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KSI Flow 7 for Drama Queen Award. (Awarded)

KSI Flow 7

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Name: (KSI Killaflow 7-/-Crysis-/-Wicked Intent

Link to Forums Account:http://www.ksiforums.org/user/9549-ksi-flow-7/

Award-/-Achievement: (Drama Queen Award)

Reason-/-Evidence: Well honestly i have reputation in KSI in negative and positive ways and this should be an award i get with no hesitation ive been around Co-Founder in TW, General in LS and Sargent in WI xD and over my time there were a couple of things going around and some drama started because of me Oppsy :D there are many strories i have in store about drama caused and fixed. Flow for Drama Queen xD

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this guy does have a reputation for causing drama when there was a time when he cause a big time drama when it resulted in me him and someone else almost getting kicked out of TW

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I witness KSI Killaflow 7 for this award, if there's one thing mtv taught us it's that drama is some what entertaining. The drama flow brings spices up the gaming community and atmosphere, without it we really wouldn't have any other things to talk about outside of the match or game we're playing. he's not all drama though with 120 recruits somebody must like him haha, in my opinion he's totally deserving of this award

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WOW, only a drama queen would want this award.

I can absolutely Witness for this award.

Past experiences, rumors, etc.

This guy causes drama where ever he goes.

Sometimes BAD, but MOSTLY GREAT drama.

KSI wouldn't be as entertaining and fun without a little dama and KSI Flow 7 AKA KSI KillaFlow 7 has a perfect balance of positive and negative drama.

Anyone that has Met or Heard about Flow knows he has brought some interesting drama to everyones lives.

I can personally say from our past experience with this guy--- has been full of surprising drama. 

everything whether being bad or good.. i do not regret any second of it. 

meeting flow.. sticking it through thick and thin i will never forget.

thanks Flow. & you absolutely deserve this award.

you are a drama queen [:


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What is there i can say about Flow, well i will start for the start of his time here in Tw, from the first couple week of flow coming into Tw, i hard rumors and thing about how flow did things and like to run things and go behind the rules sometimes, and i wasnt even in his squad, after flow become gen of overload, it got bad sometimes with how he talk down to guys and make them feel bad, and didnt want to listen to the 7 alot, and went against them and cause alot of drama with his squad and other ones. then when flow became a 7 it got a little worst, he really made member unhappy around him and cause alot of fight we had back when he was running here in Tw, flow has alot of great things go for him, but there things that flow has done wrong and has hurt his career.

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KSI Flow should've been haven this award when he was recruited this man is always cause drama but it's not in any way to offend or harass he just likes seeing people cry LOL. But honestly Flow does have a tendency to be a drama queen so this award should defenitely go to mr Carlos

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I can witness towards this award when i was in Recoil TW. Whenever there is something going on, he would most likely be the source of it. Always causing something in a party or in a lobby.

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Oh well I've know Killaflow basically my whole KSI career and he is notorious from being a drama queen here in TW. If here's any gossip, Killaflow knew it all. He made killjoy a more enjoyable experience from everyone here in TW, even if he had to create and contribute to some drama :P

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I witness to this award, killa flow has been the talk of KSI since I joined, I always remember him speaking his mind and getting higher ups upset, and just sparking conversations that made us laugh. But every div he has been there is drama I wonder why. But no matter what I always respect him and I understand why he is such a good leader in KSI

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