he was on task and wants to get his job done that's what matters someone who will get what is needed for his squad

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  • Admin Guy

I would like a few more witnesses for OS. Lv. 1, even possibly one from divisional leadership. Please be descriptive.

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I am here to witness for Irons. Since Irons has come into KSI he has done nothing but excel. I have watched from being a General of another squad to now being the CoFounder over his squad, and I have heard and seen nothing but good things. Iron has introduced so many new members into KSI. He not only introduces new members, but he keeps in contact with those members and makes them feel at home from day one. His game nights are constantly full, and they never seem to end. He does excellent work as an officer, and I feel that he continue to be a good influence to new members and great officer. I can not say enough good things about Irons.

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