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KSI Nico 7 Multiple Award Nomination (4/5 Awarded)

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Name: KSI Nico 7 TW Co-Founder
Link to Forums Account:http://www.ksiforums.org/user/13110-ksinicodollaz-7/
Award-/-Achievement: OS lvl 1 & 2, Trainer, Mentor, Member assistance
Trainer- Nico has around 50 members
Member assistance/Mentor- His a valuable Co-Founder has assisted prob 100s of times and am sure he has alot of members in TW that woukd consider him a Mentor
OS lvl1 &2- I meet Nico whenever he wasnt a member of KSI then he joined and started since day 1 i was his general as he was a recruit he joined Overload TW and he helped me maintain that squad to one of the best squads in TW till his Co-Founder promotion, whenever Nico was an officer he was a do everything type of guy he would ALWAYS go out his way to train someone motivite them or help them become officers my 2nd in command he did a extremely good job at it too i remember on mothers day when he came to a squad meeting drunk he offered all the CPL 800 points to change there gamertags that was a funmy day he never ended up doing it but still the effort is what counts i can honestly say nico ever since day one his been commited to this gaming community in all ways and always putting his heart into it what is valuable from a leader everyone loves him he always tries his best at everything he helped TW in BO2 whenever a situation happened him as acting gen ended up fixing it he jusr has done so much in so many ways you go nico !

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Novo is amazing person and has helped me several times when I have been in a tight spot or been harassed. He calmly but efficiantly handles the situation and resolves it for both sides of the party. Nico has been there for me through a lot of heart break with my family and helped me through it he has always welcomed my questions and helped me pears how to be a better officer. I think nico deserves to get credit where credit is due he is amazing and does amazing work. He is very committed to this community and his position. I will witness for all these wards for him

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Nico is an amazing person and is always looking for a way to help members out, whether the are feeling like they dont belong or dont know what they need to do. Nico is always around members helping them out even when he is busy himself. He helped me out multiple times and has helped multiple squads get back on there feet and being active and bringing in new recruits. I couldnt ask for a better Co-Founder. 

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I can witness towards the member assistance and the two OS's. When i was in TW, he was doing awesome work with Overload when he finally got promoted to gen and always helped his members and any member when they had any question. Then, when he was promoted to co-fo, he continued to do great work, whether it would be on the forums or on xbox.

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I can witness for Nico’s trainer award, since this man has trained tons of people. As for outstanding service he has shown time and time again why he became a co founder. He is a great example of what a leader should be, by always being there for not only his squads but all the squads of TW. He will take out his time for anyone no matter who they are to help them with any problem or even just to talk to the members. He looks to brighten the future of TW one day at a time.

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Heck yes I can witness for Nico. I met Nico when he was a General, and he did an awesome job training/recruiting/helping members, finally getting to a Co-Founder. When I met him, I was actually surprised that he wasn't already a 7. He's not only a great Co-Founder, but a wonderful person to go to for advice, whether it's life advice or just KSI situations. Nico is awesome at what he does, making sure his members are in check and also playing with them consistently. This Co-Fo is always around when a member needs assistance, and 99% of the time, he'll have the answer. He's an awesome person to have a conversation with. I can literally talk to him about anything, because he's not one to judge and he knows how to listen and he knows what to say at the right time. He knows when to be professional and when to just be laid back. Nico shows a lot of commitment and leadership towards KSI which is why I look up to him, as he is one of my mentors. He knows how to put feelings aside when making a decision and is very understanding. He's always up for having game nights with my squad and my division, and we've actually had some amazing game nights with more than 30 people in the attendance. He's a cool dude, and deserves these awards for the hard work that he's put in to this community.

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i will witness for both of awards ever since ive known nico he was always that guy to get the job done and right from taking care of his members and making sure there doing what there suppose to do and hes always making sure his squads r doing a great job and making sure there not causing drama or anything like that so thats why i think he deserves this award

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So I pretty much model myself after Nico...He was my General in Overload when I was recruited and If not for his enthusiasm and drive to make us the best squad in TW I might not be where I am in TW and Trocity. He has taken more time out for his squad mates to help them than anyone I know. And he knows when the fun has to stop and get some work done. He is a model TW Leader for sure!

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I can witness as well. I'm with madball, I try to model myself, not only as a general, but as a member of KSI. Nico is always there when you need him, no matter the circumstance, to help with any issue or just as a friend to talk to. He is one of the nicest, most sincere, and most knowledgeable people I have met since being involved with KSI.

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Nico is a great person. He has been a great leader and takes time for Ksi. He is willing to help anyone with anything. He is a great role model for all of us in KSI and TW.

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O.S. Lv. 1 and 2: More witnesses please.


Trainer: Yes.


Mentor: Yes.


Member Assistance: Yes.

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Nico has help a lot of people and got them back up on there feet and looked for a hope when there was none he has helped a lot of people and made sure that they have no problems and got them dealt with and if it can't get solved and he will do anything in his power to help a person out he is a really amazing person and a great 7 I on would be proud to see him to get the award

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I can witness all these awards for Nico. I remember my first week in KSI, I was your typical RCT and was pretty alone. I remember Nico being so kind and always taking the time to invite me and play with me even if he had better things to do. And we weren't even in the same squad. Nico does this constantly. I always see him with new members and is always ready to play and help out with gamenights. Nico is an amazing addition to TW. He constantly is ready to help anyone with any problems they may have and shows kindness towards everyone. If people are upset, Nico always manages to make them smile. Way to go Nico :)

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I witness for Nico. Nico is one of the coolest & chill people that I know in KSI. He's very helpful & motivational too. You can talk to him about anything. He is a very great leader & great member to have in KSI. Dont think KSI would be the same without him. Dude makes sure his members are doing the right thing & that KSI is working at its best.

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I witness for Nico as well. He's always been a total bro whenever I talk to him. He's done a lot for KSI and especially for Overload and TW as a gen and co-fo. He's also done a great job at helping Overload to get back on its feet. I've always seen him getting things done and setting an example for everyone to follow and I'm grateful to have him as one of our leaders.

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I witness for Nico. Since my debut in KSI Nico had backed me and everyone else that has needed his help. He was a hell of a general in overload and an even better co-fo to this day. Nico has been like the brother I never had and always wanted. I am proud to be an officer in overload with nico at the healm.

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  • Admin Guy

I would like a director to witness on this for Lv. 2 before I am comfortable with this being voted on any further. 

OS Lv. 1: Yes

OS. Lv. 2: Director or higher ranked witness, please.

Trainer: Yes

Mentor: Yes

Member Assistance: Yes 

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I am here to witness for Nico as well. He has been an amazing mentor for me from the beginning. I've known Nico for months and he's always been there when I've needed anything. He has trained me on SO many different things and taught me how to handle many different situations. Any time I've needed help, he has been there. He is there for absolutely anyone, anytime they need help as well. He puts everything he has into making KSI a better, stronger community for everyone. He takes pride in everything he does and has such a passion for each squad. He takes on his job as Co-Fo and also steps in to help rebuild Overload to make sure it is successful. I can't think of anyone more deserving of these awards than Nico. He is a shining example of what a KSI member and officer is supposed to look like and a role model for everyone around him.

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  On 10/21/2013 at 6:14 PM, KSI CheddarBob7 said:

OS Lv. 1: Yes

OS Lv. 2: Director or higher to witness

Trainer: Yes

Mentor: Yes

Member Assistance: Yes

^ agreed

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  • Admin Guy
  On 10/21/2013 at 6:14 PM, KSI CheddarBob7 said:

OS Lv. 1: Yes

OS Lv. 2: Director or higher to witness

Trainer: Yes

Mentor: Yes

Member Assistance: Yes

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